Lister Hospital, Stevenage
- Mr Wilkey
- Mr Saetra
- Dr Meredith
- Dr Baker
- Mr Gupta
- Organiser Jan Caspell (Secretary to Mr Gupta and Dr Baker)
- Annual leave allocated on the rota
- Often very difficult to get mini-cex done due to the department being busy. Nights can be quieter but also use the red calls for the mini-cex when often you have someone there supervising you.
- Study leave encouraged for courses such as ALS/ATLS/APLS/ BS Course. At Lister a radiology course is also arranged during the first couple of weeks of the job.
- Juniors often get allocated to majors but the most useful areas for us are minors/streaming and paediatrics so be pro active in being allocated there.
- This post is available in ST1/2