Regional Teaching
This page gives details of regional training available to core and higher trainees in the East of England.
Please click on the buttons below for details, and relevant documents (such as teaching programme where available) are near the bottom of this page.
Note that the previous venue for training at Block 14, Ida Darwin, is being phased out so keep an eye out for the new locations !
For more specific (non-recurring) trainee opportunities, please see the separate page here
Core Training - Clinical Skills in Psychiatry Training
Clinical Skills in Psychiatry Training sessions are for CTs and SAS Doctors in HEEoE. They focus on the common clinical scenarios encountered in Psychiatry, General Practice and other clinical specialties. These sessions should particularly be attended throughout core training.
Note that these sessions are face to face
04/06/2024 |
30/07/2024 |
03/09/2024 |
05/05/2024 |
03/12/2024 |
Time: 0900 - 1630
Venue: Bevan Room, Victoria House, Capital Park, Fulbourn, Cambridge CB21 5XB
For more information or to show your interest in attending these sessions, please contact Dr Albert Michael -
The CPFT Core Psychiatry Training Course is a new programme that will run over 2 years, starting from 20 Feb 2024 onwards, for core trainees working across Cambridge, Huntingdon, The Fens or Peterborough. Each year has 3 terms composed of 8 weeks each. The teaching will be run in person for the whole day on Tuesdays at Victoria House in Fulbourn. The aim is to address the range of topics in the curriculum and also help produce better psychiatrists and professionals. It will be comprised of a mixture of lectures and tutorials, peer and near-peer teaching, journal club and case presentations, on-call supervision sessions, communications skills training and some clinical skills training facilitated by consultant and higher trainees with the opportunity for AOTs. There will also be some lived experience sessions.
For more information, you can contact:-
• Dr Sepehr Hafizi (CPFT Core Psychiatry Training Course Lead) -
• Ms Laura Curtis (Medical Education Co-ordinator) -
Most trusts run their own individual courses to guide their trainees during their core training and to help them prepare for the MRCPsych examinations. These are often open to the core trainees in their own trusts and some are extended to trainee in their neighbouring trust. For more details, you can contact the relevant Medical Education Admin teams:
ELFT and Bedfordshire & Luton:
Essex North & South :

Dates for the Diary
Weds 20th Nov 2024 - Virtual MS Teams to start at 13.15 - “Generative AI in Medical Education” – Dr Amit Chougule
Tues 21st Jan 2025 - Virtual MS Teams to start at 10am - 12.30
1. 'Patient safety – the new NHS patient safety incident response framework' – Drs Fiona Thompson & Rebecca Jacob
2. 'Diaspora Group of the Royal College of Psychiatrists' - Dr Ebithaj Serebel
Weds 19th Mar 2025 (Joint with CAMHS): Virtual MS Teams to start at 9am - 3pm
Dr Terhi Stockley: ‘Brain development and how developmental trauma presents in children and young people’
Dr Àlex Sales: ‘Adolescent mental health admissions and developmental trauma, a neglected relationship?’
Dr Hadi Shaker-Naeeni: ‘Trauma’
Tues 20th May 2025: Virtual: Trainee Led Session: Dr Anushree Krishnan “Psychiatric Illness Across the Menstrual Cycle”
Weds 16th July 2025: Mode of delivery TBC: Theme is 'International Psychiatry'

CAMHS teaching sessions are usually held weekly in the Brookside Family Consultation Clinic, Cambridge. Currently due to Covid-19 restrictions, we have been holding this virtually. If you are interested in attending a session, please contact Dee Robinson ( for more information. Please visit for more details. The schedule of the current term is attached here.
The regional training programme for learning disability higher trainees takes place at various sites across the Trusts in the region. It has a separate page with further information about the higher training scheme here: