NHS England Workforce Training and Education Quality Assurance Framework
This multi-professional framework enables us to support our system partners and education and placement providers by delivering a whole workforce quality perspective. This approach also provides a platform to respond to concerns about education and training quality from across the system, and enable the identification, sharing and adoption of good practice across the health and care system.
The framework sets out standards for education and training underpinning the 6 Quality Framework domains. Organisations are encouraged to benchmark themselves (formally or informally) against these domains through a process of self-assessment, ensuring that robust processes are in place to supervise and support learner and educator development, and providing a high quality educational learning environment for all learners.
The Framework represents a risk-based approach to quality, including the ability to escalate to your local Education Quality Team for advice and support. The framework allows a proportionate response to risk, with low risk dealt with at a local level and high risk managed through an expert panel approach.
Intensive Support Framework
- The Intensive Support Framework (ISF) was developed by a subgroup of the National Quality Scrutiny Forum. It is a transparent and unambiguous framework against which placement providers can be categorised and supported to improve as necessary. The ISF aligns to the NHS England Workforce Training and Education Quality framework and has a key principle of being supportive rather than punitive, but NHS England will suspend training if required.
- Once issues have been identified via the NHS England Quality Framework, the ISF is a vehicle for delivering improvements.
- This is an iterative process, with providers able to demonstrate improvement or deterioration through the ISF categories, based on triangulation of evidence through the Quality framework processes.
- Improvement support will be offered in direct correlation with the category of concern
The Quality Framework was refreshed towards the end of 2021.
Benefits of the NHS England Quality Framework for Trusts
- Assurance – to Trust board, NHS England Workforce Training and Education and Other regulators
- Self-Assessment – ability to identify areas of good practice and areas for improvement
- Values – allows the organisation to demonstrate the value placed on quality in education and training, and therefore a value on developing a sustainable workforce
- Partnership Working – with HEIs, regulators, commissioners, other ALBs and other providers
- Benchmarking – consistent quality standards across all education and training providers