Workforce, training and education
East of England


Part 2

Part 2 Resources

RCOphth tips and guides for candidates can be found here:


iPrepBuddy - a digital learning tool to prepare for part 2 oral/vivas (created by trainees from EoE region).                                                                                                                                   - blog by Umar Akbar (form our region) with tips on how to pass  

Tips for the written exam 

Tips for the oral exam

RCOphth examination reports with past candidates experiences 

Chua website: past candidates experiences


FRCOphth Part 2 Written:

Question Banks:



Chua website



RCOphth Clinical Guidelines

RCOphth Service Guidelines

RCOphth Focus Articles

DVLA Guidelines for Driving

GMC Guidelines 



Oxford Handbook of Ophthalmology (free access with BMA membership)

Kanski's Clinical Ophthalmology (free access with BMA membership)

Examination Techniques And Cases For Final MRCOphth & MRCS: C.N. Chua, E.S. Goh, M. Lim

Neuro Ophthalmology Survival Guide: Pane, Miller, Burdon

​Emqs And Mcqs For The Frcophth Part 2 : P Chiam​

Frcophth Part 2 Mcqs  : J Tagal

Practical Guide To VIVA And OSCE In Ophthalmology Examinations : T Y Wong

Part 2 Courses

We run an annual Part 2 Course for trainees (they can attend for free)

Contact is Narman Puvanachandra at Norfolk and Norwich University Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust. 

Further details once available will be on the Additional Days page of the Regional Teaching Program


External Courses are also available:

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