Workforce, training and education
East of England

SI support for doctors, dentists and pharmacists in training

Being a Trainee involved in a serious incident workshop

The PSW holds a face to face event focusing on serious incidents and what to do should you be involved in such an incident. The day touches on the following subjects:

  • What is a serious incident and how is it managed?
  • The Local Team
  • Health & Wellbeing advice following a serious incident
  • The who, what, when and how of the inquest process
  • An exploration of statement writing and questions from the coroner
  • Case studies from trainees who have themselves been involved in serious incidents

Our next event is on Monday 27th November 2023 and is unfortunately fully booked. You can however add yourself to the waiting list which will give you a chance of a space should somebody drop out and will add you to our early bird application system for future events. Please join the waiting list HERE


NHS Resolution - Faculty of Learning

Attending a Coroner’s Court to give evidence can be nerve-racking if this is something you have never done before, or if you have previously had a challenging experience.

This module shares educational content to help prepare staff called to give evidence at an inquest. It’s difficult to provide detailed guidance for all situations or for each profession, but this material has been produced to provide the widest range of support to a broad range of healthcare staff. We recommend you tailor it for your organisation as needed.

There are 4 learning resources available HERE


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