STEER Collaborative
The STEER (Surgical Trainees in East of England Research) collaborative group is a regional trainee-led research group set up in early 2018. It is led and run by enthusiastic surgical trainees with a passion for collaborative research and strives to achieve the following:
- Co-ordinate and run high quality multi-centre collaborative research projects to ultimately drive changes to optimise patient care
- Establishment a strong research network regionally between local trusts
- Encourage trainee engagement in trainee-led collaborative research
- Promote surgical research in the East of England deanery
- Develop surgical trainee knowledge of research methodology
- Aim to present and publish STEER group projects with authorship of all involved (significant contribution will be recognised at core trainee/ST3 application and now also towards peer reviewed papers required for CCT)
As part of the STEER group framework and essential to any trainee collaborative, consultant supervision and mentorship is key to success. STEER has a general surgical consultant mentor at each local trust within the region to guide and aid trainees at a local level when conducting research associated with the STEER collaborative. STEER also has strong social media presence including Twitter.
To find out more about STEER and current projects or to get involved with collaborative research, please visit the STEER website (