Workforce, training and education
East of England
EoE SuppoRTT
Contact Information and FAQ's


Contact Information 

NHSE EoE SuppoRTT Leads: Dr Francesca Crawley (Associate Dean)

EoE SuppoRTT Project Officer: Abigail Boyd 

Please direct all SuppoRTT enquires and any SuppoRTT documentation to the mailbox: 

Frequently Asked Questions

SuppoRTT Plan

In order for Postgraduate Doctors, Dentists and Pharmacists to document any plans to stay up to date with training whilst away from practice and also identify any anticipated support required upon their return, trainees are required to complete an individualised SuppoRTT plan and participate in structured planning and review meetings when leaving and returning to training with their Training Programme Director (TPD)/College Tutor. 

A  fully electronic SuppoRTT plan can be downloaded from the bottom of this page. You will not be able to open the form directly from the website, please right click over the file and 'save link as', save the document locally on your PC to a folder/desktop and then open directly from your PC. 

A full overview of the SuppoRTT planning and review process, including timeframes can be found here: SuppoRTT process flowchart

When to complete the plan

  • Pre-absence form (part 1) - Postgraduate Doctors, Dentists and Pharmacists are required to complete the 'pre-absence' section of the plan at least three months prior to the anticipated leave date. The only exception to this is for trainees going on OOPR, who will need to complete the leavers section of the form earlier. 
  • Initial return form (part 2) - The 'initial return' section of the plan should be completed three months prior to your anticipated return date. 
  • Reviewing your return to training (part 3) - The 'returners review' section of the form should be completed 2 weeks after your return to work.

Please be aware that if you are returning to training, but have not completed Part 1 of the SuppoRTT Plan, you can still engage in the SuppoRTT planning process and complete the plan. You will need to pick up the process from Part 2 (Pre-return). You’ll need to complete your personal details and the detail of your OOP on Part 1 of the plan, up to the questions ‘reason for time out of training’. Once this is complete, you can move onto the second part of the Plan (Pre-return). 

Please tick the relevant checkbox at the bottom of the form to open each new section. 

If you are out of your training programme and did not complete the Pre-absece stage of the SuppoRTT plan process, you can still engage with SuppoRTT. Please complete the Pre-absence part of the plan up to 'reason for time out of training' and them move onto the Pre-return stage. It is recommended that you start this process as soon as possible.

Postgraduate Doctors, Dentists and Pharmacists must upload their SuppoRTT plan to their ePortfolio and email it to  once each part is completed. Once received by NHSE EoE the SuppoRTT plan will be shared with the relevant parties including Training Programme Directors, College Tutors, HR/Medical Staffing Departments, Finance Officers and internal NHSE teams.

How to download the form 

The SuppoRTT plan form can be downloaded from the bottom of this page and are incorporated into one form. You will need to right click over the document and 'save/download link as', then save the document to a local folder on your PC or desktop and open it form there. You will not be able to open the form directly from the website.

Pre-existing local courses

A number of spaces on pre-existing specialty specific training courses and teaching days have been ring-fenced by Training Programme Directors (TPDs) and Heads of School (HoS). These spaces have been specifically reserved in order for trainees currently away from clinical practice to attend. A full list of accessible regional courses and teaching can be found here: Local courses 

Trainees wishing to attend any of these courses should express interest with their TPD and reserve a space in good time. Booking instructions provided on the SuppoRTT events calendar must be followed in order to confirm any course reservations.

SuppoRTT courses, events and webinars

A number of SuppoRTT specific courses, events, webinars and podcasts have been developed and organised across the region. Information on these can be found by clicking here.

SuppoRTT funding available

Bespoke Training

Attendance at regionally run and funded courses should be the preferred method when looking to re-developing competence and confidence. If there are no suitable regional courses available, funding may be available for returners requiring further development of a specific skill set to attend external courses.

Courses can be attended three months prior to and three months after the official return date, any courses attended after this three month period will need to be applied for under the study leave policy and process. Please be reminded that trainees may still access Study Leave during parentlal leave. 

Attendance at an external course will need to be discussed and agreed with the trainee's TPD/College Tutor and documented in the Pre-Return section of the SuppoRTT plan form. A SuppoRTT funding request form will then be completed by the trainee in advance of the agreed external course, approved by their TPD, and submitted to NHSE EoE for final approval.

If approved by NHSE EoE, the cost of the course and any reasonable standard travel expenses incurred will be reimbursed to the trainee via the employing Trust's or Lead Employer's usual expenses process. Your employer will reimburse your expenses in your monthly pay in the usual way.

Childcare costs during KIT/SPLIT days 

For trainees taking parental leave, Keeping in Touch (KIT) days may be used to attend relevant training courses, regional teaching or departmental meetings. Similarly for trainees taking shared parental leave, Shared Parental Leave in Touch (SPLIT) days may be utilised in the same way. A small amount of funding may be made available to reimburse childcare costs incurred whilst attending KIT or SPLIT days, this will need to be applied for and authorised before your Trust can make reimbursement for these costs. 

Application form

The SuppoRTT funding request form can be downloaded from the bottom of this page. You will need to right click over the document and 'save link as', then save the document to a local folder on your PC or desktop and open it form there. You will not be able to correctly open and complete the form directly from the website. 

Please note: Postgraduate Doctors, Dentists and Pharmacists must have completed a SuppoRTT plan Initial Return form documenting the courses or events their wish to attend prior to submitting a SuppoRTT funding request form. 


Keeping in Touch (KiT) Days or Shared Parental Leave in Touch (SPLIT) Days

For Postgraduate Doctors, Dentists and Pharmacists taking maternity leave, Keeping in Touch (KIT) days should be used to access anything that will help them get back up to speed when returning to training. This could include shadowing in clinic or theatre, attending any relevant training courses, regional teaching, departmental meetings, accessing mandatory training or anything that will support trainees returning and keep them 'in touch' with the training programme.

Similarly for trainees taking shared parental leave, Shared Parental Leave in Touch (SPLIT) days may be utilised in the same way.

Trainees are strongly encouraged to plan the utilisation of any KIT or SPLIT days with HR at their employing Trust and any plans documented on their SuppoRTT plan form.

The HEE SuppoRTT team does not organise nor pay for KIT days.  These should be discussed with your Supervisor and confirmed with your HR team (or Lead Employer for GP Trainees).  Your HR team will also be able to advise you on pay for your KIT days.  We do not have any further KIT days information - please speak to your local HR team (or Lead Employer for GP's).

Health Education England KiT and SPLIT Day Guidance

Further information is available via employing Trusts and here:

Further information from the BMA can be found here:

NHS Employers Maternity Factsheet: General Maternity Guidance for rotational Junior Doctors in Training

NHS Terms and Conditions of Service Handbook

I am interested in working Less Than Full Time (LTFT), what should I do?

For Postgraduate Doctors, Dentists and Pharmacists considering Less Than Full Time training, the east of England LTFT process should also be followed prior to returning to training.

Please click here for LTFT


I think I may benefit from more intensive support, what can I do?

Please contact the NHSE EoE Professional Support and Wellbeing service (PSW) for further advice. Further information and contact details can be found on our website. 

Please click here to visit the PSW pages of the website. To get in touch with the PSW team, please email

If I am planning OOPR, OOPC or a Global Health Fellowship what else do I need to do?

For Postgraduate Doctors, Dentists and Pharmacists taking time out of programme for research (OOPR), a career break (OOPC) or a Global Health Fellowship as part of OOPE, the East of England OOP process should also be followed.

For Postgraduate Doctors, Dentists and Pharmacists taking OOP the return date will be the date stated on their OOP application form. Please click here for OOP process and application form

Please note that the SuppoRTT and Out of Programme processes are separate and should not be confused.

Occupational maternity, adoption, and shared parental leave and pay

For information regarding occupational maternity, adoption, and shared parental leave and pay, please refer to pages 78 - 94 of the NHS Terms and Conditions of Service Handbook, which can be found on the NHS Employers website

NHS Practitioner Health

Working as a doctor can be very stressful and we often try to hide any ill health which we might experience. Practitioner Health is a free, confidential NHS service for doctors and dentists across England with mental illness and addiction problems, who are working or looking to return to clinical practice. The service can help with issues relating to a mental health concern, including stress or depression or an addiction problem, in particular where these might affect work. The service is provided by health professionals specialising in mental health support to doctors and is available in various locations across England. The webpage is: and the service is accessed via self-referral.

How to download and open the SuppoRTT forms

Please ensure you download and save the document locally on your PC/laptop, then open it as a PDF with Adobe Acrobat or Adobe Reader before completing. The form cannot be opened or completed in a web browser. 



Click Here to access the SuppoRTT Plan

Click Here to access the SuppoRTT Funding Application Form

Step by step guidance on how to set up a digital ID - Digital ID instructions

Electronic form guidance for Mac users - Mac user guidance

Useful Links

MySuppoRTT: A small research team of Postgraduate Doctors, Dentists and Pharmacists have been working on a dedicated website for SuppoRTT which has now been launched. This website provides over 300 resources to support doctors and dentists returning to training, including real-life stories, videos and links to useful pages. To access the website, please click the following link:

HEE National Supported Return to Training Document: Supported Return to Training 

Enhancing Junior Doctors Working Lives: Enhancing Working Lives

HEE fully endorses the principles set out in the Gold GuideGold Guide Version 7

Academy of Medical Royal Colleges (AoMRC) Guidance: Return to Practice Guidance (2017) 

NHS Employers Maternity Factsheet: General Maternity Guidance for rotational Junior Doctors in Training

NHS Terms and Conditions of Service Handbook

BMA Wellbeing Support Services

AoMRC Top Tips on working flexibly 

Breastfeeding - Legal Rights

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