Workforce, training and education
East of England

Training Locations in the East of England

The geographical delivery of the specialty training programme is organised into a North and a South zone. The North zone covers the counties of Norfolk, Suffolk, Cambridgeshire & Peterborough and Bedfordshire. The South zone covers the counties of Essex and Hertfordshire.

Each location has an Clinical Supervisor "Training Location Lead" (TLL) who has responsibility for the training environment in the location for the specialty training programme, but, depending on the location, more broadly across the department or unit. The TLL understands the current capacity for training - clinical supervisors, office facilities etc. 

Each training location is required to conduct an annual quality assurance self-assessment questionnaire to ensure that locations meet the NHSE WTE and TP requirements for delivering high quality training.  This is reviewed by the Specialty Training Committee where best practice is shared and areas for improvement identified with an action plan. The training location self-assessment questionnaire is also available in the list of downloads below. Each location will seek feedback from StRs to contribute to this quality improvement exercise, as well as an exit interview just before completion of a placement. 

Each training location will provide a comprehensive and accessible induction for each new StR (Placement Induction checklist available to download below).

Placements throughout training

​Documents on this page also describe the various training locations and the process for requesting a new placement. Placement panels are held twice a year in April and October. All registrars (even those who are not requesting a placement move) must complete an online form to ensure our records are correct and enable the panel to make decisions. Registrars are encouraged to plan their placements early in discussion with their trainer, training location co-ordinator and the programme director. The final decision on placements rests with the TPDs.

It is a requirement of the curriculum that all StRs are exposed to a variety of organisations and learning environments and registrars are encouraged to experience a variety of training placements to widen their understanding of public health practice. After the first Local Authority placement of 24-30 months, placements in phase 2 can be of any length but are typically 6-12 months. These placements give an opportunity to consolidate core skills and to develop breadth and depth for a future specialist career.  Specialist Health protection and academic public health training opportunities can be offered.

During the course of training, depending on individual interests and career aspirations, a registrar may identify the need for a specialist training opportunity not available within the East of England. These "Out of programme" (OOP) placements are available for senior registrars who are progressing satisfactorily with their training  - please note that OOP training placements are not allowed in the last year of training (wte) except in exceptional circumstances (see link below for further information on the OOP policy).

Time out of training is occasionally allowed by individual negotiation depending on personal circumstances and educational need. There are NHSE WTE policies for application and return to training.


The first PH placement

The initial placement is generally in a local authority Public Health Directorate. We try to place new registrars in pairs where possible. There may be several other registrars in the location at different stages of their training and you can expect to be allocated an StR ‘buddy’ in your location or with experience of it.

You can expect to spend the training period for phase 1 in this initial placement during which time you will get a good overview of public health service  delivery. You will be given a wide variety of work designed specifically to help you achieve the learning outcomes of phase 1.

In your first weeks you will be given an induction into your local placement. This should enable you to meet key people within the LA and other organisations (such as environmental health, housing, GPs, trusts) depending on your background and first projects.

On arriving in a new service department you should expect:

  • A nominated clinical supervisor, who is accessible and available for regular meetings;
  • A planned induction programme which familiarises you with the organisation, key personnel both within the LA and other organisations;
  • Adequate office space with working facilities – these may be hot desks or shared space in the new council placements;
  • A computer, with appropriate software, internet access and a plan to identify your IT training needs and ensure that these are appropriately met;
  • A work programme that is agreed between yourself and your CS/ES;
  • Access to a more senior registrar either in your placement or in a nearby LA.

Further information on what should be included in your induction is described in the ‘Placements section of the website: Induction checklist'.

During this initial placement and after your academic course is completed you will spend three months at the local health protection unit. You should discuss and plan the timing of this soon after you start training.

Placement panel & requesting subsequent placements

Placement panel

The Placement guidance below outlines the EoE PHTP policy for agreeing and allocating placements. 

Placement panels are held twice a year in April and October. All StRs are required to submit a form once a year in October either to request a new placement or to confirm their current placement and their Clinical Supervisor, to support educational governance and quality assurance.

The registars's group, PHREE, has produced a "rough guide" to placements - see downloads at the end of the webpage.

"National Treasures"

The Faculty of Public Health accredits some training locations as "National Treasures".

Further details here.

Out of programme placements

See the  NHE WTE policy

Inter-deanery transfers (IDT)

Inter-deanery transfers are handled through a national process organised by NHSE WTE.

Further details here