If you have a query that is not covered in the below FAQs, please get in touch with our team at edit.eoe@hee.nhs.uk
Health Education England requires you to complete and submit a Form R Part A & B as part of your formal registration on to your training programme, initiating the ARCP and Revalidation processes which continue throughout your training. If you fail to submit your forms by the deadline HEE will not be able to generate your unique National Training Number (NTN).
An NTN is a unique identifier that stays with you throughout your training programme. The number lists details regarding your programme, curricula and route of entry and is utilised by multiple organisations including your Royal College and the GMC to identify you as part of the programme. Your NTN is generated using the information given in your Form R by HEE and will be sent to you via email upon acceptance of your forms.
As you may be aware, the GMC have recently asked all UK deaneries and HEE Local Offices to make changes to the format of NTNs and DRNs in order to enable more accurate recording of training, particularly regarding dual training and sub-specialty training where this applies. The process for this is still being finalised so, in order to ensure that trainees are issued with the most up to date reference numbers, there may be some delay to the issuing of NTNs and DRNs for new trainees. The Royal Colleges are aware of these changes, and new trainees should not require their NTN or DRN in order to register. New reference numbers will be issued via email using the information stored in our training database. If you have not received your reference number by 1 month after your start date then please contact edit.eoe@hee.nhs.uk.
Please note that currently, the tool used by HEE to generate the NTNs/DRNs does not distinguish CESR CP, non-medical Public Health and Industry pathways and therefore, all higher trainees will be allocated an NTN C for the time being. This means that your NTN is subject to change to the correct suffix in due course once your training pathway has been reviewed and once the tool is further developed. Please contact your specialty team to inform them if you are a CESR CP trainee. If you wish to check these details please refer to the GMC website.
Data security and integrity is of the highest priority for HEE and as these forms contain sensitive practice-based information HEE are required to implement excellent data security standards. The digital signature achieves two things, ensures that no one other that yourself and HEE are able to view the data in the forms, alongside taking a snapshot of the data held in the form at the time of signing. Once you form is returned HEE will then validate the secured certificate held within the signature and ensure that none of the data has been viewed, altered or accessed in any way.
You only need to create your digital signature once you have completed your form. To do this simply left click in to the box labelled ‘Trainee Signature’ and follow the step by step guide found here on pages 13-16.
If you are starting your dual training but are already in a programme within the East of England you do not need to complete a Form R as you are already registered within your current EoE programme. If you have transferred to the East of England from another region you will need to complete the forms.