Workforce, training and education
East of England

Cardiothoracic ARCP

Cardiothoracic ARCPs occur in February and July - each trainee will be invited to attend one each year and the date will be communicated by the deanery

Venue: West Wing Meeting Rooms, Victoria House, Capital Park, Fulbourn, Cambridge, CB21 5XB

Please see the ARCP guidance in the Gold Guide:


ARCP trainee checklist


• Up-to-date CV (uploaded in Summary page on ISCP)


• Up-to-date logbook and consolidation sheet (signed and verified by supervisor)

(uploaded in Portfolio > Other evidence > Miscellaneous on ISCP)

The summary logbook needs to be consolidated:

1. For the previous 12-month period - that is being assessed

2. Overall cumulative consolidated logbook

Please ensure the summary is clear and easy to follow, and includes numbers performed independently, under supervision etc.


• As per learning agreement:

o Work-based assessments (number specified in learning agreement)


o Audit

o Reflection

o AES / CS reports

o Completion of learning agreements for all placements since the last ARCP


• Forms:

o Form R - Required for GMC revalidation purposes

o Complete the Educational Activity Summary and upload to ISCP (one per placement - signed by supervisor)

(uploaded in Portfolio > Other evidence > Miscellaneous on ISCP)


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