What is Supported Return to Training (SuppoRTT)?
Welcome to the Supported Return to Training (SuppoRTT) pages for NHS England in the East of England.
SuppoRTT is a national programme designed to improve the experience for all postgraduate doctors and dentists who have been out of training for 3 months or more.
Many postgraduate doctors and dentists take time out of training for a number of reasons which can often vary in duration. This can include; parental leave, OOPs, career breaks, carer's leave and sickness.
NHS England understands that regardless of the reason, returning back into training can be a challenging and stressful time for a postgraduate doctor / dentist. However, you are not on your own; NHS England, your School and your host Trust are here to support and guide you through this process.
Animations on SuppoRTT
Local East of England SuppoRTT Animation |
National SuppoRTT Animation |