Workforce, training and education
East of England
Public Health Registrars in the East of England (PHREE)

On joining the training scheme you will automatically become a member of Public Health Registrars in the East of England (PHREE), which has three main objectives:

  • To promote the training and professional needs of its members;
  • To ensure that the views of its members are represented in local, regional and national public health and other fora;
  • To provide professional and social support for members.

Meetings of PHREE are held bi-monthly usually in or near Cambridge. These are day-long educational meetings, organised by registrars and coordinated by the PHREE Committee. While membership of PHREE and attendance at our business meetings is restricted to Public Health Registrars, Foundation or GP trainees on public health attachments, Supervisors and other consultants in the region are invited to attend PHREE days.

Keeping in touch

PHREE communicates by e-mail, WhatsApp and through Bitrix, an internet platform that facilitates group working. All public health trainees on the East of England Deanery scheme are encouraged to sign up to this. Instructions for how to join, and any actions necessary to join the registrar email list, will be issued to new registrars when they start. Any queries can be addressed to the PHREE secretary listed below.

PHREE Committee

The Committee is elected annually in October. Committee members include:

Co-chairs: Rebecca Best, Vickie Braithwaite, Rachel Cullum, Annalan Navaratnam

Co-secretary: Meaghan Kall and Alice Middleton

Union Rep, AfC: Hannah Roscoe 

Union Rep, BMA: George Roberts

ePortfolio: Nuthana Prathivadi

DFPH (A) exam support: Bryn Hilton and Tristan Childs

MFPH (B) exam support: Vickie Braithwaite and Annalan Navaratnam

Sustainability: Elise Liu

Core Training: Manjari Engelhard and Danielle Lawrence

Wellbeing: Hannah Brayford and Rosie Lyus

Teaching Fellows: Rebecca Roberts and Nancy Zheng 

Treasurer: Tristan Childs

The PHREE Co-Chairs represent the East of England Public Health registrars at the East of England Specialty Training Committee for Public Health (STC), which meets bi-monthly. This group oversees the training of specialists and Foundation doctors in Public Health in the East of England and advises the Training Programme Directors.

Two members of PHREE are elected to represent registrars at the East of England Trainee Forum. The aim of the trainee forum is to engage specialty and foundation trainees from all specialties in medical and dental training programmes and offer a trainee perspective to advise the Postgraduate Dean on foundation and Specialty Training issues in the East of England. The forum meets quarterly. These registrars also attend the Public Health School Board, which meets twice a year and provides oversight of the training programme.

A further two members are elected to represent East of England registrars at the Faculty of Public Health (FPH) Specialty Registrars' Committee (SRC). Its purpose is to represent the interests of specialty registrars in public health from across the UK, ensuring the views of registrars are heard at other FPH committees. It also allows networking across regions and sharing of good practice.

A PHREE member represents East of England public health registrars who are medics on the BMA's Public Health Medicine Registrars Subcommittee. Registrars with a background other than medicine may elect a PHREE member to represent PHREE members with an appropriate workplace union. BMA's Public Health Medicine Registrars Subcommittee is comprised of regional representatives from each of the Public Health deaneries and meets three times a year. The aims of the subcommittee are (1) to consider matters affecting those engaged in public health medicine in the training grades (2) to advise the Public Health Medicine Committee (PHMC) on matters relating to specialist registrars and specialist registrars including the preparation of evidence to the Review body on Doctors' and Dentists' Remuneration (3) to provide an input specific to trainees in public health medicine into the established channels of communication between the PHMC and its constituents.

PHEE produce a Rough guide to Placements written by registrars. PHREE also offer a careers evening to provide tips and advice to anyone interested in PH training and some short biographies from some of our registrars describing their own journey in PH training in the East of England (see Careers page).


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