East of England
Dental Core Training
Back to MapThis section of the website provides an overview of Dental Core Training (DCT) in England East of England.
Dental Core Training Posts in East of England
Here is a map showing the location of DCT Posts across East of England Region for September 2024. The posts are also listed in order below the map. The DCT 1 posts are shown with red markers and the DCT 2 with blue markers. Each post has a reference letter and if the post is in more than one location, a marker will appear at each location. Please run your mouse over the markers on the map to see a summary of information about the post and its location in the box beside the map..
Clicking on a marker will take you to the full description about the post in the list of DCT posts further down the page. Alternatively, clicking on the button beside each of the listed posts will display the information for that post.

- How to Apply -
DCT 1 Posts in East of England
Beds, Herts & Bucks OMFS Network (Northern Rotation) ‐ DCT 1 ‐ OMFS
Title of post Type of Training & duration of post |
Training unit/locations |
Location 1. Luton and Dunstable University Hospital, Oral and Maxillofacial Centre, Lewsey Road, Luton, Beds LU4 0DZ
Location 2. Bedford Hospital, Oral & Maxillofacial Surgery, South Wing, Kempston Road, Bedford MK42 9DJ
Location 3. Milton Keynes General Hospital, Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery, Standing Way, Eaglestone, Milton Keynes MK6 5LD
Rotational Post information and Duration
Full address of unit/s where training is based |
Location 1. Luton and Dunstable University Hospital, Oral and Maxillofacial Centre, Lewsey Road, Luton, Beds LU4 0DZ
Location 2. Bedford Hospital, Oral & Maxillofacial Surgery, South Wing, Kempston Road, Bedford MK42 9DJ
Location 3. Milton Keynes General Hospital, Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery, Standing Way, Eaglestone, Milton Keynes MK6 5LD
Travel Commitment |
Name of Educational Supervisor, if known |
Multiple educational supervisors (Consultant) available via spoke hospital consultants.
Contact details for Educational Supervisor
Main DCT Educational Lead: Mr Valmiki Sharma
Description of training post
The post-holder will be exposed to a full range of oral and maxillofacial pathologies, oral medicine, both simple and complex dento-alveolar surgery, patients with complex medical conditions, paediatric and adult facial trauma, skin malignancies, head and neck cancer diagnosis and management, TMJ surgery and sialoendoscopy. IV sedation for oral surgery is also undertaken regularly.
This is through clinics, theatre and minor oral surgery (LA) sessions as well as oncall, which includes overnight and weekend shifts.
Suitable for Temporary Registrant? |
Primary Care element Performer Number required?
Pattern of working including any on-call commitment
There is a ‘hub’ day to day timetable that is managed at Luton and Dunstable hospital. Additionally there is a local spoke day to day timetable that is organised locally at that unit and is composed of scheduled clinics and minor oral surgery sessions under LA and sedation. Additionally there are scheduled GA Daycase and Inpatient GA lists (Hub only) to which you’ll be allocated. There will be direct supervision and the aim is to help you feel comfortable to undertake routine procedures independently during your placement- exodontia, biopsies, excisions etc. There is an aim of 3 clinics and 3 operating sessions (LA/GA) per week, which are senior led.
DCTs will split their 12 week rotating pattern with 6 weeks spent in the spoke hospital and 6 weeks at the hub- Luton and Dunstable hospital.
In that 12 week period there will be hub oncall cover 1 set of weekend days 1 set of weekend nights 1 set of weekday nights 4 individual long days oncall (8am-8pm). This equates to a 1:12 full shift rota, with 8am starts at the hub and 8:30am at spokes.
These oncalls are busy and valuable experience in learning acute presentations associated with oral and maxillofacial surgery. They are well supported with second and third oncall cover available to you. Additionally during the day time there is always support locally in hub or spoke with onsite cover by senior levels. During those periods of oncall you will develop skills in managing lacerations and abscess as well and learning how to assess maxillofacial injuries.
There will be a local spoke oncall cover during the day (8.30am-5pm) which is split between the spoke rotated DCTs, managed locally but again with a direct line of supervision available to support you.
Educational programme summary |
Employment Details |
Employer |
Contact email for applicant queries referring to post |
Link to relevant webpages |
Beds, Herts & Bucks OMFS Network (Southern Rotation) ‐ DCT 1 ‐ OMFS
Title of post Type of Training & duration of post |
Training unit/locations |
Location 1. Luton and Dunstable University Hospital, Oral and Maxillofacial Centre, Lewsey Road, Luton, Beds LU4 0DZ
Location 2. Lister Hospital, Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery, Coreys Mill Lane, Stevenage, Herts. SG1 4AB
Location 3. New QE II Hospital, Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery, Howlands, Welwyn Garden City, Herts. AL7 4HQ |
Rotational Post information and Duration
Full address of unit/s where training is based |
Location 1. Luton and Dunstable University Hospital, Oral and Maxillofacial Centre, Lewsey Road, Luton, Beds LU4 0DZ
Location 2. Lister Hospital, Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery, Coreys Mill Lane, Stevenage, Herts. SG1 4AB
Location 3. New QE II Hospital, Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery, Howlands, Welwyn Garden City, Herts. AL7 4HQ |
Travel Commitment |
Name of Educational Supervisor, if known |
Multiple educational supervisors (Consultant) available via spoke hospital consultants.
Contact details for Educational Supervisor
Main DCT Educational Lead: Mr Valmiki Sharma
Description of training post
The post-holder will be exposed to a full range of oral and maxillofacial pathologies, oral medicine, both simple and complex dento-alveolar surgery, patients with complex medical conditions, paediatric and adult facial trauma, skin malignancies, head and neck cancer diagnosis and management, TMJ surgery and sialoendoscopy. IV sedation for oral surgery is also undertaken regularly.
This is through clinics, theatre and minor oral surgery (LA) sessions as well as oncall, which includes overnight and weekend shifts.
Suitable for Temporary Registrant? |
Primary Care element Performer Number required?
Pattern of working including any on-call commitment
There is a ‘hub’ day to day timetable that is managed at Luton and Dunstable hospital. Additionally there is a local spoke day to day timetable that is organised locally at that unit and is composed of scheduled clinics and minor oral surgery sessions under LA and sedation. Additionally there are scheduled GA Daycase and Inpatient GA lists (Hub only) to which you’ll be allocated. There will be direct supervision and the aim is to help you feel comfortable to undertake routine procedures independently during your placement- exodontia, biopsies, excisions etc. There is an aim of 3 clinics and 3 operating sessions (LA/GA) per week, which are senior led.
DCTs will split their 12 week rotating pattern with 6 weeks spent in the spoke hospital and 6 weeks at the hub- Luton and Dunstable hospital.
In that 12 week period there will be hub oncall cover 1 set of weekend days 1 set of weekend nights 1 set of weekday nights 4 individual long days oncall (8am-8pm). This equates to a 1:12 full shift rota, with 8am starts at the hub and 8:30am at spokes.
These oncalls are busy and valuable experience in learning acute presentations associated with oral and maxillofacial surgery. They are well supported with second and third oncall cover available to you. Additionally during the day time there is always support locally in hub or spoke with onsite cover by senior levels. During those periods of oncall you will develop skills in managing lacerations and abscess as well and learning how to assess maxillofacial injuries.
There will be a local spoke oncall cover during the day (8.30am-5pm) which is split between the spoke rotated DCTs, managed locally but again with a direct line of supervision available to support you.
Educational programme summary |
Employment Details |
Employer |
Contact email for applicant queries referring to post |
Link to relevant webpages |
Cambridge University Hospitals NHS Trust - Addenbrookes Hospital - DCT 1 - OMFS
Title of post Type of Training & duration of post |
Training unit / locations |
Rotational Post information and Duration
Full address of unit/s where training is based |
Travel Commitment |
Name of Educational Supervisor, if known |
Contact details for Educational Supervisor |
Description of training post
8am to 5pm based on site.
Additional Information about the Post The post-holder will gain experience of all aspects of OMFS including:
Encouragement is given to presenting projects and assisting in publications. It is expected the DCTs will undertake audit projects. There is a monthly meeting encompassing audit and journal club. There is weekly teaching session covering topics relevant to OMFS and DCTs are encouraged to attend the mandatory regional teaching programme.
Suitable for Temporary Registrant? |
This post is NOT suitable for temporary registrants.
Pattern of working including any on-call commitment
Educational programme summary |
Combined trauma and mortality and morbidity meeting.
Employment Details |
Employer |
Contact email for applicant queries referring to post |
Link to relevant webpages |
Mid Essex Hospital Trust - Chelmsford and Basildon - DCT 1 - OMFS
Title of post Type of Training & duration of post |
Training unit / locations |
Rotational Post information and Duration
Full address of unit/s where training is based |
Travel Commitment |
Name of Educational Supervisor, if known |
Contact details for Educational Supervisor |
Description of training post
8am to 5pm based on site.
Additional Information about the Post The post-holder will gain experience of all aspects of OMFS including:
Encouragement is given to presenting projects and assisting in publications. It is expected the DCTs will undertake audit projects. There is a monthly meeting encompassing audit and educational activity including journal club. There is weekly organised self-directed teaching/learning bleep free session covering topics relevant to OMFS – which is supervised by middle grades or consultants when available. DCTs are encouraged to attend the mandatory regional teaching programme.
Suitable for Temporary Registrant? |
The post is potentially suitable for temporary registrants subject to several logistical restraints from organisations outside the Unit
Pattern of working including any on-call commitment
Educational programme summary |
Combined trauma and mortality and morbidity meeting. |
Employment Details |
Employer |
Contact email for applicant queries referring to post |
Link to relevant webpages |
Mid Essex Hospital Trust - Chelmsford and Southend - DCT 1 - OMFS
Title of post Type of Training & duration of post |
Training unit / locations |
Rotational Post information and Duration
Full address of unit/s where training is based |
Travel Commitment |
Name of Educational Supervisor, if known |
Contact details for Educational Supervisor |
Description of training post
8am to 5pm based on site.
Additional Information about the Post The post-holder will gain experience of all aspects of OMFS including:
Encouragement is given to presenting projects and assisting in publications. It is expected the DCTs will undertake audit projects. There is a monthly meeting encompassing audit and educational activity including journal club. There is weekly organised self-directed teaching/learning bleep free session covering topics relevant to OMFS – which is supervised by middle grades or consultants when available. DCTs are encouraged to attend the mandatory regional teaching programme.
Suitable for Temporary Registrant? |
The post is potentially suitable for temporary registrants subject to several logistical restraints from organisations outside the Unit
Pattern of working including any on-call commitment
Educational programme summary |
Combined trauma and mortality and morbidity meeting. |
Employment Details |
Employer |
Contact email for applicant queries referring to post |
Link to relevant webpages |
The Ipswich Hospital NHS Trust - DCT 1 - OMFS
Title of post Type of Training & duration of post |
Training unit / locations |
Location 1. Oral Surgery Ipswich Hospital, Heath Road, Ipswich IP4 5PD
Location 2. Oral Surgery Colchester Hospital, Turner Road, Colchester CO4 5JL |
Rotational Post information and Duration
Full address of unit/s where training is based |
Location 1. Oral Surgery Ipswich Hospital, Heath Road, Ipswich IP4 5PD
Location 2. Oral Surgery Colchester Hospital Turner Road, Colchester CO4 5JL
Travel Commitment |
Name of Educational Supervisor, if known |
Contact details for Educational Supervisor |
Description of training post
9am to 5pm based on site. For AM theatres, you are expected to arrive around 7:30am. PM theatres may finish at 5:30pm
Additional Information about the Post The post-holder will gain experience of all aspects of Oral Surgery including:
Encouragement is given to presenting projects and assisting in publications. It is expected the DCTs will undertake audit projects. There is a monthly meeting encompassing audit. There is weekly teaching session covering topics relevant to Oral Surgery and DCTs are encouraged to attend the mandatory regional teaching programme.
Suitable for Temporary Registrant? |
This post is NOT suitable for temporary registrants.
Pattern of working including any on-call commitment
Educational programme summary |
Combined trauma and mortality and morbidity meeting. |
Employment Details |
Employer |
Contact email for applicant queries referring to post |
Link to relevant webpages |
The Princess Alexandra Hospital NHS Trust - DCT 1 - OMFS
Title of post Type of Training & duration of post |
Training unit / locations |
Rotational Post information and Duration
Full address of unit/s where training is based |
Travel Commitment |
Name of Educational Supervisor, if known |
Contact details for Educational Supervisor |
Description of training post
Princess Alexandra Hospital is a District General Hospital located on the West Essex / East Herts border. The postholder will be an integral part of the OMFS team and will gain experience in:
There is an opportunity to gain experience of orthodontics and orthognathic surgery, in agreement with the Royal London Hospital. Protected time is given to attend the regional teaching and weekly Friday morning teaching. The department also holds monthly audit and clinical governance meetings. Encouragement is given to presenting projects and publications. Previous DCTs have presented at international conferences and won the Regional Junior Papers Day.
Suitable for Temporary Registrant? |
This post is NOT suitable for temporary registrants.
Pattern of working including any on-call commitment
The approximate number of treatment sessions per working week is: Approximately per week:2-3 outpatient clinics1-2 minor oral surgery sessions 2 main theatre/day surgery sessions1 teaching session.
The standard working hours are: 1:5 8am to 8pm based on site only -supporting registrar and consultant
There is an on-call commitment, the pattern of which is:
The details are:
On-call is prospective and 8am to 8pm 1 in 4. The on-call DCT is expected to be on site and is always supported by a second on-call middle grade who is non-resident (after 5pm) and by a middle grade and Consultant on site from 8am to 5pm.
Educational programme summary |
The Educational and Induction Programme includes: Induction Teaching programme Local programme Other opportunities Local facilities Other facilities |
Employment Details |
Employer |
Contact email for applicant queries referring to post |
Link to relevant webpages |
The Queen Elizabeth Hospital King's Lynn NHS Trust - DCT 1 - OMFS
Title of post Type of Training & duration of post |
Training unit/locations |
The Queen Elizabeth Hospital Kings Lynn NHS Foundation Trust – QEHKL -Base Hospital
Norfolk and Norwich University Hospital – NNUH -On call only – 1 in 11 with compensatory day off – travel supported / accommodation provided.
Rotational Post information and Duration
Full address of unit/s where training is based |
The QEHKL NHS Foundation Trust Gayton Road Kings Lynn PE30 4ET – Base hospital
Norfolk and Norwich University Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust Colney Lane Norwich Norfolk NR4 7UY – only for 1 in 11 on call with compensatory day off.
Travel Commitment |
Name of Educational Supervisor, if known |
Mr N S Narayan
Contact details for Educational Supervisor
Consultant Oral Surgeon QEHKL NHS Foundation Trust Kings Lynn PE30 4ET
Sec – 01553 613855 |
Description of training post
The Queen Elizabeth Hospital provides a service encompassing the principal towns of King’s Lynn, Downham Market, Fakenham, Swaffham and Wisbech. The surrounding countryside and North Norfolk coastline make this one of the most beautiful parts of England in which to live and work. King’s Lynn has some light industry and a busy port. There is a good rail link to Cambridge and London. The Queen Elizabeth Hospital has 715 beds and serves a population of 250,000.
Suitable for Temporary Registrant? |
NOT suitable for temporary registrants.
Primary Care element Performer Number required? |
NO primary care element. |
Pattern of working including any on-call commitment
Rotation within the Queen Elizabeth Hospital between Oral Surgery and Orthodontics Departments.
Attending whenever possible Major Surgery theatre Session at NNUH during the day when on call.
On-call: Weekdays and weekends on call at Norfolk and Norwich University Hospital 1 in 11 with compensatory day off and onsite free accommodation provided.
Educational programme summary |
Employment Details |
Employer |
The QEHKL NHS Foundation Trust Gayton Road Kings Lynn PE30 4ET
Contact email for applicant queries referring to post |
ES- Mr N S Narayan Consultant Oral Surgeon QEHKL NHS Foundation Trust Kings Lynn PE30 4ET Sec – 01553 613855
Manager – Julie Arnold Surgical Manager 01553613169
Link to relevant webpages |
Norfolk and Norwich University Hospital - DCT 1 - OMFS
Title of post Type of Training & duration of post |
Training unit/locations |
All rotations are carried out at the Norfolk and Norwich University Hospital with the opportunity to visit James Paget Hospital to experience another hospital setting.
Rotational Post information and Duration
Each DCT is allocated a supervising consultant with exposure to all subspecialty areas including oncology, orthognathics and management of salivary diseases. |
Full address of unit/s where training is based |
Norfolk and Norwich University Hospital, Oral health Department, NNUH, Colney Lane, Norwich. NR4 7UY |
Travel Commitment |
All service is provided on central site, so no travel is required |
Name of Educational Supervisor, if known |
Educational lead: D McAnerney
All trainees are allocated a consultant to identify and provide targeted training needs |
Contact details for Educational Supervisor
David.mcanerney@nnuh.nhs.uk |
Description of training post
We have an exciting opportunity for positive, proactive dental core level trainees wishing to develop with a dynamic and supportive team. These posts are primarily delivery of OMFS but are linked with oral surgery, orthodontics or restorative dentistry depending on applicants’ preference. As standard, you will experience and develop hands on dento-alveolar operating under local and general anaesthesia. Learn about and be part of multidisciplinary teams, for oncology and orthognathics and depending on the linked speciality interest. Oral surgery: Depending on applicants’ development, independent minor oral surgery lists and access with priority to sedation lists. Multiple DCTs have completed their SAAD course during their time with us.
Orthodontics: 1 to 1 with orthodontic consultants, with priority to orthodontic and orthognathic planning clinics.
Restorative: 1 to 1 with our restorative consultant with exposure and priority to implants, complex treatment planning clinics for oncology reconstruction and hypodontia cases. Dental planning and assessments with oncology patients.
All rotations are carried out at the Norfolk and Norwich University Hospital. |
Suitable for Temporary Registrant? |
Primary Care element Performer Number required?
Pattern of working including any on-call commitment
The approximate number of treatment sessions per working week is: (There can be variation to this rota due to holidays and unplanned sickness)
The standard working hours are: Clinic day: 9am - 5pm There is an on-call commitment: 1 in 11nights 1 in 11 weekends Night cover is compensated with the next day off. Weekend cover is compensated by Friday and Monday being off.
Excluding Tues and Thursday where there is registrar cover, second on-call is a consultant. |
Educational programme summary |
There is an enhanced teaching programme dedicated every Monday afternoon with intended learning outcomes and accredited by GDC guidelines with weekly certification. It is updated each year with innovation in OMFS and research methods. We invite multiple professors and experienced consultants regularly to cover each area of interest from different UK universities and hospitals.
Trainees are expected to attend the regional training days provided by the East of England throughout the year and standard study budget is available for additional courses / training the trainee wishes to pursue.
Employment Details |
Employer |
Norfolk and Norwich University Hospital, Oral health Department, Colney Lane, Norwich NR4 7UY
Contact email for applicant queries referring to post |
Opportunities for shadowing before the post commences are welcome and are happy to provide this upon request.
Link to relevant webpages |
Norfolk and Norwich University Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust » Oral Health (nnuh.nhs.uk) |
DCT 1 and DCT 2 run-through Posts in East of England
Norfolk and Norwich University Hospital - DCT 1 and DCT 2 run-through - OMFS
Title of Post Type of Training & duration of post |
Training unit/locations |
All rotations are carried out at the Norfolk and Norwich University Hospital with the opportunity to visit James Paget Hospital to experience another hospital setting.
Rotational Post information and Duration
Each DCT is allocated a supervising consultant with exposure to all subspecialty areas including oncology, orthognathics and management of salivary diseases. |
Full address of unit/s where training is based |
Norfolk and Norwich University Hospital, Oral health Department, NNUH, Colney Lane, Norwich. NR4 7UY |
Travel Commitment |
All service is provided on central site, so no travel is required |
Name of Educational Supervisor, if known |
Educational lead: D McAnerney
All trainees are allocated a consultant to identify and provide targeted training needs |
Contact details for Educational Supervisor
David.mcanerney@nnuh.nhs.uk |
Description of training post
We have an exciting opportunity for positive, proactive dental core level trainees wishing to develop with a dynamic and supportive team. These posts are primarily delivery of OMFS but are linked with oral surgery, orthodontics or restorative dentistry depending on applicants’ preference. As standard, you will experience and develop hands on dento-alveolar operating under local and general anaesthesia. Learn about and be part of multidisciplinary teams, for oncology and orthognathics and depending on the linked speciality interest. Oral surgery: Depending on applicants’ development, independent minor oral surgery lists and access with priority to sedation lists. Multiple DCTs have completed their SAAD course during their time with us.
Orthodontics: 1 to 1 with orthodontic consultants, with priority to orthodontic and orthognathic planning clinics.
Restorative: 1 to 1 with our restorative consultant with exposure and priority to implants, complex treatment planning clinics for oncology reconstruction and hypodontia cases. Dental planning and assessments with oncology patients.
All rotations are carried out at the Norfolk and Norwich University Hospital. |
Suitable for Temporary Registrant? |
Primary Care element Performer Number required?
Pattern of working including any on-call commitment
The approximate number of treatment sessions per working week is: (There can be variation to this rota due to holidays and unplanned sickness)
The standard working hours are: Clinic day: 9am - 5pm There is an on-call commitment: 1 in 11nights 1 in 11 weekends Night cover is compensated with the next day off. Weekend cover is compensated by Friday and Monday being off.
Excluding Tues and Thursday where there is registrar cover, second on-call is a consultant. |
Educational programme summary |
There is an enhanced teaching programme dedicated every Monday afternoon with intended learning outcomes and accredited by GDC guidelines with weekly certification. It is updated each year with innovation in OMFS and research methods. We invite multiple professors and experienced consultants regularly to cover each area of interest from different UK universities and hospitals.
Trainees are expected to attend the regional training days provided by the East of England throughout the year and standard study budget is available for additional courses / training the trainee wishes to pursue.
Employment Details |
Employer |
Norfolk and Norwich University Hospital, Oral health Department, Colney Lane, Norwich NR4 7UY
Contact email for applicant queries referring to post |
Opportunities for shadowing before the post commences are welcome and are happy to provide this upon request.
Link to relevant webpages |
Norfolk and Norwich University Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust » Oral Health (nnuh.nhs.uk) |
The Ipswich Hospital NHS Trust - DCT 1 and DCT 2 run-through - OMFS
Title of Post Type of Training & duration of post |
Training unit / locations |
Rotational Post information and Duration
Full address of unit/s where training is based |
Travel Commitment |
Name of Educational Supervisor, if known |
Contact details for Educational Supervisor |
Description of training post
Additional Information about the Post The post-holder will gain experience of all aspects of Oral Surgery. |
Suitable for Temporary Registrant? |
This post is NOT suitable for temporary registrants |
Pattern of working including any on-call commitment
Educational programme summary |
The Educational and Induction Programme includes:
A Trust induction will be provided. A Regional induction will be provided. There will be opportunities for shadowing before the post commences.
DCTs are encouraged to attend regional induction, courses. p>
An educational supervisor is allocated at the start of the post. There are weekly afternoon teaching sessions on a Monday. There are 6-weekly clinical governance meetings.
DCTs are encouraged to complete two Quality Improvement projects a year and assisted in publications, presentations and exam preparation.
The library in Ipswich is first class with helpful staff for research. There is a simulation suite (e.g cannulation, CPR ect) and a clinical skills room where we teach hands on oral surgery.
Child care facilities are available on site. Trainees have access to computers. There is a restaurant, several coffee shops and a cafe on site. There is an on-call room in the doctors mess with snacks, TV and other activities available. |
Employment Details |
Employer |
Contact email for applicant queries referring to post |
Link to relevant webpages |
DCT 2 Posts in East of England
Beds, Herts & Bucks OMFS Network (Northern Rotation) ‐ DCT 2 ‐ OMFS
Title of post Type of Training & duration of post |
Training unit/locations |
Location 1. Luton and Dunstable University Hospital, Oral and Maxillofacial Centre, Lewsey Road, Luton, Beds LU4 0DZ
Location 2. Bedford Hospital, Oral & Maxillofacial Surgery, South Wing, Kempston Road, Bedford MK42 9DJ
Location 3. Milton Keynes General Hospital, Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery, Standing Way, Eaglestone, Milton Keynes MK6 5LD
Rotational Post information and Duration
Full address of unit/s where training is based |
Location 1. Luton and Dunstable University Hospital, Oral and Maxillofacial Centre, Lewsey Road, Luton, Beds LU4 0DZ
Location 2. Bedford Hospital, Oral & Maxillofacial Surgery, South Wing, Kempston Road, Bedford MK42 9DJ
Location 3. Milton Keynes General Hospital, Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery, Standing Way, Eaglestone, Milton Keynes MK6 5LD
Travel Commitment |
Name of Educational Supervisor, if known |
Multiple educational supervisors (Consultant) available via spoke hospital consultants.
Contact details for Educational Supervisor
Main DCT Educational Lead: Mr Valmiki Sharma
Description of training post
The post-holder will be exposed to a full range of oral and maxillofacial pathologies, oral medicine, both simple and complex dento-alveolar surgery, patients with complex medical conditions, paediatric and adult facial trauma, skin malignancies, head and neck cancer diagnosis and management, TMJ surgery and sialoendoscopy. IV sedation for oral surgery is also undertaken regularly.
This is through clinics, theatre and minor oral surgery (LA) sessions as well as oncall, which includes overnight and weekend shifts.
Suitable for Temporary Registrant? |
Primary Care element Performer Number required?
Pattern of working including any on-call commitment
There is a ‘hub’ day to day timetable that is managed at Luton and Dunstable hospital. Additionally there is a local spoke day to day timetable that is organised locally at that unit and is composed of scheduled clinics and minor oral surgery sessions under LA and sedation. Additionally there are scheduled GA Daycase and Inpatient GA lists (Hub only) to which you’ll be allocated. There will be direct supervision and the aim is to help you feel comfortable to undertake routine procedures independently during your placement- exodontia, biopsies, excisions etc. There is an aim of 3 clinics and 3 operating sessions (LA/GA) per week, which are senior led.
DCTs will split their 12 week rotating pattern with 6 weeks spent in the spoke hospital and 6 weeks at the hub- Luton and Dunstable hospital.
In that 12 week period there will be hub oncall cover 1 set of weekend days 1 set of weekend nights 1 set of weekday nights 4 individual long days oncall (8am-8pm). This equates to a 1:12 full shift rota, with 8am starts at the hub and 8:30am at spokes.
These oncalls are busy and valuable experience in learning acute presentations associated with oral and maxillofacial surgery. They are well supported with second and third oncall cover available to you. Additionally during the day time there is always support locally in hub or spoke with onsite cover by senior levels. During those periods of oncall you will develop skills in managing lacerations and abscess as well and learning how to assess maxillofacial injuries.
There will be a local spoke oncall cover during the day (8.30am-5pm) which is split between the spoke rotated DCTs, managed locally but again with a direct line of supervision available to support you.
Educational programme summary |
Employment Details |
Employer |
Contact email for applicant queries referring to post |
Link to relevant webpages |
Beds, Herts & Bucks OMFS Network (Southern Rotation) ‐ DCT 2 ‐ OMFS
Level of Training post and duration
Title of post Type of Training & duration of post |
Training unit/locations |
Location 1. Luton and Dunstable University Hospital, Oral and Maxillofacial Centre, Lewsey Road, Luton, Beds LU4 0DZ
Location 2. Lister Hospital, Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery, Coreys Mill Lane, Stevenage, Herts. SG1 4AB
Location 3. New QE II Hospital, Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery, Howlands, Welwyn Garden City, Herts. AL7 4HQ |
Rotational Post information and Duration
Full address of unit/s where training is based |
Location 1. Luton and Dunstable University Hospital, Oral and Maxillofacial Centre, Lewsey Road, Luton, Beds LU4 0DZ
Location 2. Lister Hospital, Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery, Coreys Mill Lane, Stevenage, Herts. SG1 4AB
Location 3. New QE II Hospital, Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery, Howlands, Welwyn Garden City, Herts. AL7 4HQ |
Travel Commitment |
Name of Educational Supervisor, if known |
Multiple educational supervisors (Consultant) available via spoke hospital consultants.
Contact details for Educational Supervisor
Main DCT Educational Lead: Mr Valmiki Sharma
Description of training post
The post-holder will be exposed to a full range of oral and maxillofacial pathologies, oral medicine, both simple and complex dento-alveolar surgery, patients with complex medical conditions, paediatric and adult facial trauma, skin malignancies, head and neck cancer diagnosis and management, TMJ surgery and sialoendoscopy. IV sedation for oral surgery is also undertaken regularly.
This is through clinics, theatre and minor oral surgery (LA) sessions as well as oncall, which includes overnight and weekend shifts.
Suitable for Temporary Registrant? |
Primary Care element Performer Number required?
Pattern of working including any on-call commitment
There is a ‘hub’ day to day timetable that is managed at Luton and Dunstable hospital. Additionally there is a local spoke day to day timetable that is organised locally at that unit and is composed of scheduled clinics and minor oral surgery sessions under LA and sedation. Additionally there are scheduled GA Daycase and Inpatient GA lists (Hub only) to which you’ll be allocated. There will be direct supervision and the aim is to help you feel comfortable to undertake routine procedures independently during your placement- exodontia, biopsies, excisions etc. There is an aim of 3 clinics and 3 operating sessions (LA/GA) per week, which are senior led.
DCTs will split their 12 week rotating pattern with 6 weeks spent in the spoke hospital and 6 weeks at the hub- Luton and Dunstable hospital.
In that 12 week period there will be hub oncall cover 1 set of weekend days 1 set of weekend nights 1 set of weekday nights 4 individual long days oncall (8am-8pm). This equates to a 1:12 full shift rota, with 8am starts at the hub and 8:30am at spokes.
These oncalls are busy and valuable experience in learning acute presentations associated with oral and maxillofacial surgery. They are well supported with second and third oncall cover available to you. Additionally during the day time there is always support locally in hub or spoke with onsite cover by senior levels. During those periods of oncall you will develop skills in managing lacerations and abscess as well and learning how to assess maxillofacial injuries.
There will be a local spoke oncall cover during the day (8.30am-5pm) which is split between the spoke rotated DCTs, managed locally but again with a direct line of supervision available to support you.
Educational programme summary |
Employment Details |
Employer |
Contact email for applicant queries referring to post |
Link to relevant webpages |
Cambridge University Hospitals NHS Trust - Addenbrookes Hospital – DCT 2 - OMFS
Title of post Type of Training & duration of post |
Training unit / locations |
Rotational Post information and Duration
Full address of unit/s where training is based |
Travel Commitment |
Name of Educational Supervisor, if known |
Contact details for Educational Supervisor |
Description of training post
8am to 5pm based on site.
Additional Information about the Post The post-holder will gain experience of all aspects of OMFS including:
Encouragement is given to presenting projects and assisting in publications. It is expected the DCTs will undertake audit projects. There is a monthly meeting encompassing audit and journal club. There is weekly teaching session covering topics relevant to OMFS and DCTs are encouraged to attend the mandatory regional teaching programme.
Suitable for Temporary Registrant? |
This post is NOT suitable for temporary registrants.
Pattern of working including any on-call commitment
Educational programme summary |
Combined trauma and mortality and morbidity meeting.
Employment Details |
Employer |
Contact email for applicant queries referring to post |
Link to relevant webpages |
Mid Essex Hospital Trust - Chelmsford and Basildon - DCT 2 - OMFS
Title of post Type of Training & duration of post |
Training unit / locations |
Rotational Post information and Duration
Full address of unit/s where training is based |
Travel Commitment |
Name of Educational Supervisor, if known |
Contact details for Educational Supervisor |
Description of training post
8am to 5pm based on site.
Additional Information about the Post The post-holder will gain experience of all aspects of OMFS including:
Encouragement is given to presenting projects and assisting in publications. It is expected the DCTs will undertake audit projects. There is a monthly meeting encompassing audit and educational activity including journal club. There is weekly organised self-directed teaching/learning bleep free session covering topics relevant to OMFS – which is supervised by middle grades or consultants when available. DCTs are encouraged to attend the mandatory regional teaching programme.
Suitable for Temporary Registrant? |
The post is potentially suitable for temporary registrants subject to several logistical restraints from organisations outside the Unit
Pattern of working including any on-call commitment
Educational programme summary |
Combined trauma and mortality and morbidity meeting. |
Employment Details |
Employer |
Contact email for applicant queries referring to post |
Link to relevant webpages |
Mid Essex Hospital Trust - Chelmsford and Southend - DCT 2 - OMFS
Title of post Type of Training & duration of post |
Training unit / locations |
Rotational Post information and Duration
Full address of unit/s where training is based |
Travel Commitment |
Name of Educational Supervisor, if known |
Contact details for Educational Supervisor |
Description of training post
8am to 5pm based on site.
Additional Information about the Post The post-holder will gain experience of all aspects of OMFS including:
Encouragement is given to presenting projects and assisting in publications. It is expected the DCTs will undertake audit projects. There is a monthly meeting encompassing audit and educational activity including journal club. There is weekly organised self-directed teaching/learning bleep free session covering topics relevant to OMFS – which is supervised by middle grades or consultants when available. DCTs are encouraged to attend the mandatory regional teaching programme.
Suitable for Temporary Registrant? |
The post is potentially suitable for temporary registrants subject to several logistical restraints from organisations outside the Unit
Pattern of working including any on-call commitment
Educational programme summary |
Combined trauma and mortality and morbidity meeting. |
Employment Details |
Employer |
Contact email for applicant queries referring to post |
Link to relevant webpages |
Norfolk and Norwich University Hospital - DCT 2 - OMFS
Title of post Type of Training & duration of post |
Training unit/locations |
All rotations are carried out at the Norfolk and Norwich University Hospital with the opportunity to visit James Paget Hospital to experience another hospital setting.
Rotational Post information and Duration
Each DCT is allocated a supervising consultant with exposure to all subspecialty areas including oncology, orthognathics and management of salivary diseases. |
Full address of unit/s where training is based |
Norfolk and Norwich University Hospital, Oral health Department, NNUH, Colney Lane, Norwich. NR4 7UY |
Travel Commitment |
All service is provided on central site, so no travel is required |
Name of Educational Supervisor, if known |
Educational lead: D McAnerney
All trainees are allocated a consultant to identify and provide targeted training needs |
Contact details for Educational Supervisor
David.mcanerney@nnuh.nhs.uk |
Description of training post
We have an exciting opportunity for positive, proactive dental core level trainees wishing to develop with a dynamic and supportive team. These posts are primarily delivery of OMFS but are linked with oral surgery, orthodontics or restorative dentistry depending on applicants’ preference. As standard, you will experience and develop hands on dento-alveolar operating under local and general anaesthesia. Learn about and be part of multidisciplinary teams, for oncology and orthognathics and depending on the linked speciality interest. Oral surgery: Depending on applicants’ development, independent minor oral surgery lists and access with priority to sedation lists. Multiple DCTs have completed their SAAD course during their time with us.
Orthodontics: 1 to 1 with orthodontic consultants, with priority to orthodontic and orthognathic planning clinics.
Restorative: 1 to 1 with our restorative consultant with exposure and priority to implants, complex treatment planning clinics for oncology reconstruction and hypodontia cases. Dental planning and assessments with oncology patients.
All rotations are carried out at the Norfolk and Norwich University Hospital. |
Suitable for Temporary Registrant? |
Primary Care element Performer Number required?
Pattern of working including any on-call commitment
The approximate number of treatment sessions per working week is: (There can be variation to this rota due to holidays and unplanned sickness)
The standard working hours are: Clinic day: 9am - 5pm There is an on-call commitment: 1 in 11nights 1 in 11 weekends Night cover is compensated with the next day off. Weekend cover is compensated by Friday and Monday being off.
Excluding Tues and Thursday where there is registrar cover, second on-call is a consultant. |
Educational programme summary |
There is an enhanced teaching programme dedicated every Monday afternoon with intended learning outcomes and accredited by GDC guidelines with weekly certification. It is updated each year with innovation in OMFS and research methods. We invite multiple professors and experienced consultants regularly to cover each area of interest from different UK universities and hospitals.
Trainees are expected to attend the regional training days provided by the East of England throughout the year and standard study budget is available for additional courses / training the trainee wishes to pursue.
Employment Details |
Employer |
Norfolk and Norwich University Hospital, Oral health Department, Colney Lane, Norwich NR4 7UY
Contact email for applicant queries referring to post |
Opportunities for shadowing before the post commences are welcome and are happy to provide this upon request.
Link to relevant webpages |
Norfolk and Norwich University Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust » Oral Health (nnuh.nhs.uk) |
The Ipswich Hospital NHS Trust - DCT 2 - OMFS
Title of post Type of Training & duration of post |
Training unit / locations |
Location 1. Oral Surgery Ipswich Hospital, Heath Road, Ipswich IP4 5PD
Location 2. Oral Surgery Colchester Hospital, Turner Road, Colchester CO4 5JL |
Rotational Post information and Duration
Full address of unit/s where training is based |
Location 1. Oral Surgery Ipswich Hospital, Heath Road, Ipswich IP4 5PD
Location 2. Oral Surgery Colchester Hospital Turner Road, Colchester CO4 5JL
Travel Commitment |
Name of Educational Supervisor, if known |
Contact details for Educational Supervisor |
Description of training post
9am to 5pm based on site. For AM theatres, you are expected to arrive around 7:30am. PM theatres may finish at 5:30pm
Additional Information about the Post The post-holder will gain experience of all aspects of Oral Surgery including:
Encouragement is given to presenting projects and assisting in publications. It is expected the DCTs will undertake audit projects. There is a monthly meeting encompassing audit. There is weekly teaching session covering topics relevant to Oral Surgery and DCTs are encouraged to attend the mandatory regional teaching programme.
Suitable for Temporary Registrant? |
This post is NOT suitable for temporary registrants.
Pattern of working including any on-call commitment
Educational programme summary |
Combined trauma and mortality and morbidity meeting. |
Employment Details |
Employer |
Contact email for applicant queries referring to post |
Link to relevant webpages |
The Princess Alexandra Hospital NHS Trust - DCT 2 - OMFS
Title of post Type of Training & duration of post |
Training unit / locations |
Rotational Post information and Duration
Full address of unit/s where training is based |
Travel Commitment |
Name of Educational Supervisor, if known |
Contact details for Educational Supervisor |
Description of training post
Princess Alexandra Hospital is a District General Hospital located on the West Essex / East Herts border. The postholder will be an integral part of the OMFS team and will gain experience in:
There is an opportunity to gain experience of orthodontics and orthognathic surgery, in agreement with the Royal London Hospital. Protected time is given to attend the regional teaching and weekly Friday morning teaching. The department also holds monthly audit and clinical governance meetings. Encouragement is given to presenting projects and publications. Previous DCTs have presented at international conferences and won the Regional Junior Papers Day.
Suitable for Temporary Registrant? |
This post is NOT suitable for temporary registrants.
Pattern of working including any on-call commitment
The approximate number of treatment sessions per working week is: Approximately per week:2-3 outpatient clinics1-2 minor oral surgery sessions 2 main theatre/day surgery sessions1 teaching session.
The standard working hours are: 1:5 8am to 8pm based on site only -supporting registrar and consultant
There is an on-call commitment, the pattern of which is:
The details are:
On-call is prospective and 8am to 8pm 1 in 4. The on-call DCT is expected to be on site and is always supported by a second on-call middle grade who is non-resident (after 5pm) and by a middle grade and Consultant on site from 8am to 5pm.
Educational programme summary |
The Educational and Induction Programme includes: Induction Teaching programme Local programme Other opportunities Local facilities Other facilities |
Employment Details |
Employer |
Contact email for applicant queries referring to post |
Link to relevant webpages |
The Queen Elizabeth Hospital King's Lynn NHS Trust - DCT 2 - OMFS
Title of post Type of Training & duration of post |
Training unit/locations |
The Queen Elizabeth Hospital Kings Lynn NHS Foundation Trust – QEHKL -Base Hospital
Norfolk and Norwich University Hospital – NNUH -On call only – 1 in 11 with compensatory day off – travel supported / accommodation provided.
Rotational Post information and Duration
Full address of unit/s where training is based |
The QEHKL NHS Foundation Trust Gayton Road Kings Lynn PE30 4ET – Base hospital
Norfolk and Norwich University Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust Colney Lane Norwich Norfolk NR4 7UY – only for 1 in 11 on call with compensatory day off.
Travel Commitment |
Name of Educational Supervisor, if known |
Mr N S Narayan
Contact details for Educational Supervisor
Consultant Oral Surgeon QEHKL NHS Foundation Trust Kings Lynn PE30 4ET
Sec – 01553 613855 |
Description of training post
The Queen Elizabeth Hospital provides a service encompassing the principal towns of King’s Lynn, Downham Market, Fakenham, Swaffham and Wisbech. The surrounding countryside and North Norfolk coastline make this one of the most beautiful parts of England in which to live and work. King’s Lynn has some light industry and a busy port. There is a good rail link to Cambridge and London. The Queen Elizabeth Hospital has 715 beds and serves a population of 250,000.
Suitable for Temporary Registrant? |
NOT suitable for temporary registrants.
Primary Care element Performer Number required?
NO primary care element.
Pattern of working including any on-call commitment
Rotation within the Queen Elizabeth Hospital between Oral Surgery and Orthodontics Departments.
Attending whenever possible Major Surgery theatre Session at NNUH during the day when on call.
On-call: Weekdays and weekends on call at Norfolk and Norwich University Hospital 1 in 11 with compensatory day off and onsite free accommodation provided.
Educational programme summary |
Employment Details |
Employer |
The QEHKL NHS Foundation Trust Gayton Road Kings Lynn PE30 4ET
Contact email for applicant queries referring to post |
ES- Mr N S Narayan Consultant Oral Surgeon QEHKL NHS Foundation Trust Kings Lynn PE30 4ET Sec – 01553 613855
Manager – Julie Arnold Surgical Manager 01553613169
Link to relevant webpages |
Community Dental Services - Colchester - DCT 2 – CDS
Title of post Type of Training & duration of post |
Training unit / locations |
Rotational Post information and Duration
Full address of unit/s where training is based |
Travel Commitment |
Name of Educational Supervisor, if known |
Contact details for Educational Supervisor |
Description of training post
The typical standard working hours are 8:30am to 4:30pm based on site.
The post-holder will gain experience in deliver dental treatment and preventative care and education to priority groups including:
The DCT will be trained managing and providing anxiety management techniques, including inhalation sedation. The DCT will take a second clinician role in the management of the paediatric and adult dental outpatient general anaesthesia service. Encouragement is given to presenting projects and assisting in publications. It is expected the DCTs will undertake audit projects. There is are regular meeting encompassing audit and journal club.
Suitable for Temporary Registrant? |
This post is NOT suitable for temporary registrants.
Pattern of working including any on-call commitment
Educational programme summary |
Employment Details |
Employer |
Contact email for applicant queries referring to post |
Link to relevant webpages |