Frequently Asked Questions
Below are some of the common frequently asked questions. There is also a wide variety of information within this and the Royal College of Anaesthetists websites. However, if you have a query for which you are unable to find an answer, please email the school administrator who will direct your query to the appropriate person.
For information about applying for ST3 posts and FAQs regarding this see the intermediate training page
Please discuss your plans with your educational supervisor, College Tutor and Programme Director.
Full details including the OOP policy, FAQs and application forms can all be found on the OOP webpage here.
Please discuss your plans with your educational supervisor, College Tutor and Programme Director.
Full details including the LTFT policy, FAQs and application forms can all be found on the HEEoE LTFT webpage here.
Please also see the document at the bottom of this page.
The Anaesthesia School has LTFT consultant leads and a LTFT trainee representative. Please see Contact page
Please discuss with your Training Programme Director at the earliest opportunity.
Full details and links to the national site can be found here.
Health Education England, East of England is no longer responsible for processing a trainee’s eligibility to claim reimbursement of removal or rotational travel expenses, all queries and applications should be directed to the employing NHS Trust, relevant contact details can be found here:
The Reimbursement of Removal or Rotational Travel Expenses Policy, FAQs and Approval of Eligibility Claim Form are applicable to all Trust's throughout the region and can be downloaded here:
As of 1st August 2017 Health Education England, East of England will no longer be responsible for processing a trainee’s eligibility to claim reimbursement of removal or rotational travel expenses (including post on call room expenses), applications will be administered by the employing NHS Trust. If you have any queries please contact
All trainees within the anaesthetic and ICM training programme are required to undertake a yearly assessment of their progress – the ARCP. In the East of England School of Anaesthesia currently each annual assessment is carried out through a meeting between the trainee and a specialty-based panel.
Details of the process are available here.
Reflection is an important part of all doctors' professional development, and is especially important when things have not gone well. It can be documented as a personal activity in the library on the e portfolio or a file uploaded. It should be assigned to the ARCP on the ESSR under the heading of Personal Reflection. No personal identifiers should be included, and it should focus on lessons learnt. There was a helpful article published in the RCoA Bulletin: Please also see the Academy guidance and Dean's statement on trainee reflections below.
Listed below are the timescales when we would like to see written Consultant feedback. Consultant feedback differs from MSF as it concerns a trainee’s progress in a specific unit of training only. MSF seeks feedback from the multidisciplinary team, including consultants, on overall professional behaviour.
Local forms may be used as long as they cover the same domains as the form included on the RCoA website For further information please see the guidance on assessment on the RCoA website
Please comment on the feedback on the CUT form.
For ICM units, Dr Bradley (RA ICM) has advised:’’ Units should have a reliable system for trainees to receive feedback from the Consultants with who they work.’’ Written feedback would be preferred.
3 months (to inform IAC)
6 months and thereafter every 6 months
At the end of neuro, cardiac, paeds, and to all Consultants prior to ARCP – with verbal evidence used to sign off obs and pain
Every 6 months with verbal feedback to sign off paeds
At the end of a specialist module and prior to final ARCP