Workforce, training and education
East of England

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Thursday, 15 February, 2024
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Thursday, 15 February, 2024

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East of England

We cover the east of England. Information you might find useful about our area includes:

• The total population of the east of England is 5.8m and the total MPET allocation for 2012/13 is £396.3m.

• There are 7 PCT Clusters which have been organised into 3 Local Area Team offices as part of NHS England.

• There are 19 Clinical Commissioning Groups. We have 27 Trusts within the east of England, of which 16 are Foundation Trusts. Each of the PCT Clusters delivered plans to externalise its community services from the 1 April 2011.

• There are 11 upper tier local authorities of which six are unitary authorities.Within these there are six Health and Wellbeing Boards, all of which are working on their current priorities.

• Within the east of England there are 58 MP constituencies.

The East of England

There are 19 Clinical Commissioning Groups. We have 27 Trusts within the east of England, of which 16 are Foundation Trusts.


The total population of the east of England is 5.8m

Please click an area or pin on the map for trust information


The functions of the Health Education East of England are to:

  • Develop an east of England Education, Training and Workforce Development Strategic  Framework and Investment Strategy and to take a leading role in visioning the future healthcare workforce
  • Lead an integrated approach to workforce planning for health and social care communities
  • Negotiate, manage and monitor the performance of contracts with education and training providers
  • Support the modernisation of education and training
  • Commission, manage and quality control postgraduate medical and dental education through financial support of posts through contracts with Acute Trusts, Mental Health Trusts and PCTs
  • Co-ordinate the strategic management of local learning and education facilities in the NHS
  • Develop appropriate quality assurance and performance management processes to ensure that investment in workforce development supports the achievement of the SHA's strategic goals for health and service improvement
  • Ensure that the Health Education East of England has influence on national workforce and health education policy, on national workforce supply and on securing a fair share of national resource for the east of England.
  • Ensure the sharing and adoption of best practice and establish understanding and support of education and training in all parts of the NHS across the east of England
  • Move swiftly where appropriate towards a multi and inter-professional education, training and development model that maximises resource utilisation and the effectiveness of the workforce
  • Develop, where possible, a devolved approach to educational investment and decision making in the six counties of the east of England
  • Become a model team, developing our staff well, and establishing constructive relationships with other parts of NHS East of England
  • Ensure effective systems and procedures are in place for the financial management and accountability for, and auditing of all funds for which we are responsible
  • Promote continuing professional development across all professional groups, from student entry to retirement
  • Design and undertake educational research and development within the former deanery


Health Education East of England formerly The East of England Multi-Professional Deanery, is the regional centre of excellence for the development, commissioning, and quality management of education and training of all healthcare staff.

Health Education East of England (HEEoE) is the Local Education and Training Board that covers Bedfordshire, Hertfordshire, Cambridgeshire and Peterborough, Norfolk, Suffolk and Essex. Formally Established on 1 April 2013 as a subcommittee of Health Education England, the aim of HEEoE is to ensure the security of workforce supply and continuously to improve the quality of education, training and development in the east of England. We also aim to enable the health and care workforce to respond effectively to the needs of patients, carers and families.

Our guiding principles which underpin the operating model for the LETB are that:

·        We are one organisation serving the east of England

·        We are Patient focussed in every decision we make and action we take

·        We are Provider led; and

·        We engage People in what we do

In short, we will concentrate our efforts on four key areas: planning; education and training; workforce transformation and leadership with the aim of driving up quality, supported by meaningful engagement with our partners, patients and staff. The values set out in the NHS constitution will lie at the heart of what we do and how we operate.