Workforce, training and education
East of England

NHS England East of England Approval Process of Clinical and Educational Supervisors
(Secondary Care only) - 3 Steps


Step 1 - Training

Newly appointed Clinical/Educational Supervisors or those who need re-approval are required to choose one option of training:

Option 1

Course delivered by College (fee applicable)

For more details, including dates and fees, please contact your College.

Option 2

Approved Trust course (free of charge)

NB. this applies for courses approved in 2022 onwards

 For more details please contact Postgraduate Centre in your Trust. 

Option 3 - Pre March 2024

The following option is currently under review whilst the HEI content is converted into online modules. 

For those that have already completed a HEI course, you can still complete the Clinical (HEE) online content and gain approval. Anyone else will need to complete one of the above two options for the time being. 


Tiered Approach (contract, but free of charge for individuals)

NB. Both components need to be completed:

 NB. E-learning modules ( are no longer required, although we recommend completing modules relevant for School/Specialty.

The above training is required every 3 or 5 years (depends on Trust policy)


Step 2 - Approval at Trust level

Once training completed, NHSE EoE approval form to be signed by DME/MEM and submitted to the Faculty Support Team for processing:


Step 3 - GMC Connect records

GMC Connect details will be updated accordingly, and confirmation sent to MEM.  Please ensure exact dates of training and approval/re-approval are provided. Any queries can be sent to


The approval process for Primary Care educators can be found here 


Information for Trusts - How to obtain approval for Trust course

Local Trust CS/ES training courses  -  Approval process

Trusts to submit:

  • Programmes: content, dates & timing
  • Link to GMC domains of learning
  • List of faculty members

The above details need to be sent to We are aiming to review requests within a week. 

Approved Trust course content :

  • Induction and the Educational Contract
  • Educational Theory (including feedback, GMC domains of learning, assessment)
  • Roles of Educational and Clinical Supervisors
  • Trainee in / with Difficulty
  • Professional Support and Wellbeing Service (PSW)
  • Study Leave, OOP, LTFT
  • SuppoRTT
  • Educational Supervisor reports
  • ARCP and outcomes
  • Differential Attainment
  • Quality
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Tuesday, 27 November, 2018