The "Addenbrooke's and Associated" Rotation consist of rotations encompassing Addenbrooke's Hospital itself, the Royal Papworth Hospital, West Suffolk Hospital (Bury St Edmunds), Hinchinbrooke Hospital and the Arthur Rank Hospice.
For IM 1 and 2, it will include approximately 36 rotations. Most trainees will spend at least a year at Addenbrooke's Hospital. Almost all trainees will spend their IM2 year at Addenbrooke's apart from 4 rotations in which trainees will spend the entirety of IM2 at West Suffolk Hospital.
In the past, this has arguably been the most popular place to train in the East of England. Up to 20% of trainees in the rotation are on an academic training programme. PACES completion rates by the end of CT2 have been comfortably above 80% in recent years, comparing to a rate of 50-60% nationally.
Addenbrooke's Hospital achieved a number a green flags on the 2018 GMC survey for its CMT programme and was rated 2nd highest in the region for Overall Satisfaction for CMTs in the same survey. Trainee feedback for the West Suffolk Hospital, Papworth Hospital and Hinchinbrooke has also been uniformly excellent in recent years.
Details of posts and training opportunities in each Trust are available in the side tabs.