Workforce, training and education
East of England

How to refer to the PSW


The Professional Support and Well-being (PSW) service is a referral based service.

Please see the information below and choose the correct form for your circumstances.

Exam Referral for postgraduate doctors, dentists and pharmacists in training

Please use this referral form where the only reason for your referral is exam related. Self-referrals to the PSW can also be made for all other concerns (See self-referral form below). The PSW always encourages you to have a conversation with at least one educator prior to referring as they can support you more closely, although this is not mandatory.

Link for NHSE EoE PSW Exam Referral 


Self-referral for postgraduate doctors, dentists and pharmacists in training

We recommend that this form should be completed by the trainee. The PSW always encourages you to have a conversation with at least one educator before referring to the PSW where possible. They can support you more closely however, this is not mandatory. we will accept referral forms from the Training Programme Director (TPD) or Educational Supervisor (ES), please see below for details.

Link for NHSE EoE PSW Self-referral form


Educator Referral

Referrals to the the PSW can be made by either the clinical or educational supervisor, Training Programme Director (TPD) or Head of School (HoS).  Input from a senior educator helps us to ensure an appropriate and effective action plan is in place. A referral from an educator can also help to ensure that the trainee is well supported if they are required to attend support sessions outside of the work environment or, should any local support need to be put in place. 

Link to NHSE EoE PSW Educator Referral form


What to expect

Once a referral has been received by the PSW Admin team, the referral will be reviewed in triage within 5 working days. With the exception of an exam support referral, a case manager meeting will be arranged, with the view to be seen in 3 weeks, unless there is a need to be seen sooner.

A follow up meeting will be discussed in the meeting and agreed follow up period will be decided with the case manager.

Following the meeting, any onward referrals will be arranged. A record of the meeting will be shared with you and there will an opportunity to comment. We ask that actions/specific outcomes are shared with the Educational Supervisor and/or Training Programme Director.

For exam support, onward referrals will be decided after receiving an email as long as they meet the criteria; for exam support, a meeting will only be arranged for clarification and will be with the PSW admin team.


PSW Admin Team contact details
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