Annual Review of Competency Progression (ARCP) Advice.
The Postgraduate School of Ophthalmology holds its Annual Review of Competency Progression (ARCP) assessments twice a year, usually in the middle of June and January. As its title suggests, the ARCP is intended to assess a trainee’s progress with regards to learning outcomes, as laid down by the curriculum on the Royal College of Ophthalmology (RCO) website. It is the responsibility of the individual trainee at the start of their training program to enroll onto the RCO Continual Professional Development (CPD) Program and to upload all Workplace Based Assessments (WpBA) onto their e-portfolio. It is advisable that new trainees familiarise themselves with this process, including the task of associating or linking their WpBA, as well as using the online e-logbook and being aware that both parts of Educational Supervisor Report (ESR) B1 and B2 can be uploaded onto their e-portfolio. Trainees should be aware that the Multisource Feedback (MSF) Report is an annual requirement and requires online co-operation from those providing the feedback, as well as interaction with their Educational Supervisors.
The Deanery administrators will invite you to attend an ARCP approximately two months before the actual date.
Key Dates this year are
4th June 2019 : Deadline for completion of portfolio - School of Ophthalmology Faculty will sit on 5th June and assess the portfolios to indicate outcomes
21nd June 2019 : ARCP (face to face) - where the outcome will be given and discussion on personal development of training can be tailored to trainee for following year
- ‘Form R’, which gives the Deanery feedback on your current training post.
- Fully Green Portfolio (WBAs)
- MSF Report (plus reflection on any negative comments)\
- ESR's (1 per 6 months = total 2) - online form
- CSR's (2 per 6 months = total 4)
- e-Logbook
- PEARL score (upload proforma found below) - this is ONLY FOR ACHIEVEMENTS SINCE LAST ARCP
- Trainee Passport (upload and send to TPD Narman Puvanachandra) - THIS IS CUMULATIVE FOR ALL TRAINING
- Reflection on any Incidents, Complaints, negative MSF comments
Further details from HEEoE on ARCP can be found here.