Workforce, training and education
East of England
Welcome to the East of England
Foundation School

Welcome to the East of England Foundation Programme!

Thank you for looking at our web pages. Hopefully the information is clear, and you can find answers for any of your queries that are locally based!

For national FAQ, the UKFPO Rough Guide and Curriculum should answer most of your questions. You can also refer to the GMC website for guidance on registration, the UKFPO website or in their FAQ section for information on national policy and the medical careers website for careers advice. If you have questions that are specific to your personal situation and which are not answered on this page, they may be in  our trainee hub pages, or then you should ask your FTPD in the first instance.

These pages are specific to HEE EoE and our two foundation schools: East Anglia Foundation Schools (EAFS) and Essex, Bedfordshire and Hertfordshire (EBH).


Our Trusts

EAFS - EAFS has ten Trusts under its remit and is split into 2 regions EAFS East and EAFS West.

EBH - EBH foundation school has eight acute NHS Trusts under its remit and is split into 2 regions EBH East and EBH West.  This newer Foundation School was established in 2017 to manage repatriated programmes in Essex, Bedfordshire and Hertfordshire. 


Meet the team

East of England Foundation School Director:

Dr Helen Barker


Helen has been instrumental in our Welcome to the UK package for overseas doctors who start their first UK post with us, working with our specially appointed FTPD in this area Dr Makker in Watford. She worked in conjunction with the simulation leads to enable us to fund virtual reality simulation for foundation, which started in 2019.

East of England Deputy Foundation School Director

Deputy Foundation School Director SFP, Evaluation and QI:

Dr Ritwik Banerjee



The East of England is headed up by our Dean, Professor Bill Irish, supported by the Deputy and Reporting Deans.

The Deputy Dean supporting Foundation, is Dr Helen Johnson, the previous Foundation School Director.

Dr Helen Johnson


As the Deputy Dean for the multiprofessional foundation schools, I hope that you have a great experience within the EoE

As our core values, we focus on training our doctors for their future within the NHS, providing rotations that are balanced and mapped against the curriculum. Our busy hospitals provide you with a broad experience as well as making sure that you have the opportunity to look at sub-specialities. We pay special attention to our teaching and training, with communication and personal skills training as well as a high class simulation training programme. We are also very keen to provide personal pastoral support, whether this be the opportunity for less than full time training, our mentoring and support programmes our just an ear when things seem difficult.

We aim to improve our foundation experience year on year, listening to your voices and being responsive to them.

One of my passions in foundation is around making foundation inclusive. We are strong supporters of those requiring to be LTFT or have a need for more considered rotations. In this I have been proud to sit on the GMC working part for the welcomed and valued guidance. We have trialed this with our local medical schools, aiming that doctors requiring workplace adjustments should have this support discussion earlier at medical school and meet and liaise with us, such that they are not disadvantaged. I am sitting on a similar committee with the foundation review.

I am working with HEE EoE to develop a connected approach between educational theory and practice, and also increasing the footprint of educational posts within foundation. We now have 4 educational fellows of ST3 and above. I am always happy for our foundation doctors to get involved.

I also work with the Head of school for pharmacy Foundation and the FTPD for PA so that we can have some joint learning and teaching opportunities. We work as a team, and there are many areas where we can learn as a team as well, and explore our similarities as well as acknowledge differences in a multiprofessional partnership.


Foundation Faculty

We liaise with the national group, other schools and supports within the deanery, the foundation training programme directors and medical education managers to set policy and guidance for foundation. We are part of various national groups looking to set the shape of training and best practice. We support trainees with difficulties, oversee recruitment and assessment, quality assurance and the education and training within trusts, and look to provide innovation and improve the benefit of training in foundation for you. We make the call on difficult decisions.

We have a number of team members from administration, recruitment, assessment, programmes and faculty support who work tirelessly to help keep the backbone function of Foundation, as well as the other schools, running smoothly. Their contacts are below. The Programme Management Team answer all the queries around rotations and programmes, and should be notified of sickness, maternity and all LTFT, TOFP and IFST requests. The Assessment Team answer all the queries around ARCP, and the Faculty Support Team are involved with the Hub Events, wider programme issues and trainee representatives.

Below is a photo of our recruitment and programmes lead celebrating in July, having filled all the posts! 


The wider team

We have a wider 'core central foundation team' which includes our simulation  FTPD Dr Charleen Liu, the HEE Simulation Associate Dean Dr Georgia Winnett, our GP liaison Dr P Wright, our Associate Dean for careers and out of programme and support Dr Francesca Crawley, the overseas FTPD Dr R Makker and the Hub FTPD Dr Zilley Khan. They have areas of expertise that we draw on to improve and support your foundation experience.

Then, the interface between the deanery and you is your local trust education team. This is led in foundation by your FTPD and the Medical Education Manager [MEM]. They organise local teaching and training, review their local rotations and troubleshoot for you, as well as liaise with your Education and Clinical Supervisors. We meet them at central teaching, training and business meetings, as well as when we drop in on trusts. They look at our ideas and aspirations and help hone them into workable advances for you.



What do we do?

We have three key themes we focus on each year: 

  1. The first of our three key themes for foundation training in the East of England is Excellence in Education. We are aspiring to create a focussed, delivered educational programme of 60 mandatory hours per year for each trainee that covers the curriculum and is also inspiring. Look at our education page to find out more.
  2. We wish for trustworthy training rotations for our foundation doctors. We review the GMC survey and information we get from our Foundation training programme directors [ FTPD] , visits and trainee reps to provide suitable balanced rotations and provide quality training. Our hospitals can sometimes be hard pressed, and in those instances we work with them to provide solutions that maintain training and education. We aren't perfect, but we are aspiring to be better. Sometimes the best, and most innovative, solutions come from trainees themselves and we can help you with implementation. Our FTPD in each trust are there for your assistance.
  3. Our final strand is in personalising support. Becoming a doctor can be tough, and we want to do everything we can to help this go smoothly. We have an F2 to F1 mentorship programme, to support that step from medical student to doctor; resilience training workshops, careers and professional workshops. We are supportive of those requiring Less than Full Time Training [LTFTT] and if required time out of training or Inter-Foundation school transfers. We  also have an excellent professional support unit for those that need a little more. The deanery trainee wellbeing hub describes many of the opportunities for you. We are looking to see what else would be helpful and useful. All ideas are considered! Either talk to your foundation representatives or FTPD about taking forwards good ideas.



Trainee Representatives

Trainee representation is a key element in the development and monitoring of the Foundation Programme and representatives play a valuable role in providing feedback and helping shape new initiatives. We have trainee reps from across the schools and from both academic and standard training programmes. Please talk to them, feedback and give ideas through them. They are given advance access to guidelines in draft to consider the trainee view.

As a trainee representative, you are mandated to attend FDAB  - the Foundation Doctors Advisory Board - which develops policies and feeds back nationally, as well as local meetings with the FSD.


F1 Reps for 2023

 Full Name Foundation School  F1 employing Trust Role Email
Georgia Elizabeth Anne Tetley East Anglia Hinchingbrooke (NWAFT) F1 Trainee Representative
Amy Stokes Essex Beds & Herts Princess Alexandra Hospital - Harlow F1 Trainee Representative
Jilse Joshy East Anglia NNUH Academic F1 Representative
Agilandiswari Arumuga Jothi Essex Beds & Herts Basildon Academic F1 Representative
Nefeli Christodoulou East Anglia West Suffolk F1 Trainee Representative
Tomi Adewole Essex Beds & Herts East & North Herts Inclusivity & Diversity Representative
Nicholas Chiu Essex Beds & Herts Bedford F1 Trainee Representative
Catherine Dominic East Anglia Norfolk and Norwich Inclusivity & Diversity Representative


F2 Reps for 2023

 Full Name Foundation School  F1 employing Trust Role Email
Ann Alexander  East Anglia WSH F1 Trainee Representative
Geraldine Wan  Essex Beds & Herts Lister F1 Trainee Representative
Kethaki Prathivadi Bhayankaram  East Anglia WSH Academic F1 Representative
Dawnya Behiyat  Essex Beds & Herts Bedford Academic F1 Representative
Gideon Adegboyega  East Anglia Papworth F1 Trainee Representative
valentina abi Osman  Essex Beds & Herts Basldon Inclusivity & Diversity Representative
William Wright  Essex Beds & Herts Broomfield F1 Trainee Representatives
jasmin malik  East Anglia Peterborough Inclusivity & Diversity Representative


Please see the Trainee Representative Role document for further information. Applications for the 2024-25 training year will be notified soon.


Administrative teams contact

These are the generic mailboxes used by our administrative teams.

·   Foundation Recruitment:

·   Foundation assessment/sign off:

·   Professional Support and Well-being Service​ (PSW):

·   Foundation programmes and information

·   Foundation School Faculty - 

·     Mentoring queries:

Improving junior doctors working lives
Thursday, 15 November, 2018
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Thursday, 14 February, 2019