Stevenage STGP Rotations
Typical rotations on the Lister GPST Programme are as follows:
- Emergency Medicine / Rehab in Elderly / GPI / Obstetrics and Gynaecology / Paediatrics / GP
- Emergency Medicine / Elderly Medicine / GPI / Obstetrics and Gynaecology / Cardiology / GP
- Emergency Medicine / Elderly Medicine / GPI / Paediatrics / Respiratory Medicine / GP
- Paediatrics / Endocrinology / GPI / ENT / Psychiatry / GP
All posts 4 months, followed by 12 months GP.
The 4 GP Innovative posts (GPI), which combine experience in GP with other specialties, are as follows:
- GPI 1 (Psychiatry and Palliative Care)
- GPI 2 (CCG, GUM and Palliative Care)
- GPI 3 (Gynaecology, GUM and Family Planning)
- GPI 4 (Community Paediatrics, Rheumatology and GUM)