Workforce, training and education
East of England

The Foundation Programme

Foundation doctors have to demonstrate that they are competent in a number of areas including communication and consultation skills, patient safety and teamwork as well as the more traditional elements of medical training.  The Foundation Programme provides generic training that ensures Foundation doctors develop and demonstrate a range of essential interpersonal and clinical skills for managing both acute and long-term conditions, regardless of the specialty.  Foundation doctors will be assessed against the outcomes in the Curriculum and should keep all of their assessments (not just the good ones) in their Foundation Programme ePortfolio.    

All relevant and detailed information can be found at -   

Essentially The Foundation Programme is shaped by two key documents.   The Curriculum is the framework for educational progression and doctors are assessed against the outcomes in the Curriculum.

The FP Reference Guide , which provides guidance about the structures and systems required to support the delivery of the Foundation Programme.

The FP Curriculum 2016 is based on the four domains of the GMC's Good Medical Practice 2013 and builds naturally on the competences, attitudes and behaviours acquired during undergraduate training: 

  • - Professional behaviour and trust
  • - Communication, team working and leadership
  • - Clinical care
  • - Safety and quality

The FP curriculum 2016 will only be published online as a web based resource. A PDF version will be freely available for download from the UKFPO and AoMRC websites.

For those used to the 2012 version there are some changes to terminology and structure:

Minimum expected level of performance:

This sets out the standard to be met or exceeded in order to progress to the next stage of training.

Foundation professional capabilities

These are the outcomes of Foundation training and set out what the foundation doctor is expected to be able to do. Progression will be dependent on evidence of achievements in each of the 20 ‘foundation professional capabilities’ (previously the foundation curriculum outcomes). The ‘foundation professional capabilities’ relate to the soon to be published GMC Professional Generic Capabilities.


Each ‘foundation professional capability’ is accompanied by ‘descriptors’.  These are indicative examples and general expectations of knowledge, skills and behaviours which foundation doctors and trainers might use to understand whether their performance in each of the 20 ‘foundation professional capabilities’ is at the appropriate level for their stage of training.

It is important to remember

  • - The placement in your practice is part of a programme.
  • - The F2 doctor will not cover all capabilities/competencies during their time with you.
  • - Some competencies may be readily met in General Practice compared to other rotations e.g. Relationships with Patients and Communications.