General Practice ST1 |
East of England
From August 2021, the majority of our training programmes moved to including 1 year in speciality posts and 2 years in a variety of GP and community posts. We are excited to have made this transition and are continuing the work to implement these changes on a long-term basis. The future is bright for GP training in the East of England and we look forward to welcoming all our new trainee colleagues in August 2023/2024.
UPDATE - To balance local capacity needs the majority of recruits to the Bedford, Norwich, Great Yarmouth and Kings Lynn Training Programme in August 2024 will undertake 18 months in speciality posts and 18 months in community posts. This may need to be expanded to other programmes subject to circumstances at the time.
Here in the East of England we pride ourselves on the high quality of training that we offer to individual trainees who want to become GPs. This region of England has all the advantages of city and rural life; it contrasts areas of great social need and affluence. We have training practices in all these areas offering a variety of practice styles.
There is over 300 miles of coastline running from the Thames estuary to the Wash with some famous coastal resorts and ports along its length. The region is steeped in history and has been the seat of many of the British revolutionary thinkers and activists from Boadicea to the present day. None of our cities are large and all are surrounded by wonderful countryside, we even have some hills in our southwest corner. The transport links to London and the North are good with access to two international airports.
In the East of England we believe individual people are important; we try to ensure your learning journey from trainee to GP is a great experience. We combine innovation with consistently high standards for the delivery of education. We are sure that you will feel at home on one of the many Programmes that we have to offer. Out ultimate aim is to persuade you to stay and join our GP community.
In addition to your 3 years to General Practice training we offer exciting opportunities to enhance your training and future career. Global Health Fellowships are challenging and rewarding and include a 12 months OOPE to work in a hospital in rural South Africa. Guaranteed release from your hospital and/or practice to attend annual camps for those in the Army Reserve and Academic Clinical Fellow posts linked to the prestigious Cambridge University Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust.
Make sure you make us your first choice
At the time of application, you will be asked to indicate your preferences from all GP Training Programmes available in the UK, in rank order. Please only preference the Programmes that you would be prepared to work in, if you preference a post, it is assumed that you are able to accept this, if offered. It is therefore imperative that applicants consider their preference choices before submitting them. In making those decisions, researching regions carefully is recommended.
Applicants are advised to read the regions’ profile pages and access individual region websites for more information about the opportunities available. It is suggested that you research not only the types of programmes offered in each region but also the geography of each region, the main Trusts within the geography, transport links to home and so on.
The East of England covers Bedfordshire, Hertfordshire, Cambridgeshire, Norfolk, Suffolk and Essex with a 5.8m population. We cover bustling towns to rural and seaside locations. GP Practices are not always central to the towns and you may be required to travel to the GP Practices. You will be required, if you do not have a driving licence and car to provide your own transport (at your own expense) for when covering domiciliary care.
Information for applicants from the EU/EEA
The UK has now left the European Union, this means freedom of movement will be affected. However, the NHS will continue to welcome and value staff and trainees from Europe as it does the whole world.
From 30 March 2019 the UK left the European Union. Please seek advice with regard to eligibility and visas where relevant to your personal circumstances.
Please click here for the Training Programmes map within the East of England
Administrative Team
Hilary Chambers - Recruitment Co-ordinator for GP
Applications are made through the National Recruitment website for GP training
Stage 2 Assessment - Multi-Specialty Recruitment Assessment (MSRA)
As it is expected that you will have booked onto the Pearson Vue Test Centre nearest to your home we will not be paying for travel expenses for you to attend the Stage 2 assessment.
MSRA Information can be found on the following link
Please refer to the National Recruitment Office website for the Recruitment Timelines and for information on the Recruitment Process
Ranking Preferences for GP Training within the East of England
Please refer to the programmes (rotations) in the documents below for the Training Programme when you have accepted for your GP Training within the East of England. We are only able to provide ST1 rotations, the Training Programmes will advise of ST2 and ST3 rotations once posts confirmed.
Please be aware that rotations are subject to change.
Please note the deadline given for preferences to be made is TBC.
Health Equity Focused Training in England for GP Applicants (2025-2026)
Health Education England's HEFT rotations, also sometimes known as trailblazer rotations, are designed to give you the knowledge, skills and confidence to work in areas of poverty and with excluded groups. For more information please use the following link
Resigning from Training Programme
You are required to notify Health Education East of England ( or, your employing Trust and your Training Programme Director should you decide to resign from your Training Programme. Please contact your employing Trust regarding notice lengths.
You are also required to notify all of the above if you have accepted a Training Programme but not yet commenced training.
If you are on a Tier 2 Visa and requesting a deferred start date please apply for your Certificate of Sponsorship (CoS) as early as possible once you have accepted the training post. Please note the maximum deferral time allowed is 6 months and this must fit in with your rotations. However, should your visa be issued within the deferral period then your training programme will need to start as soon as possible after your visa has been issued.
Global Health Placement Information
For information on Global Health Fellowships and Out of Programme Experiences please see the following websites: NHSE's Global Health Guidance for Doctors/Trainees Planning to Work Overseas
For more information please click here for Global Health Fellowships Volunteer Programme (GHFVP) information including reflections of previous volunteers and the GHFVP application form.