Workforce, training and education
East of England



There are two parts to the ARCP – evidence for the Responsible Officer (the Dean in your case) to put to the GMC to allow revalidation, and evidence to me the TPD and the Deanery (who pay most of your salary and study leave expenses) that you are progressing in the programme

The ONLY evidence that will be allowed is that uploaded on the ISCP

The majority of ARCPs will occur in abstentia however a small number of trainees will be invited to attend the panel virtually. If this is the case please conduct yourself in a business-like manner and try to find a quiet space with reliable internet connection.

The panel will assess the online evidence inform you of their decision. You will not be allowed to argue the outcome given but may appeal after the process if you disagree.

You will receive critical appraisal of your portfolio and guidance on what you need to do to maximise your potential for application for ST3.

It is vital that the TPD is informed of any extenuating circumstances before the day (family bereavements, illness, divorce, significant training issue etc.)


What Outcomes Could I Get?

Outcome 1 – you are achieving at an appropriate level, and all your paperwork, FormR, Learning agreement & AES report, MSF, WPBAs, logbook, audit

Outcome 5- there is not enough evidence on you online portfolio, not enough WBAs, MSF not finished, logbook incomplete. This is uncommon and you will have 5 days to complete the evidence required.

You will have 5 days to fix otherwise you will get an outcome 2/3

Outcome 2 – lack of evidence of adequate progress in Portfolio but additional training time NOT proscribed

Outcome 3 – competencies not achieved, additional training time required. This is usually predicted and discussed with the trainee prior to the ARCP.


Outcome 6 – CT2s who have completed all of their core competencies and are completing their core training


Outcome 4 – released from training scheme with or without competencies (this is very rare)


Trainees on outcome 2 and 3 will have an interim review approximately 6 months later.


What If I Can’t Attend?

You need to make every effort to be available if you are invited to attend your panel. This is a serious process.


What Evidence Is Required?

The ARCP administrator will send you an ARCP checklist and a Form R ( evidence towards revalidation) to complete. There is also a link on the HEEoE website for the ARCP checklist. You need to make sure you return the Form R SIGNED either before the day or bring on the day. You should also upload your completed ARCP checklist and signed Form R under “Other evidence” on ISCP. Electronic signatures are not allowed but you can sign, scan and send. It is an automatic 5 if no Form R.

Look on the Portfolio Tab on ISCP:

  • Upload current CV
  • Sufficient WBAs to convince the ARCP panel that you are engaging well with training and are progressing
  • Objective setting, midpoint and final learning agreements for each placement *
  • Midpoint and final MCRs for each placement*

  • Final trainee self-assessment for each placement
  • A completed MSF that has been signed off by your AES
  • An assessed audit
  • A fully completed Evidence section documenting training days attended, attempts at exam (please put PASS by them if gained and upload certificate) , publications, presentations and courses attended. If you attended any of ATLS or BSS prior to CST please document this.
  • Assessment of teaching
  • Logbook – please ask your AES to check you have ticked the appropriate box on elogbook so it is visible. Only operations in the training period will accepted.

The ARCP panels and I have to look at up to 100 online portfolios so we need you to upload all your evidence (including validation for WPBAs) at least 2 weeks in advance.


  • *For ARCPs occurring before 1st June 2024 we strongly advise you complete final MCRs and LAs. These are  mandated for CT2s who wish to CCT on this occasion.
  • If you have encountered challenges in completing your LAs and MCRs contact your TPD early to inform them of the situation and complete the reflective statement from available on the HEEoE website.


What about the Exam?

It is vital that you get to the point where you have attempted part B by the end of 23 months, otherwise if there are no extenuating circumstances you will be released from core surgical training. (JCST March 2014)

You should aim to have passed Part A by the end of your CT1 year. You are only allowed an extra six months of training within the Gold Guide rules in which to get Part B exam (which means you have to have Part A by the end of your CT1 year to do the October Part B sitting).

If you gain MRCS B outside the programme  you need to provide a special application form to apply for ST3 with support from Dean, Head of School and TPD) and after completion of SpR /ST training will be awarded a CESR (CP) NTN and not a CCT NTN.

If you fail any part of the MRCS it is essential that you self-refer  to the PSW who can help with exam technique, anxiety relieving techniques and check you are not a high functioning dyslexic. They are also helpful sorting out extenuating circumstances and give us a lot more leeway to allow extra training time. It is also important to know if you have had more than 14 days off sick.


What about other parts of the ARCP?


  • You MUST complete your form R accurately and submit it in good time.
  • All time away from programme due to sick leave, industrial action, compassionate leave etc must be documented.


Your training is based on the accumulation of competencies. Your ARCP outcome will reflect your progress towards attaining these competencies. Occasionally, trainees’ progress may be impaired by periods of time away from training and their ARCP outcome will reflect the situation in a supportive manner, regardless of the cause of absence.


  • If you undertake any work outside of your training post in which your status as a doctor is involved (eg: locum, research, promotional, private sector, cosmetic) you must complete the additional roles form.


Claire Edwards CST TPD