Workforce, training and education
East of England

At the bottom of the page, please find a copy of the Plastic Surgery curriculum and the JCST checklists.

There is also important information re: Revalidation and ARCPs

Date of next ARCP - Wednesday December  1st 2021


Upcoming Courses:

Alternative communication skills workshops

In conjunction with Miad Healthcare, the PSW are running two alternative communication skills workshops in 2020.

These sessions are open to ALL trainees.


There are only 10 spaces available and places will therefore be offered on a first come first served basis.

Waiting lists have been created and will be visible to those trying to book after the 10 places are filled.


In order to register your interest, please use the following booking forms.


Day 1

3rd February 2020

Challenging Consultations


Day 2:

3rd March 2020

Difficult conversations with colleagues