Core Training Days 
We run monthly CORE teaching days that all trainees attend across the region. They are split between Norfolk & Norwich University Hospital (NNUH) and Addenbrookes Hospital, Cambridge (ADD)
The basic format is typically interactive talks in the morning and then OSCE based stations in the afternoon to hone clinical examination skills in small groups.
Overall Satisfaction through feedback for 2017 was 9.59/10 and it is an extremely popular and well attended program.
Paediatric Ophthalmology Teaching Day
Tuesday 16th January 2018
Organiser : Louise Allen
Venue: Seminar room 3, level 1, Deakin centre Addenbrooke’s Hospital
8-9 Consultant meeting
9-10 Departmental meeting
10-10.30 Presentation from Omnigen
10.30-11.30 Prof Geoff Woods – Ocular genetics
11.30-12.30 15 minute topics: Miss Allen, Elena Novitskaya
Retinopathy of prematurity
Non-accidental injury
Infantile cataracts
Infantile glaucoma
1.30 to 2.30 Visual Electrophysiology Dr Alki Liasis, Consultant Electrophysiologist GOSH
2.30- 3.00 Short case quiz: Ariane de Lassus, Margarita Papadopoulou
3.00-3.30 Break: tea and coffee
3.30-4.30 Visual and ocular motility assessment in children –theory and practical Mr Nabil Uddin, head orthoptist
Regional Cornea Study Day Norfolk & Norwich
Bob Champion research & Education Building, NNUH
February 23rd 2018
Organiser : David Spokes
Faculty :
David Spokes |
Norfolk & Norwich University Hospital |
Tom Butler |
James Paget University Hospital |
Ramy Bassily |
Ipswich Hospital |
Usman Hussain |
West Suffolk Hospital |
Chris Illingworth |
Norfolk & Norwich University Hospital |
Harry Roberts |
West Suffolk Hospital |
James Myerscough Narman Puvanachandra |
Addenbrookes Hospital Norfolk & Norwich University Hospital |
09:00 – 09:15 Registration and Coffee
09:15-10:00 Tom Butler “Corneal Topography”
10:00-11:00 Ramy Bassily: “Ocular surface inflammation & Immunosuppression strategies”
11:00-11:15 Coffee Break
11:15-12:00 Usman Hussain: “Endothelial dysfunction and treatment strategies”
12:00-12:45 Harry Roberts: “Refractive surgery”
12:45 -13:30 Lunch sponsored by VISUfarma
13:30-16:00 Anterior Segment OSCE stations
1600 Tea and discussions
Vitreoretinal Study Day
Addenbrooke’s Hospital, Cambridge
Organiser : Philip Alexander
Thursday 22nd March 2018
8.00 – 9.00 |
Consultant meeting |
Deakin Centre Room 4 |
9.00 – 10.00 |
Departmental Meeting |
Deakin Centre Room 4 |
10.00 – 10.45 |
Clinical Governance Meeting |
Deakin Centre Room 4 |
10.45 – 11.00 |
Coffee Break |
11.00 – 11.20 |
Posterior Vitreous Detachment |
Becky Davie |
Deakin Centre Room 4 |
11.20 – 11.45 |
Retinal Detachment |
Douglas Newman |
Deakin Centre Room 4 |
11.45 – 12.15 |
Paediatric Retinal Detachment
Martin Snead |
Deakin Centre Room 4 |
12.15 – 13.15 |
Lunch |
13.15 – 13.40 |
Vitreomacular interface disorders |
Thomas Nixon |
Deakin Centre Room 4 |
13.40 – 14.00 |
Complications of cataract surgery |
Philip Alexander |
Deakin Centre Room 4 |
14.15 – 15.30 |
Posterior Vitreous Detachment Type 1 Stickler Type 2 Stickler OCT scans Indirect ophthalmoscopy
5 stations, 5 facilitators
5 StR per station, 15 min each
Clinic 14 |
15.30 – 16.00 |
Tea Break |
16.00 – 16.30 |
Feedback and closing session |
Clinic 14 |
Surgical Management of Glaucoma Regional Study Day
13th April 2018 Norfolk & Norwich University Hospital
Organiser : Mr Nuwan Niyadurupola
Mr Nuwan Niyadurupola BSc(Hons) BM MD FRCOphth Consultant Ophthalmologist
Prof David Broadway MB BS BSc(Hons) MD FRCOphth Consultant Ophthalmologist
Mr Tom Eke MA MD FRCOphth Consultant Ophthalmologist
Mr Raj Hanspal BSc(Hons) MBChB MA FRCOphth Consultant Ophthalmologist
Mr Avinash Prabhu MS FRCSGlasg(Ophth) MRCSEd(Ophth) Consultant Ophthalmologist
09.00-09.20 Registration
09.20-10.00 Trabeculectomy – technique and results Prof David Broadway
10.00-10.40 Trabeculectomy – post op management Mr Tom Eke
10.40-11.00 Coffee Break
11.00-11.40 Tube surgery Mr Nuwan Niyadurupola
11.40-12.20 MIGS Mr Raj Hanspal
12.20-13.00 Laser procedures Mr Avinash Prabhu
13.00-14.00 Lunch Break
14.00-15.15 OSCE stations in Eye Clinic
15.15-16.30 Tea and Case discussions
Organiser : Anthony Vivian
Trainees (ST4 and above) please submit your Titles to Mr.Vivian. More juniors trainees are also welcome to submit.
further details can be got from Amanda Fuller
Organisers : Kimia Ziahosseini & Narman Puvanachandra (contact) at NNUH
East of England Norwich Oculoplastic Day Study Day
6th July 2018
Location : Bob Champion Research & Education Building
Miss Kimia Ziahosseini Consultant Oculoplastic Surgeon
Dr Jan Saada Consultant Radiologist
Miss Farriha Shafi Consultant Oculoplastic Surgeon
Mrs Bridget Hemmant Consultant Oculoplastic Surgeon
Mr Chandra Rai Associate Specialist
Mr Jeet Sandhu ST6
Mr.Narman Puvanachandra (facilitator) Training Program Director
09.00-09.20 Registration
09.20-10.00 Radiology of the orbit Dr Saada
10.00-10.40 Approach to watery eye Miss Shafi
10.40-11.00 Coffee Break
11.00-11.40 A variety of eyelid lesions Mr Sandhu
11.40-12.20 Facial palsy Miss Ziahosseini
12.20-13.30 Lunch Sponsored by Natasha- Allergan
13.30-14.00 Short talks on common oculoplastics procedures
Suture tarsorrhaphy and permanent tasrorrhaphy Miss Ziahosseini
Wedge excision and repair Miss Shafi
Lateral tarsal Strip Mrs Hemmant
Everting sutures Mr Rai
14.00-15.45 Wet lab
15.45-16.30 Tea and discussions
Organiser : Narman Puvanachandra
East of England Norwich Oculomotility Study Day
14th Sept 2018
Mr Narman Puvanachandra Consultant Ophthalmic Surgeon
Mr Tony Vivian Consultant Ophthalmic Surgeon
Mr Vasileios Kostakis Consultant Ophthalmic Surgeon
Ms Fiona Grady Head Orthoptist
Ms Elena Novitskaya ST7
Ms Jenny Holliman Deputy Head Orthoptist
09.00-09.20 Registration
09.20-10.00 Oculomotility Algorithm & Pattern Recognition Narman Puvanachandra
10.00-10.40 Horizontal Strabismus Tony Vivian
10.40-11.00 Coffee Break (in Bob Champion Building)
11.00-11.40 Vertical Strabismus Vasileios Kostakis
11.40-12.20 Orthoptic Assessment & Tests Fiona Grady
12.20-13:00 Picture Quiz Elena Novitskaya
13.00-14.00 Lunch (in Bob Champion building) Sponsored by Farmigea (Anthony John)
14.00-15.30 OSCE stations in Eye Clinic
15.30-16.30 Tea and Case discussions / Feedback
16:30 FInish
15th October 2018
10.00 – 10.45 |
Lymphoma for the non-oncologist |
Daniel Hodgson, consultant oncologist, CUH |
10.50 – 11.10 |
Case of primary intraocular lymphoma |
Jared Ching, Ophthalmology Academic clinical fellow |
11.15 – 11.45 |
Vitreous biopsy and intraocular lymphoma |
Erika Damato |
11.45-12.00 |
12.00 – 12.45 |
GCA - clinical assessment and role of ultrasound |
Prof. Dasgupta via teleconference |
13.00 – 14.00 |
14.00 – 14.30 |
Case of GCA |
14.35-15.15 |
GCA – NICE guidelines for tocilizumab |
Frances Hall |
15.15 – 16.00 |
Medical ophthalmology cases |
Erika Damato |
16.00 – 16.20 |
16.20 – 17.00 |
Anterior uveitis in casualty |
Nima Ghadiri |
Organiser : Aseema Misra
Norwich Medical Retina Study Day
23rd November 2018
Miss Aseema Misra Consultant Ophthalmologist
Mr Andy Glenn Consultant Ophthalmologist
Mr Colin Jones Consultant Ophthalmologist
Mr Muhammad Raja Consultant Ophthalmologist
Mr David Spokes Consultant Ophthalmologist
Mrs Anna Few Specialty Doctor
Miss Hibba Soomro ST7
Bob Champion Building
09.00-09.30 Registration and Introduction Miss Aseema Misra
09.30-10.15 Multimodal Retinal /Choroidal Imaging Mr Muhammad Raja
10.15-11.00 AMD and Pivotal Medical Retina Trials Miss Hibba Soomro
11.00-11.30 Coffee Break
11.30-12.30 Medical Retina Case Discussions Mr Andy Glenn
12.30-13.00 Discussion / Q&A
13.00-14.00 Lunch Sponsored by BAYER PLC Bob Champion Centre
Eye Clinic
14.00-15.45 OSCE stations
15.45-16.30 Coffee Break and Case Discussions
Today is kindly sponsored by Bayer PLC
Organiser : Brinda Muthusamy
Trainees please submit cases to Miss Muthusamy