Workforce, training and education
East of England

Educational & Clinical Supervisors

Longitudinal supervision is provided throughout five years of Public Health training by a named, accredited Educational Supervisor (ES).

  • The ES is selected and appropriately trained to be responsible for the overall supervision and management of a trainee’s trajectory of learning and educational progress during a placement or series of placements.
  • The ES role is completely separate from the Clinical Supervisor (CS), covering the whole training period and not linked to location.
  • The ES oversees the educational progress of the trainee and helps the trainee to plan their training and achieve agreed learning outcomes. He or she is responsible for: the educational agreement; signing off all learning outcomes; and for drawing evidence from a range of sources including clinical, activity and academic supervisors to form a summative judgement in the Educational Supervisor’s report for the ARCP.

All registrars are also allocated a Clinical Supervisor who supports a registrar in the current training location - and changes as the registrar moves between training locations.  A named Clinical Supervisor (CS) is a trainer who is responsible for overseeing a specified trainee’s service work throughout a placement in a public health environment and is appropriately trained to do so.

  • The CS oversees the service work of the trainee during one attachment and provides constructive feedback during that placement.
  • They will provide information to the Educational Supervisor for their report to the ARCP panel, and usually sign off most activity summary sheets.

The programme also allocates each trainee an Academic Supervisor in Phase 1. These individuals have specific expertise in academic public health and provide specific supervision and support during the MPhil course in ST1.  This individual is also available for specialist advice to enhance the academic rigour of pieces of work that the registrar may undertake.

This document outlines the agreed Roles and responsibilities of Clinical and Educational Supervisors in the East of England. Some useful sample agendas to guide and support supervision meetings are also available below.

Training and accreditation of Educational and Clinical Supervisors is required by NHSE WTE and the School of Public Health to assure the GMC that clinical educators have been selected having demonstrated understanding of the seven standards of the Academy of Medical Educators (AoME) framework. Further information on the accreditation and training of ESs and CSs is available on the Educational and Clinical Supervisor webpages, along with support and professional development advice for supervisors.