There are four sets of policies that apply to the specialty training programme:
Employer policies from Mersey and West Lancashire Teaching Hospitals NHS Trust who employ all registrars;
Policies relating to training and educational progression from NHS England Worforce, Training and Education East of England;
Policies developed by the Public Health Specialty Training Programme tailored to provide specific guidance for public health;
Overarching policies and associated guidance from the General Medical Council (GMC), the UKPHR and the Faculty of Public Health for all specialty training programmes.
As the lead employer for Public Heath registrars in the East if England, M&WL policies regarding HR and salaries apply. They also administer some policies on behalf of NHS E.
- Lead Employer policies can be found here
- They also produces a weekly bulletin, called 'Lead Employer Global' with weekly updates to communicate key messages for employment and training, which can be found here: Lead Employer Update
- For all Lead Employer queries please contact: or 0151 478 7777
For all EASY expense queries please contact: More information on STHK expenses can be found here
NHS E WTE East of England policies:
Click here for all of them.
Common policies are:
Less than full time training (LTFT)
Policies and guidance specific to the Public Health training programme can be found on the relevant pages in this part of the website and from the policy list above.
A list of all EoE PHTP policies and guidance details all the local guidance available, which is agreed and approved by the Specialty Training Programme.
This list and some commonly accessed policies or forms are available to download at the bottom of the page.
The General Medical Council Web pages have several guidance statements on for example Less Than Full Time and Time Out of Training (
The UKPHR also published a range of guidance documents and resources which can be accessed at