Organiser : Narman Puvanachandra (Training Program Director and Associate Dean)
We run monthly CORE teaching days that all trainees attend across the region. They are split between Norfolk & Norwich University Hospital (NNUH) and Addenbrookes Hospital, Cambridge (ADD)
The basic format is typically interactive talks in the morning and then OSCE based stations in the afternoon to hone clinical examination skills in small groups.
TOP Regional Training Program 2018, & 2019 GMC Survey : 1st out of 17 regions in the UK
Organised by Louise Allen / John Somner
Paediatric Ophthalmology Teaching Day
Venue: Clifford Albutt Lecture Theatre, Addenbrooke’s Hospital
23rd January 2020 Paediatric Ophthalmology Teaching Day
Morning venue: Clifford Albutt Lecture Hall, Addenbrooke’s Hospital
9:30 – 10:00 - The ophthalmologist’s role in non-accidental injury - Louise Allen
10:00 – 11:00 - A presentation of joint paediatric uveitis and rheumatology patients - Mustafiz Rahman and Dr Peter Bale, Consultant Paediatric Rheumatologist
11:00 - 11.30 - Coffee / Tea break
11.30 - 12.30 - The baby that can’t see - Louise Allen
12:30 - 13.30 - Lunch
1330 – 1400 Paediatric Ophthalmology update – Seminar Room 2 Clinical School
14:00 – 15:00 Paediatric ophthalmology round robin in clinic 3 – Round One
Paediatric ophthalmology all-stars – Brinda, Debbie, Nabil, Julie, Jamie, John
- Dynamic retinoscopy and Ratty child tricks
- Amblyopia treatment - Patching – atropine – others – PEDIG and practicalities
- Quick Orthoptics - Assessing vision, binocularity + stereoscopic vision
- Strabismus surgery principles – What would Tony do?
15:00 – 16:00
Paediatric ophthalmology round robin in clinic 3 – Round Two
Paediatric ophthalmology all-stars – Louise, Sarah, Iveta, John
- Refraction in children – Top tips
- Genetic testing in children -how to approach it
- Focimetry and glasses prescription tips
- Fundus photography in children – Retcam / video indirect / smartphone – ROP and NAI
16:00 – 16:30– Paediatric Ophthalmology Quiz and wrap up – Seminar Room 2 Clinical School
Orgnaised by David Spokes
Chris Illingworth |
Norfolk & Norwich University Hospital |
Tom Butler |
James Paget University Hospital & Norfolk & Norwich University Hospital |
Mohammed Seif |
Southend University Hospital |
David Spokes |
Norfolk & Norwich University Hospital |
Anas Injarie |
Norfolk & Norwich University Hospital |
Chrishan Gunasekera |
Norfolk & Norwich University Hospital |
09:00 – 09:15 Registration
09:15 - 10:00 Chris Illingworth: “Less Common but Important Corneal Conditions”
10:00 - 10:45 Tom Butler “Corneal Topography”
10:45 - 11:00 Coffee Break
11:00 - 11:40 Mohammed Seif “Overview of refractive surgery”
11:40-12:20 David Spokes: “Corneal ectasias”
12:20 -13:20 Lunch Sponsored by: VisuFarma
13:30-16:00 Anterior Segment OSCE stations
Station 1. David Spokes
Station 2. Mohammed Seif
Station 3. Tom Butler
Station 4. Chris Illingworth
Station 5. Anas Injarie
Station 6. Chrishan Gunasekera
Organised by Phillip Alexander
Led by Narman Puvanachandra
Organised by Brinda Muthusamy
Organised by Tony Vivian
Organised by Bijan Beigi
Organised by Nuwan Niyapdurupola - Glaucoma Consultant at Norfolk & Norwich University Hospital
We are running a joint study day to include all postgraduate ophthalmology trainees and allied health care professionals with interest in glaucoma
All allied health care professionals with an interest in glaucoma are welcome to register for this meeting
There is also a zoom link for the meeting that will be sent to all postgraduate trainees directly by Narman and also will be available to AHPs as they register above
Format will be morning of talks on Assessment of Glaucoma and the afternoon will be breakout rooms with OSCE style cases
Glaucoma Regional Study Day
‘Glaucoma Assessment’
Friday 25thSeptember
Mr Nuwan Niyadurupola Norfolk and Norwich University Hospital
Mr Tom Eke Norfolk and Norwich University Hospital
Mr Narman Puvanachandra Norfolk and Norwich University Hospital
Mr Avi Prabhu James Paget University Hospital
Dr Shadi Axmann Vision Rive Droite, Geneva
Mr Raj Hanspal West Suffolk Hospital
Mr Hussam Muntasser Liverpool
Mr Ian Tapply Glaucoma Fellow, Addenbrooke’s Hospital
Mr Carl Svasti-Salee Specialty Registrar
Mr Chrishan Gunasekera Specialty Registrar
09.20 Introduction Mr Nuwan Niyadurupola
09.30 Methods of IOP measurement Mr Ian Tapply
10.00 Gonioscopy Mr Nuwan Niyadurupola
10.30 Assessment of visual fields Mr Tom Eke
11.00 Coffee break
11.30 Assessment of optic discs Mr Avi Prabhu
12.00 OCT assessment in glaucoma Dr Shadi Axmann
12.30 Lunch
13.30 Break out rooms (small group exercises) till 3:30pm
Organised Addenbrookes Hospital
Registration and Agenda to follow
Allied Health professionals with an interest in Emergency Ophthalmology are welcome to join all day
Norwich Medical Retina Study Day
20th November 2020
Miss Aseema Misra Consultant Ophthalmologist, NNUH
Mr Andy Glenn Consultant Ophthalmologist, NNUH
Prof Ben Burton Consultant Ophthalmologist, JPUH
Mr Muhammad Raja Consultant Ophthalmologist, JPUH
Mr David Spokes Consultant Ophthalmologist, NNUH
Mr Liam Sullivan Consultant Ophthalmologist, CUH
Mr Evangelos Minos Consultant Ophthalmologist, PCH
Mrs Anna Few Staff Grade, NNUH
Dr Sonja Smith ST7 NNUH
Bob Champion Research and Education Building (BCRE) and Zoom
08.50-09.00 Welcome and Introductions Miss Aseema Misra
09.00-09.45 OCTAngiography (OCTA) for the Comprehensive Ophthalmologist.
Mr Muhammad Raja
09.45-10.30 Managing Ocular Inflammation in Eye Casualty Dr Sonja Smith
10.30-11.00 Coffee Break
11.00-11.45 Age Related Macular Degeneration Prof Ben Burton
11.45-12.15 Discussion / Q&A
12.15-13.30 Lunch
13.00 Welcome and Introductions Mr Andy Glenn
13.00-15.00 OSCE stations on Zoom
Organised by Brinda Muthusamy