Workforce, training and education
East of England

Information about hospitals where anaesthetics training takes places in the East of England


The East of England School of Anaesthesia encompasses a wide geographical area.

Hospitals within the region include:


Information provided about individual hospitals should not be regarded as forming any kind of contract and is for information only.


Included below is some older information about other hospitals in the region - these will be updated soon:

Bedford Hospital

Departmental Handbook

Study leave application form





Bedford Hospital NHS Trust serves the population of Bedfordshire and surrounding areas with a wider catchment for vascular services.

The Trust has approximately 360 beds and provides a full range of acute services, with beds for Cardiology, Care of the Elderly, ENT, General Medicine, AAU, General Surgery, Gynaecology, Neonatal, Obstetrics, Oncology, Trauma and Orthopaedics, Paediatrics, Vascular Surgery, Breast Surgery and Urology.  There is a full Level 2 A&E Department, with an Ambulatory Emergency Care Unit.

There are 10 operating theatres with 21 anaesthetic consultants. It offers a consultant led pain and CPEX services. Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery and Endoscopy patients are treated in their own specialist units. The Ophthalmology service is now managed within the Trust’s facilities by Moorfields Eye Hospital NHS Foundation Trust.

The Delivery suite houses an additional operating theatre and sees on average 3000 deliveries per year.

The Critical Care Complex provides both High Dependency and Intensive Care beds to a maximum capacity of 10 beds.


Induction documents / welcome pack for new starters (this may incorporate much of the material below)

  • See attachments


Sample oncall rotas - for each level of rota:

Duty hours

  • Theatre: 0800-2030 & 2000-0830
  • Obstetrics: 0800-2030 & 2000-0830
  • ICU: 0830-2100 & 2030-0900
  • CT1/2 work a full shift pattern; CT1s initially on the theatre tier of the rota.
  • CT2+ doctors are also expected to cover the obstetric and ICU tiers (when deemed competent).


Expected responsibilities when on call

  • Resident anaesthetists for theatres, ICU and delivery suite.
  • Theatre anaesthetist is responsible for the emergency theatre and also carries a cardiac arrest and trauma bleep. They may also be required for the transfer of critically ill patients (once transferred trained).
  • ICU anaesthetist is responsible for the care of all intensive care patients, reviewing ward referrals and admitting patients to ICU (after discussion with the on call consultant). They also carry a cardiac arrest and trauma bleep. There is a 9 am business ward round, the main ward round occurs at 12:15 in the ITU seminar room and there is a further evening handover at 1800. 
  • Obstetric anaesthetist is expected to attend the labour ward handover at 0800 & 2000 and provide anaesthetic services to delivery suite.
  • The on-call tiers should work as a team and are expected assist each other when required.
  • There are two consultants on call; a general consultant anaesthetist and an ICU consultant anaesthetist. They are normally resident until 1800 unless required clinically.


Points of contact within the anaesthetic department (names, email address)


Policy for applying for leave

6 weeks’ notice is required for annual and study leave requests. No more than 4 juniors are allowed leave at any one time. 

  • Annual leave: note made in paper leave diary and also submitted to electronic leave management system (electronic system used dependant on grade).
  • Study leave: As above and in addition: apply electronically by completing the attached form. Once approved by educational supervisor they are submitted to:


Sample work schedule

(this should be allied to the sample rota – essentially shows equitability of shifts and average hours worked etc)

Awaited from medical staffing


Availability and arrangements for local accommodation when working night shifts / Long days (if available - as appropriate) and

- To book accommodation for post on call duties e-mail Biju Joseph (  Patient Services Administrator, with the dates accommodation is required.

- Overnight there is a rest room for the ICU resident


Fellowships offered at your hospital (as appropriate)

  • None


Local guidelines and Standard operating procedures and policies (as appropriate – these likely necessitate password protection to these pages at least or the website as a whole)

  • These can be found on the hospital intranet and on the critical care work station.


Availability of local exam related teaching (as appropriate)

  • Pre-FRCA trainees are expected to attend weekly Wednesday afternoon teaching. Topics will be allocated in advance and trainees are expected to prepare a short presentation for their peers. The session is supervised by a consultant.
  • Mock SOEs and OSCE can be arranged via the college tutor
  • Post-FRCA trainees are allowed to use Wednesday afternoons for their own personal development and are expected to attend regional teaching.
  • There are also regular Audit and M&M meetings


Details for exception reporting


Sample contract (as appropriate)

Awaited from medical staffing




‘Events Diary’ tab


Notes: We envisage this section to be more dynamic and eventually something that will be updated regularly – perhaps by departmental administrative staff - to reflect the overall content (for example courses scheduled, speakers confirmed, programmes and even e.g. locum slots available)


Metric / Information


Regional teaching days hosted by your place of work

  • Participates in the ‘West Zone’ core trainee teaching programme
  • Details on the HEE website
  • Venue: Education Centre
  • Parking arrangements: Use Visitors parking and claim back expenses from employing trust


Specific courses offered at your hospital (if appropriate) – None


SIM days (if open to Deanery Trainees and appropriate) –None


Advanced Life Support courses

ALS, EPLS, ATLS, CCrISP or NLS courses available - contact Tina Palombo, Administrator via email ( or on ext. 2866


Queen Elizabeth Hospital, King's Lynn




Queen Elizabeth Hospital King’s Lynn is a DGH in north west Norfolk, the hospital has 515 beds. Anaesthetic services cover 7 main theatres, a separate day-care unit with 4 theatres, outpatient pain services, a 13-bedded ICU/HDU, and 1 dedicated maternity theatre on delivery unit which sees approximately 2500 births per year.


The anaesthetic consultant body aims to have 13 consultants and 7 ICU consultants who are all motivated and friendly. It is very easy to pick up projects to improve your CV whilst working in the department. A number of the consultants particularly enjoy regional anaesthesia and we offer a fellowship in regional anaesthesia, as well as targeted training in regional anaesthesia for all trainees.


Induction documents / welcome pack for new starters

sample oncall rotas - for each level of rota eg:

there are 3 on-call tiers for junior doctors in the department out of hours.

- An ICU SHO (not always from Anaesthesia)

- a theatre SHO

- a delivery suite registrar, who also oversees the ICU and theatre SHOs.

Example rotas are awaited.


Expected responsibilities when oncall

ICU SHO: look after ICU and HDU patients, take calls for and assess new referrals, liaise with ICU consultant and anaesthetic registrar for new referrals and ongoing care of patients. SHOs on this tier include FY2 doctors, CT1,2,3 doctors and trust grade doctors.

Theatre SHO: Takes referrals for theatre cases, anaesthetises patients for operations with support of anaesthetic consultant and/or registrar. Carries the arrest bleep and attends arrests; assesses patients for the trauma and emergency lists at the end of a night shift where possible. This tier includes CT1,2,3 trainees and trust grade doctors.

Registrar: Anaesthetise for maternity cases and place epidurals on delivery suite. Supports ICU SHO with any problems on the unit or new referrals from ward or A&E; supports theatre SHO with cases in main theatre, and any difficult arrests.  Covers trauma and paediatric emergency calls. Carries the bleep for delivery suite and carries the ICU consultant bleep out of hours.

There is a consultant anaesthetist on call for theatres, who also covers delivery suite; and a separate ICU consultant.

Points of contact within the anaesthetic department (names, email address)

Policy for applying for

  • Annual leave – leave requests can be done via the rota app CLWRota, which has android and iOS apps, and a web-based portal, Bridget Cox (anaesthetic secretary) is responsible for approving most leave.
  • study leave  - paper application forms to Bridget Cox, approved by Stuart Greenhill, and then added to CLWRota by Bridget.
  • Any requests originating from doctors who have not yet started at the trust can be emailed to Bridget who will sort them out.

(including who to apply to and how)

Sample work schedule


- availability and arrangements for local accommodation when working night shifts / Long days (if available - as appropriate) There is hospital accommodation available for sleeping post night shift.  This is on the hospital estate but separate from the main hospital building. 

- how to book accommodation – this can be booked by the anaesthetic secretaries.  It is very rare that no accommodation is available, though very last-minute requests sometimes can’t be met.

Fellowships offered

Regional anaesthesia fellowship (open to trainees who hold FRCA, usually at ST5 or ST6 level.)

Local guidelines and Standard operating procedures and policies 

Availability of local exam related teaching

 There is weekly (term time) pre-primary FRCA teaching for all relevant trainees on Wednesday afternoons (trainees are not scheduled for lists during this time).  No final FRCA teaching is offered on site since most of the STs that rotate to QEH are post-FRCA.  There is scheduled exam practice for those who wish it. 

Details for exception reporting

  • Guardian of safe working (name) – Dr Zaheer Babaar
  • Form / means of submitting a report – electronic app (Allocate software)


Southend Hospital