Workforce, training and education
East of England
Welcome to East of England Cardiology


Cardiology is a fascinating specialty which is rapidly expanding within the East of England. State of the Art centres for investigation and treatment of patients exist through the region with world-class research across our two universities.

Training Scheme

There are two training schemes spanning 6 counties and 16 hospitals.  To facilitate a better experience for trainees, the training is split across two main sub-regions: the Anglia and Essex rotations. Anglia includes Royal Papworth Hospital as the hub, the other major university teaching hospitals being Addenbrooke’s in Cambridge and the Norfolk and Norwich University Hospital. The Essex Cardiothoracic Centre in Basildon is the hub for the Essex rotation.

Regional Training Days

The SpRs training days scheme has been redesigned offering 8 regional training days, themed around all the cardiac subspecialties, mapping to the most recent cardiology curriculum. These provide a useful opportunity for trainees from around the region to meet, and trainees consistently rate the training days as excellent. In addition, we actively encourage and support our SpRs to attend both the National Training Days, organized through British Cardiac Society twice a year, training days at the Royal Society of Medicine.

The future is bright

It is expected that there will be continued expansion in consultant staff in coming years in allowing good job prospects in the region.

Successful results

The East of England training scheme prepares SpRs very competitively to seek consultant jobs with all the recent SpRs completing the scheme promptly securing substantive consultant jobs both in the NHS and Academia.


'For a career, living somewhere which offers a great lifestyle is clearly very important. The East of England is a great place to live if you enjoy things like the outdoors, history and sport. It is a large region with friendly people wherever you train. Being able to undergo top quality training without sacrificing quality of life is very rewarding.'

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