If you are working with an East of England Training Programme for the duration of the Fellowship and hold an NTN (National Training Number) or SAS or Locally Employed Doctor eligibility is as follows:
- GPST2 and above
- All other specialties ST3 and above
- SAS or LED for the duration of fellowship
Yes. A financial agreement will be organised between NHSE EoE and your employing trust. Therefore the percentage of time you spend working for NHSE EoE will be paid to you via your employing trust along with your clinical salary.
This is dependent on the role. Roles range from 10-40% of full time (FT) - please review each Job description for more information on our 'Current Fellow Recruitment' page
It is important that your trust offer you full support in your application for the role and that provisions are put in place at the earliest point should you be successful and accept the role. This includes written TPD/DME/SAS Tutor approval prior to submitting your application.
For 12 months only. The fellowships are intended to be a one year experience for our doctors in training after which we would like to offer another trainee the opportunity to undertake the role. All roles are due to start from September 2025.
NHSE EoE offers a number of fellowships that provide trainees with opportunities to develop knowledge and skills in education, leadership, quality improvement, mentoring, global health and clinical entrepreneurship whilst continuing with their clinical training. NHSE EoE no longer offer fellowships aligned to specific specialties in order to for our roles to focus more broadly on the areas noted above.
New simulation and immersive technologies resources now available. NHSE Technology Enhanced Learning (TEL) team has published 2 new resources to support colleagues working in simulation and immersive technologies. How to Develop a Virtual Reality (VR) 360 Degree Film - Part One has been written by Nick Peres, Immersive Technologies Advisor, and gives detailed instructions to learners focusing on technique, camera positioning, sound and directing a scene. The second part of this simulation toolkit, which focuses on post-production, will be available soon. The Faculty Development Guidance is part of NHSE TEL’s national toolkit to support the use of simulation in health and care. The comprehensive guide, which was developed with support from Simulation Reference Task and Finish group members, offers recommendations for organisations to run an effective and credible simulation faculty to ensure faculty members are trained and supported to deliver high quality simulation-based education. The document includes a range of case studies and highlights examples of good practice with advice on: • providing educational rigour • providing appropriate support and training to enable continuous faculty development • enabling a supportive and sustainable environment • collaborating and sharing best practice For more information about simulation and immersive technologies within HEE TEL please visit: https://www.hee.nhs.uk/our-work/technology-enhanced-learning/simulation-...
It is critical that you apply for less than full time (LTFT) if successful in recruitment to a fellowship role. We would also encourage engagement with medical staffing at your trust.
To apply for LTFT please follow the instructions listed here.