Workforce, training and education
East of England

East of England

For Educational Supervisors

This page is to give you direct links to areas that will be useful to you.


Use this link if you think you wish to become an Educational Supervisor and to find out what the job involves and the responsibilities you undertake, and Information about the application process.


This link takes you directly to the log-in page of the DFT e-Portfolio


You can download from here a copy of the 2015 DFT Curriculum. It is a document which provides guidance for learning, assessment and teaching.


The Dental Foundation Training Blue Guide has been produced by COPDEND to offer guidance on the RCP process in England, Wales and Northern Ireland.


This link will download a copy of 'Managing Performance Concerns' (2022 edition) a practical guide for managing the concerns and challenges that can arise during Dental Foundation Training (DFT). It is intended for use by DF trainers and educational supervisors (ES) in conjunction with the full guidance for Managing Trainees in Difficulties (Health Education England (HEE) 2016).


This link will take you to the e-Den section of the E-Learning for Health website.


This link takes you to a page with resources from the British Endodontic Society and the society website.


This link takes you to the East of England learning resources page where you will find links to several useful websites.

Friday, 27 September, 2019
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Friday, 27 September, 2019