Workforce, training and education
East of England

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Unfortunately we were unable to find transfers swaps - instead we have searched for this and the results are below:

Inter-Deanery Transfers (IDTs)

Postgraduate doctors in training applying for transfer MUST NOT contact the receiving region's Training Programme Director to discuss vacancies. This often leads to misunderstanding and disappointment and NHSE will not be responsible if these conversations take place.

For all information respecting the National IDT process, timelines, criteria and eligibility, documents, contacts etc, please refer to the National website:

The national application portal can be found here: 

The Local IDT contact for doctors in training within the East of England is

I am a Foundation trainee; can I apply for Inter-Deanery Transfer?

Foundation training is not covered by the National IDT process but you can apply for a transfer through the Foundation Transfers / Swaps process. You can find more information on this in the Foundation section of the website.

What are Intra-Deanery Transfers?

Intra-Deanery Transfers are to facilitate the movement of trainees within a region. Please contact your Head of School and Training Programme Director to discuss your options and ask your Training Programme Director to let us know the outcome.

Wednesday, 2 January, 2019
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Wednesday, 2 January, 2019