The East of England deanery covers a large geographical area enabling us to provide training programmes with an excellent variety of placements.
The region has 17 hospitals including 3 regional centres at Cambridge, Luton and Norwich. Training programme directors (TPD's) are supportive of enabling trainees to complete their training in hospitals which are commutable from their base hospital, where possible.
Click to explore the interactive map of hospitals in our region. NICU level:
Level 3
Level 2
Level 1
Travel Information
BY TRAIN - Cambridge Railway station, approximately a 30 minute walk down Hills’s Road to Addenbrooke’s (or a regular bus straight from station to hospital).
BY BUS – Multiple bus stops right outside Addenbrooke’s ED connected to train station/park and rides/city centre etc - very regular busses
CAR/BIKE PARKING FACILITIES - Multiple permit-only car parks on site, multiple park and ride facilities surrounding Cambridge. Currently parking is free! And as this is Cambridge of course endless bike parking facilities!
Plenty of accommodation on site. Contact Candice Howes (Medical Staffing) who sorts out accommodation:
Pick up keys from ATC Contact Centre. Rooms generally not en-suite, reasonable quality.
Food and Drinks
Plentiful supplies as >10,000 people work on the Addenbrooke’s site. During the day there is a cafeteria, M&S, Costa, and Starbucks all in main concourse. Costa open 24/7. Vending machines throughout hospital.
Departmental Information
Handover times
Morning handover time - 0830-0900. Daily teaching Tue-Fri 0900-0930
Evening handover timings - 1630 Mon-Thurs, 1600 Friday
Night handover timings - 2030 until 2100
Rota structure
SHO paediatric rota
- Rotating 9 week rota: in these 9 weeks would do 7 nights, 7 LDs, 3 weekends (including 1 LD, 1 night, 1 short surgical)
- Very easy to take study leave and annual leave
- During nights there is 1 SHO, 2 SPR (+2 PICU SPRs)
- During weekends there is 1 consultant, 1 SHO, 3 SPRs (1 to cover oncology, 1 to cover ED, 1 to cover the wards)
ST4+ rota
- Currently a rolling 10 week rota.
- The template incorporates 2 registrars out of hours (evening and nights) and three registrars on long days on the weekend
- Only PICU in EoE - 13 total beds (variable between PICU and HDU)
- Surgical centre - SHOs cover surgery on long day/nights as SHO
- 4 total paediatric wards – C2 (oncology), C3 (generally babies), D2, F3
- Paediatric ED - PEM trainees, paediatric trainees, ED trainees
- Also can have patients on Charles Wolfson Ward (babies under 1yr), and C9 (adolescent oncology), and see patients in the Weston Centre (Day surgery unit), and PDU
- GRID and SPIN rotations vary
- Huge variety of subspecialty clinics – virtually every specialty
- GRID/SPIN SPRs lead their own clinics
- SHO rota has allocated days to attend clinics
Teaching Schedule
- Teaching post handover every day Tuesday-Friday - consultants and trainees leading
- Weekly paediatric grand round
- Hospital grand round 1300-1400 every Wednesday
- Regular clinical governance and safeguarding meetings (1st and 3rd Wednesday of the month)
Reasons for Joining the Team
- Great teaching opportunities, high quality teaching after every handover 4 days a week without fail
- World-renowned Hospital and University
- Brilliant research opportunities
- Tertiary centre for most subspecialties– GRID/SPIN training!
- And the city is amazing!!!
College tutors
Dr Helen Bailie, Dr Charlotte Burns
Travel Information
BY TRAIN - Trains stop at Cambridge Railway Station, which is about two miles from Addenbrooke's. There are frequent buses from the train station (Citi 1 and Citi 7) to Addenbrooke's Hospital as well as a taxi rank
BY BUS - Nearly 60 buses an hour serve Addenbrooke's Hospital on weekdays. Bus stops are located all around campus.
CAR/BIKE PARKING FACILITIES - Multiple multi-storey car parks located around campus. Car Park 4 is designated for staff, but can get busy especially during winter months. Staff are encouraged to park only if on 12 hour shifts. Parking costs £3 for a whole day. Multiple cycle racks are located around campus.
Four new buildings are named after the local villages of Kingston, Linton, Milton and Newton. They contain 290 en-suite, fully furnished bedrooms. Doctors would be allocated to one-, two- or three-bedroom flats. Each flat has a spacious living area and modern kitchen with washer/dryer and fridge/freezer. There are digital freeview TV points in the lounge and bedroom and a broadband connection is available at additional charge.
Doctors who wish to apply for accommodation should contact Medical Staffing.
Where doctors residing off-site are unable to undertake on-call duties from home, or return home following a late or night shift, Medical Staffing can assist in arranging a room.
Food and Drinks
There are multiple shops and restaurants in the hospital including:
- Costa Coffee (Open 24 hours, Main Concourse)
- Starbucks (Addenbrooke’s Treatment Centre)
- Amigos Convenience Store (Main Concourse)
- M&S Food (Main Concourse)
- Burger King (Main Concourse)
- Barclays Bank (Main Concourse)
- Broadway Dry Cleaners (Main Concourse)
- Spice of Life Canteen (Main Concourse)
Departmental Information
Morning NICU Handover: 0800
Evening NICU Handover: 1700
Night NICU Handover: 20:30
Rota structure (subject to change)
- 2 ITU Registrars, 1 Ward Registrar
- 2 ITU SHOs, 1 Ward SHO, +/- SCBU/Clinic SHO, +/- ITU Short Day SHO
- 2 ITU Registrars
- 2 ITU SHOs
Neonatal Unit
- Level 3 Unit
- The unit currently has 28 ICU / HDU cots in the NICU, and 12 special care cots on SCBU.
- Transitional care is provided on both the postnatal ward and an adjacent ward.
General and specialist clinics, including fetal medicine, cardiology, neonatal neurology and neurodevelopmental follow-up clinics.
Teaching Schedule
- Weekly neonatal grand rounds
- Weekly multidisciplinary meetings (radiology, genetics, paediatric surgery, neonatal neurocritical care, fetal medicine, neonatal nutrition)
- Practical training in cranial ultrasonography, CFM and echocardiography
- Dedicated weekly cranial ultrasound teaching
- Simulation (within the NICU and with the transport team)
- Dedicated neonatal-specific teaching by paediatric neurologists, surgeons and cardiologists
Reasons for Joining the Team
- On-site services include high frequency oscillation, inhaled nitric oxide therapy, neonatal cardiology, therapeutic hypothermia, neonatal general and urological surgery, neonatal neurosurgery, ophthalmology, Paediatric neurology and plastic/reconstructive surgery. The Rosie is the regional centre for ROP treatment and neurosurgery.
- Tertiary centre with in - Hospital neurosurgical service.
- One of the two surgical centres in East of England offering 24x7 surgical care.
- Home of PaNDR (Paediatric and Neonatal Decision Support and Retrieval Service).
- Costa is open 24 hours!
- Friendly and dynamic team
Travel Information
BY TRAIN - Basildon Station (nearest) is 18 minute walk to the hospital or 14 minute bus ride.
BY BUS - 100, 21, 5, 5A
The car park operates on an automatic number plate recognition barrier system. Staff parking charges are linked to gross pay and range from £10 to £40 per month for full-time employees, charged pro-rata for part time staff. The minimum charge is £10. Parking charges will be deducted from monthly pay, either through salary sacrifice or as a net pay deduction. Staff can register one vehicle for staff parking.
The staff parking concession gives staff access to the following car parks: Multi Storey (uppers levels only), Education centre, Campus, Staff CTC, Staff Maternity, Orsett main car park, Staff authorised parking area opposite Mental Health Unit, Staff authorised parking area at Orsett, Gold car park (Consultants only)
For any car parking queries, please email:
Bike parking available.
For staff hospital accommodation please contact Sue Pitcher or Jo/Dects, Home Wardens, on ext 4877 or email
Food and Drinks
Restaurant (by main entrance):
The coffee bar in the main restaurant is open 7.30am–8pm, serving drinks and snacks. A range of hot and cold is served in the main restaurant:
- Breakfast: 7.30-10.30am Monday to Sunday
- Lunch: 11.45am – 2pm Monday to Friday; 12-4.30pm Saturday and Sunday
- Dinner: 5.30-8pm Monday to Friday; 5-8pm Saturday and Sunday
League of Friends Tea Bars:
The League of Friends tea bars offer hot and cold drinks, filled rolls and snacks.
- Outpatient department: 10am-3pm Monday to Thursday; 10am-1pm Friday
- Antenatal department: 9am-1pm Monday to Friday
Costa Café in The Essex Cardiothoracic Centre:
Open 7.30am-6pm Monday to Friday; 9.30am-6pm Saturday and Sunday serving a range of hot and cold drinks, sandwiches, toasted sandwiches and snacks.
RVS shop (by main entrance):
The RVS shop sells papers and magazines, confectionary, cards and a small range of essential items. Opening times are:
- Monday 9.30am–7.30pm
- Tuesday 8am-7.30pm
- Wednesday 9.30am–7.30pm
- Thursday 8am-7.30pm
- Friday 9.30am-4.30pm
- Saturday and Sunday 9.30am-4.30pm
Vending machines
Available outside the restaurant, in accident and emergency (A&E) and in the CTC outpatient department.
Departmental Information
Morning handover time - 08.30am: Mon-Fri. 09.00 Sat, Sun, bank holidays
Evening handover time - 16.00: Mon – Fri. N/A Sat, Sun, bank holidays
Night handover time - 20.30pm: Mon-Fri. 21.00: Sat, Sun, bank holidays
Rota structure
- Paeds Day Shift: 1 long day ward SHO, 1 short day PAU SHO, 1 twilight SHO (2-10pm) , 1 short day ward Reg, 1 short day PAU Reg, 1 twilight Reg, 1 short day FY1 on ward, 1 short day FY1 on PAU, (Thursday & Friday 1 short day FY2 ward/PAU). Additional A&E Trainee on the paediatric rota to cover PAU short day.
- NICU Day Shift: 1 postnatal SHO short day, 1 long day ward SHO, 1 short day NICU SHO, 1 long day ward Reg
- Paeds Night Shift: 1 Paeds SHO, 1 Paeds Reg
- NICU Night Shift: 1 NICU SHO, 1 NICU Reg
- Paeds Weekend Shift: 1 Paeds long day SHO, 1 Paeds long day Reg, 1 Paeds twilight Reg
- NICU Weekend Shift: 1 NICU/postnates long day SHO, 1 NICU long day Reg
- 20 inpatient beds
- No designated HDU bed
- 4 short stay PAU beds
- 24 hour PAU
- Paeds trainees do not cover Paeds ED.
Neonatal Unit
- Level 2
- 21 beds- 3 ITU, 5HDU, 13 SCBU
- 33 postnatal beds
- General Paediatrics, Allergy, Neonatal, Respiratory, Endocrine, Rheumatology
- Gastro - Gastro Consultant is the CSAC lead for SPIN Gastro training in the college
- Cardiology with tertiary consultant input
- Diabetes with fully functional MDT
- Epilepsy – MDT clinics
- Haematology with Sickle Cell dedicated clinics
- Oncology with in house chemo and transfusion
- Community clinics available – neurodisability, school clinics, child protection services, autism, ASD, ADHD
Teaching Schedule
- Monday 12.00-13.00 Grand round& Monthly M&M meetings
- Tuesday 09.00-10.00 SHO teaching
- Wednesday 09.00-10.00 Registrar teaching/SPEAR meetings
- Thursday 09.00-10.00 Consultant led teaching
- Friday 12.30-13.30 Paediatric X-Ray meeting
Reasons for Joining the Team
- Winner of Best Teaching Unit 2019. "The amount of teaching at Basildon is more than any other hospital I have worked in." "Even during COVID pandemic teaching continued virtually." Juniors highly encouraged to attend teaching.
- Consultants are very hands on, cover all the subspecialties and most will stay on the floor till 9pm helping with PAU workload. This enables excellent learning opportunities. They are very approachable, knowledgeable and helpful.
- One of the largest and busiest district general hospital’s in EOE, hence we have a variety of patients. This ensures ample learning opportunities for procedural skills and management of complex patients.
- Opportunities for audits, research projects and opportunities to take on leadership roles (e.g. SHO representative, SPR pepresentative, SPEAR safeguarding organiser, teaching organiser, social secretary).
- A genuinely fun department to be a part of! We have had regular socials throughout the year where everyone including consultants join in! These include restaurants, picnics, birthday celebrations, exam celebrations, leaver’s do, plus the doctors’ office is often filled with homemade cakes and instant coffee!
(Mid South Essex University Hospitals Group)
Travel Information
BY TRAIN - Nearest rail station – Chelmsford then take direct bus to outside the hospital; “Plus Bus” tickets available, which includes train and bus fare.
BY BUS - Nearest bus stop outside the hospital, buses operated by First Bus.
CAR/BIKE PARKING FACILITIES - Available on site, contact Travel Centre at the hospital for permits.
For on-site accommodation
Swan Housing Accommodation Office, 2 Hazel House, Woodlands Way, Chelmsford, Essex. CM1 7TH
Direct Tel: 01245 442192 Mobile: 07867 459106
Short and long term accommodation available.
Accommodation can be booked on a nightly basis from £31.07 per night.
Longer term accommodation prices start from £517.67pcm.
Alternatively you can email:
Out of Hours: If you are arriving at Broomfield to access your accommodation outside of our normal office hours and need to contact us for any reason, please call: Nicky Harding 07880 381 681.
Food and Drinks
- Pudding Wood Café, opposite D140. Monday to Friday, 7am - 3pm
- Costa Coffee, Mid Atrium, adjacent to the entrance to Zone E; Monday to Friday, 7am - 5.30pm; Saturday & Sunday, 9am - 4pm
- Fontanella, Front of Atrium; Monday to Friday, 7am - 10pm; Saturday & Sunday, 9am - 5pm
- Roundhouse Coffee Shop, E121: St Andrew’s OPD waiting area
- Friends of Broomfield Shop 1, South Entrance; Monday to Friday, 9am - 4pm; Shop 2, End of Atrium, adjacent to A111; Monday to Friday, 9am - 4pm
- The Friends also run a trolley service which can be encountered on most routes throughout the hospital.
- M&S Simply Food, Mid Atrium; Monday to Friday, 7.30am - 8pm; Saturday, 8.30am - 8pm; Sunday, 10am - 8pm
- WH Smith, Mid Atrium; Monday to Friday, 6.30am - 8pm; Saturday & Sunday, 8am - 18:00
Vending Machines
- Zone A, Central Corridor, level 2 - A&E department waiting room and Felsted Ward (A205), level 3 - Near Terling Ward (A305),
- Zone C, level 2 - lift lobby.
- Zone E, level 1 - lift lobby and level 2 - lift lobby
Departmental Information
Morning, evening and night handovers Mon-Fri are overseen by consultants.
During weekdays on-call consultant is on site until 2200, available by phone afterwards.
For weekends and bank holidays handovers in the morning are overseen by a consultant; with on-call consultant present on site until 1700, and available by phone after 1700
Morning handover time:
- 0845-0915, separate for Paediatrics and Neonatology, Mon-Thurs.
- On Fridays, handover follows journal club, usually joint.
- Joint handover on weekends and bank holidays.
Evening handover timings:
- 1645-1715 joint for neonatal and paediatrics.
Night handover timings:
- 2045-2115, joint for neonates and paediatrics.
Rota structure
Number of Reg and SHO on floor for day/night/weekend shifts:
- 3 registrars on floor, 1 for Phoenix (ward), 1 for PAU and 1 for NICU and PNW; additional registrars in clinic / Paed A&E.
- 1 SHO each for Phoenix, PAU, NICU and PNW; additional SHO, when present, in clinic.
Evenings, weekends and nights:
- 2 registrars and 2 SHOs
- Additional SHO on weekends 0900-1400 for PNW
- Phoenix ward: no of beds 24, 2 HDU
- PAU: 4 beds, 1 cubicle, 1 additional room; additional bay of 4 beds
- Paediatric A&E based in A&E, Paeds A&E consultants (4 in post) do long days Mon-Thurs; SHOs posted from 1200-2045; if extra registrar present, will be posted in Paeds A&E
Neonatal Unit
- Level II (Local NNU) 25 beds: 2 ITU, 4 HDU, 19 SCBU
- Post natal Ward: 20 beds
- General paediatrics
- Neonatal follow up
- Subspecialty clinics: Diabetes, Endocrinology, Genetics, Epilepsy, Neonatal follow up, Cardiology, Rheumatology, Oncology, Allergy, Gastroenterology
- Outreach clinics with tertiary consultants: Cardiology, Neurology, Endocrinology, Cystic Fibrosis
- Usual clinics for registrars: General paediatric and subspecialty interest
Community Paediatrics
- Neurodisabliity ADHD, ASD, ADOS, LAC, TAC, SARC, Audiology, SLT/PT
- No syndrome clinic/school clinics
Teaching Schedule
- Monday - Neonatal teaching 1-2 pm
- Tuesday - Radiology meeting 1-2 pm
- Thursday - Hot week consultant led teaching 1-2 pm
- Friday - Journal Club 9-9:30 am
- Simulation sessions
Reasons for Joining the Team
- Lovely, friendly, approachable, supportive consultant team
- Lots of subspecialty clinics available, good clinical exposure
- Opportunities to learn and teach, including medical students
- Supportive, friendly nurses and allied health professionals
(East Suffolk and North Essex Foundation Trusts)
Travel Information
BY TRAIN/BUS - Colchester station is 15 min walk from hospital or 10min by bus ( no 8,61,65) . The bus stop is located inside the hospital. Park and Ride facility also available on A12, J28.
CAR/BIKE PARKING FACILITIES - There is on- site car and bike parking facilities. Car parking permits can be applied for online.
Free accommodation is provided if working on long days/nights and unable to return home. It can be pre booked 1 day in advance through email
Food and Drinks
Senses Restaurant Mon-Fri 8am-5pm, Sat-Sun 8am-3pm
Costa Mon-Sun 7am-8pm
M&S Mon-Fri 7am-7pm, Sat-Sun 9am -5pm
WHsmith Mon-Fri 7am-8pm, Sat-Sun 8am -5pm
League of Friends Shop situated just outside main entrance
Vending Machines are also present across the hospital site, including a hot food vending machine inside Senses Restaurant.
Departmental information
Morning - 9am
Evening - 4.30pm
Night - 9pm
Morning Handovers are separate for paediatrics and neonates on Mon-Fri and jointly on weekends and bank holidays.
Evening and night handovers are done jointly on all days.
Rota structure (subject to change)
Weekdays - 1 registrar & minimum 1 SHO each in paediatric ward, children's assessment unit, neonates and postnatal ward.
Evening Weekdays - 1 long day registrar and 1 SHO each for neonates and paediatrics.
Weekends - 1 registrar long day & 1 registrar late shift. 1 long day SHO each in neonates and paediatrics.
Nights - 1 registrar and 1 SHO each on neonates and paediatrics.
Consultant on site till 10 pm on all days.
Our Children’s Ward has a total of 20 beds including 10 side rooms and 4 HDU beds. We have a 10 bedded Elective care unit supporting the unit with day cases.
Our Children's Assessment Unit has 6 beds, 2 side rooms and a consulting room. We have a dedicated Paediatric ED run by the paediatric nursing team in conjunction with ED doctors, ANNPs and paediatric doctors in a good multidisciplinary fashion.
We have a wonderful play therapy team and a play area (open and indoor) and a sensory room for the children along with a strong group of paediatric dieticians supporting the unit.
Neonatal Unit
We are a Level 2 neonatal unit with 17 beds (including ITU). Facilities include CFM, C-MAC video laryngoscope, ventilation, chest drain, central lines. Babies in the postnatal ward also provide a good range of experience.
The department has many subspeciality clinics which that you can attend to gain experience. These include epilepsy, diabetes, oncology, renal, cardiology, allergy and respiratory.
Several outreach clinics attended by tertiary consultants from GOSH, Addenbrooke’s and Brompton Hospitals include Genetics, Nephrology, Cardiology, Respiratory, Neurology, Haematology and Oncology.
There is a well-established sleep study clinic and we are actively involved in the regional palliative network with plenty of opportunities to gain experience in this area.
Registrars usually do independent baby clinics and general paediatric clinics.
They can also gain more experience in a subspeciality of their choice by expressing interest to the respective consultants.
SHOs manage the “jaundice clinic”. Opportunities for SHOs are to attend any clinic of their choice on that day during the scheduled “clinic week”.
There are also specialist nurse clinics for allergy, gastroenterology epilepsy and enuresis which are good for gaining more experience.
We have a good community paediatrics team catering to neurodisability , ADHD, autism, adoption, school clinics and safeguarding.
Several of the community consultants are actively involved in the acute department enhancing training opportunities for trainees in community paediatrics.
Recently a new “Synapse Centre for Neurodevelopment” was launched by the paediatric community team. This is aiming to enhance neurodisability translational research and provides a great opportunity for trainees to be involved in research and trials.
Teaching Schedule
- Every Tuesday and Friday 9am - teaching by junior doctors including journal club.
- Wednesday 9 am - teaching by consultant of week
- Alternate Tuesday - 1 pm- xray meeting
- Safeguarding peer review - 1st Monday and 3rd Friday of month
- NPEG - 9.30-12.30, once a month from Norwich
- Ad-hoc simulation sessions
- Once a month audit meeting
- Plenty of opportunities to get involved in undergraduate teaching both on site and at the “new” ARU Medical School
Reasons for Joining the Team
- Experienced, diverse and friendly team of consultants (several with regional roles and expertise) who are very supportive , clinically and academically.
- Great opportunity to gather more expertise in your subspeciality by attending relevant clinics.
- Take part in research trials at our new SYNAPSE centre for neurodevelopment.
- Excellent teaching programme with great opportunities to be involved in departmental and undergraduate teaching.
- Friendly, supportive, stimulating working atmosphere.
Travel Information
BY TRAIN - Huntingdon Station is 0.8 miles away (15 min walk)
BY BUS - Bus stops are to the side of the hospital. Most buses to Huntingdon stop outside the hospital. Busway B from Cambridge runs every 20mins.
CAR/BIKE PARKING FACILITIES - Parking is available on site in staff car parks. Permits are available from the cashiers by switchboard in the main entrance. Staff parking is currently free due to COVID-19. Covered bike storage is available around the hospital, but is not secure.
Hospital accommodation – contact medical staffing. On site accommodation available
Emergency accommodation – two on call rooms are available for the paediatric team out of hours for rest breaks. These can be utilised in emergency situations if accommodation is required at short notice.
Food and Drinks
Garden Restaurant open 8am-10.30am, 12pm-2.30pm and 4.45-7.30pm. Serves freshly cooked meals to staff 7d a week, including sandwiches, jacket potatoes and ice cream!
Costa Coffee open 7am-4pm 6 days a week
Amigo Shop open 7am-8pm Mon-Fri, 9am-5pm weekends
Doctors Mess located close to the lifts by the main entrance. Stocked with biscuits, fruit, tea and coffee. £15pm subscription fee.
Departmental Information
Handover times
Morning handover – 8.30am followed by teaching
Afternoon handover – 4.30pm
Night handover timings – 9pm
Rota structure
- In hours minimum staffing is 1 SpR and 4 SHOs. OOH 1 SpR and 1 SHO.
- SHOs work a 1 in 8 rota, SpRs approx. 1 in 7.
- All shifts are NWD/LD/Nights.
- Holly Ward – 12 bedded ward + 6 day case beds + 1 HDU bed
- PAU – 4 beds
- General A&E not covered by paediatric doctors, however 1 paediatric trained nurse should be on shift. Currently building a paediatric area in minors.
Neonatal Unit
- Level 1 SCBU
- 10 bedded unit, 1 ITU bed and 2 HDU beds. Accepts neonates from 30 weeks gestation
- Lilac Ward – postnatal ward. Up to 23 babies (but rarely that full!). No dedicated transitional care, but can look after babies on transitional care pathways.
- Diabetes and endocrine, renal, neuro, cardiology, allergy, respiratory, gastro, T21 clinic, baby clinic
- Specialty clinics - cardiology with GOSH 3 monthly, endocrine with CUH quarterly, renal with Nottingham, neurology with CUH
Teaching Schedule
- Monday, Thursday and Friday 09:00 – 30min SHO/SpR teaching
- Wednesday 08:30 – X-ray meeting
- Tuesday 13:00 – Consultant led teaching
Reasons for Joining the Team
- Incredibly supportive and proactive Consultant team.
- Very friendly hospital to work in.
- Good general paediatric/neonatal experience for new SHOs/SpRs.
- Excellent food in the canteen and cake on the wards.
- A proper on call room for night shifts!
College Tutor
Dr Rajiv Goonetilleke
Travel Information
BY TRAIN - Bedford railway station, on the main line from London St. Pancras, through Luton to the East Midlands, is about half a mile from the hospital (a 10-15 minute walk or a short taxi ride away). A smaller unmanned station, Bedford St. Johns, on the Marston Vale line from Bletchley, is a five-minute walk from the hospital. There is no taxi service from this station.
BY BUS - There are several bus services from the local area that stop at Bedford Hospital, including routes 1 (Kempston), 2 (Elstow Park and Ride), 42 (Flitwick), 53 (Wootton) and 68 (Stewartby). Many buses from other local towns and villages also stop at Bedford Bus Station, from where you can catch the number 1 bus service to the hospital. A bus information kiosk can be found in the foyer of the Kempston Road entrance, which provides real time bus arrival time information with maps and timetables. A free copy of the Bedford Bus Guide can also be obtained from the Kempston Road reception. For further details of bus services, including timetables, please visit the main operators’ websites at or There are several other bus operators serving the area. For details of these as well as additional bus and public transport information, please visit the Bedford Borough Council website at
Bedford Hospital South Wing is situated near the town centre in Bedford. There are three main entrances to the hospital site, all of which have car parks: Ampthill Road (A&E and Outpatients department), Britannia Road, Kempston Road. For car park queries please contact APCOA: 01234355122, ext 6049.
There are covered cycle stores by the Kempston Road entrance and in front of the Cygnet Wing. There are also numerous other cycle locking points around the site. There are cycle paths leading to the hospital from Kempston along Bedford Road and from the south of Bedford along the Ampthill Road.
On call rooms are available in Ombersley House and can be booked via switchboard.
Doctors’ mess is available for taking a rest after a long shift. Doctors need to pay monthly mess fees for access to this. Contact person is Jane Jelly, via switchboard.
Food and Drinks
The Swannery
The Swannery is the main restaurant on site and is open from 7.30am-7.30pm Monday-Friday, and from 9am-5pm on the weekend. It offers a range of hot meals, hot and cold drinks, sandwiches, and snacks. Children’s portions and highchairs are also available.
Le Bistro
Le Bistro is the hospital café which is situated opposite The Swannery, offering a relaxed and friendly atmosphere to enjoy a hot or cold drink, continental pastries, filled baguettes, soups or the ‘hot dish of the day’. Le Bistro is open from 8.45am to 4pm.
Vending Machines
There are vending machines offering snacks, sandwiches and hot and cold drinks located outside the outpatients department, and outside the lifts to the main ward block. There are also some coffee machines available in outpatients clinics.
Hospital Shop
The shop is located by the main reception desk at Kempston Road entrance and offers a range of gifts, cards, message balloons, newspapers, magazines, soft toys, groceries and toiletries. The shop is open from 7am to 8pm Monday to Friday. On weekends, the shop is open from 2pm to 6pm, with confectionery, drinks and weekend papers available to buy in the Swannery restaurant from 9am.
Departmental Information
Times for paediatric ward and NICU
- Morning - 09:00
- Evening - 16:30
- Night - 21:00
Rota structure
- 4 Reg and 4 SHO on floor for short day
- 2 reg and 2 SHO for long day, night and weekend shifts
- 16 beds, 8 cubicles
- 1 HDU bed
- CAU - bed capacity: 9 beds, 4 cubicles.
- There is a paediatric A&E - Paediatric trainees go to see patients in A&E if there is a resus call and if there is no bed in CAU.
Neonatal Unit
- Level 1
- 1 ITU bed for stabilization
- 2 HDU
- 9 SCBU
- Postnatal ward 12 bays, 4 cubicles, 4 post CS beds and 4 antenatal beds
- Cardiology, infant clinic, epilepsy, urology, orthopaedic, endocrine, diabetes, psychiatry, psychology, dermatology, gastroenterology, rheumatology, cystic fibrosis, hematology (Sickle cell and thalassemia), allergy clinic.
- Outreach clinics with tertiary consultants: Cardiology, endocrine, gastroenterology, cystic fibrosis, haematology
- Registrar clinic runs once a week.
Services offered by the community team include ADHD, autism spectrum disorder, epilepsy, neurodisability, IHA (initial health assessment) for the looked after children, adoption medical.
Teaching Schedule
- Safeguarding peer review: Monday, once a month
- SHO led teaching: Every Tuesday
- Perinatal meeting: Tuesday, once a month.
- Consultant led teaching: Every Wednesday
- Registrar led teaching/Interesting case of the week: Every Thursday
- Journal club: Alternate Friday
- X ray meeting: Alternate Friday
Reasons for Joining the Team
- Very dynamic team consists of consultants, trainees and non-training grade experienced doctors and allied workforce.
- We serve a very multicultural community and see a variety of pathologies which is quite rare.
- Widely encourage trainees to get involved in management activities like rota, junior doctors forum, organising events like clinical exam for MRCPCH, departmental teaching.
- Flexible rota and easy to arrange annual leave, study leave.
- Great training opportunities including academic development, audit and different study and success in regular publication in national journals. Six abstracts have been accepted by RCPCH in 2020.
*Awaiting information*
Travel Information
BY TRAIN-The nearest railway station to the Hospital is at Great Yarmouth approximately two miles away. There are regular trains to and from Norwich, London and Peterborough, and intermediate stops, with connecting trains across the country.
BY ROAD: The A12 leads from London and Ipswich through to Lowestoft, with the A47 linking to
Great Yarmouth. There is also the M11/A11 link that offers a faster more direct link with the M25 London Orbital motorway. The A14, the A11 and A47 towards Great Yarmouth enables travel from Bedford, Cambridge, Newmarket, Huntingdon, Ely and Bury.
CAR/BIKE PARKING FACILITIES - There is on- site car and bike parking facilities.
Accommodation & Rest Facilities
Staff accommodation is located on-site and consists of single (shared) accommodation, and self-contained married/family accommodation. For general enquiries please contact
Rest rooms are available post night shifts (and day shifts!). Key available from accommodation office (No costs)
Food and Drinks
Aubergine Restaurant Mon - Fri 0730 am- 0800pm, Sat-Sun 8am - 8pm
M&S Cafe Mon - Fri 7am - 8pm, Sat - Sun 8am - 6pm
Vending Machines are also present across the hospital site.
Departmental information
Morning - 9am
Evening - 4.30pm
Night - 9pm
Rota structure
- Minimum of 2 SpR and 3 SHO for day
- 1 SpR and 1-2 SHO for evening and night
- 1 SpR and 1-2 SHO for weekend
Our Children’s Ward has a total of 28 beds including 2 HDU beds.
We have a friendly and supportive nursing team and a wonderful play therapy team making all procedures less stressful for the child, family, and the trainee
Neonatal Unit
We are a Level 1 neonatal unit.
Equipments available include CFM, C-MAC video laryngoscope, chest drain, central lines, Portable ultrasound for head scans. Even though a level 1 unit, trainees gain plenty of opportunities for procedures like intubation, central line insertion, head scans etc.
The department has many subspeciality clinics which trainees can attend. These include epilepsy, diabetes, renal, cardiology, allergy, respiratory, rheumatology, Headache, neonatal, Community paediatrics (Neurodisability, LAC, ASD/ ADHD)
There are several outreach clinics with tertiary consultants from GOSH, Addenbrooke’s and Nottingham hospitals Hospitals include Genetics, Nephrology, Cardiology, Neurology, Endocrinology
Usual clinics for registrars: General paediatrics, Community paediatrics
They can also gain more experience in a subspeciality of their choice by expressing interest to the respective consultants.
Plenty of opportunities for SHOs to develop special interest and to attend any clinic of their choice when scheduled for clinic.
Teaching Schedule
- Monday (1st Monday each month) - Radiology meeting 1200
- Monday (Every Monday): CAEDS (Children & Adolescent Eating Disorder Service) MDT 1400hrs
- Monday (4th Monday each month): Clinical Governance meeting 1300hrs
- Monday (2nd Monday every 2 months): Safeguarding case presentation 1300hrs
- Monday (4th Monday each month): Combined O&G/Paediatric teaching
- Tuesday - Safeguarding meeting 1300
- Wednesday (1st Wednesday each month): Audit meeting 1300hrs
- Wednesday (3rd Wednesday each month): Children’s specialty group meeting 1230hrs
- Wednesday (4th Wednesday each month): Morbidity and mortality meeting 1300hrs
- Thursday - Consultant led teaching.
- Thursday (Every Thursday): CAEDS (Children & Adolescent Eating Disorder Service) MDT 1400hrs
- Paediatric & neonatal Simulation at least once a month
- NPEG once a month, on the first Thursday of the month
- Plenty of opportunities to get involved in undergraduate teaching on site
Reasons for Joining the Team
- Supportive, friendly, and approachable team of consultants.
- Trainees encouraged to build their portfolio including weekly e-portfolio clinics with consultants.
- Regular MDTs with local CAEDS (Children & Adolescent Eating Disorder Service), an excellent learning resource.
- Friendly and very supportive group of experienced nurses and APNP.
- Wide choice of sub-specialty clinics. Excellent opportunity to develop your individual interest.
- Excellent opportunity to be involved in teaching, Audit, QI projects and research.
Travel Information
BY TRAIN - Nearest rail station is King’s Lynn. Distance from train station is 2.3 miles. By walk will take 45 mins to reach the hospital. By cycle takes 11 minutes to reach the hospital.
BY BUS - (from the transport interchange, 5 min walk from the train station). QE Hospital stop is close to the main entrance. Bus numbers 21, 34, 42, 48, 49A. Average travel time 20 – 25 minutes.
- There are dedicated staff parking areas. Parking spaces marked in blue are exclusively for the use of patients and visitors.
- If you are using a satnav to find your way to the hospital, our postcode is PE30 4ET.
- There are dedicated bicycle parking zones opposite the main entrance, adjacent to the staff entrance.
- Parking is free for motorcycles and you do not require a parking permit. There are a number of suitable small spaces on the Main Car Park and an area adjacent to the Staff Entrance.
- For permits, please contact the car parking manager on - 01553 613613 Extn. 3742
Kerrie Hopkisson, Residential Accommodation Manager, Accuro Facilities Management
Queen Elizabeth Hospital, Residential Office, Gayton Road, Kings Lynn, PE30 4ET
Phone: 01553 661408; Email:
For info and pictures please visit :
Food and Drinks
The Hub Café
- The Hub Café (hospital cafeteria) is situated on the First Floor, Orange Zone. Breakfast served until 11am.
- Open daily (including weekends) from 0730 – 2000 hrs.
- (*currently the café is only open to staff)
- Mon – Fri: Open from 0800 – 1700 hrs
- Sat and Sun: Closed
Amigo shop – for basic necessities
- Mon – Fri: Open from 0800 – 1700 hrs
- Sat: 1000 – 1400 hrs
- Sun: Closed
Vending machines
- First floor next to the lifts and also in the hospital canteen.
Departmental Information
Handover times
Morning handover time – 0900
Evening handover timings – 1630
Night handover timings- 2030
Rota structure
Weekday shifts daytime:
- Ward - 1 Reg, 1-2 SHOs
- PAU - 1 Reg, 1 SHO (starts at 1200 hrs)
- NNU – 1 Reg, 1 SHO/ANNP
- Post-natal ward – 1 SHO
Weekday after evening handover: 1 Reg covering all areas
- Ward – 1 SHO
- PAU – 1 SHO
Weekday night (PAU closed – all acute referrals are seen in ED)
- 1 Reg, 1 SHO (ward cover), 1 ANNP/SHO (NNU cover)
Weekend shifts (PAU closed – all acute referrals are seen in ED)
- 1 Reg, 1 SHO (ward cover), 1 ANNP/SHO (NNU cover), 1 SHO (post-natal ward)
- Total no of beds - 16 (7 side rooms, 5 ward beds, 4 elective beds)
- HDU - 2
- PAU bed capacity - 10
- No dedicated paediatric ED
Neonatal Unit
- Level 2
- ITU - 1 bed
- HDU - 2 beds
- SCBU - 9 beds
- Transitional care - 4 beds
- Postnatal Ward - 24 beds
- Sub-specialty clinics: Diabetes, respiratory, cardiology, endocrine, oncology, epilepsy, allergy, rheumatology, renal, cystic fibrosis, coeliac.
- Outreach clinics with tertiary consultants: Respiratory, cardiology, endocrine, neurology, rheumatology, pediatric surgery, renal, cystic fibrosis, orthopedics, genetics.
- Usual clinics for registrars – Early access clinics and registrar clinics alongside a consultant at King’s Lynn as well as the North Cambridgeshire Hospital, Wisbech.
Teaching Schedule
- Monday (1230): Radiology meeting
- Tuesday (0915): SHO tutorials – delivered by registrars/consultants/external speakers
- Wednesday (1130): Departmental teaching – specific topic – led by registrars/consultants/external speakers
- Thursday (1315): Case presentation by SHOs with discussion thereafter
- Friday (0915): Neonatal tutorial/guideline presentation
- We also have monthly mortality & morbidity meetings (first Wednesday of the month), clinical governance meetings (third Wednesday of the month), safeguarding peer review meetings and hospital Schwartz rounds.
Reasons for Joining the Team
- Friendly, approachable and ever so helpful bunch of consultants.
- Plenty of opportunity to learn and develop, if one is keen.
- Juniors are well supported.
- Well-structured post-graduate teaching program.
- Chance to rub shoulders with the Royals, with the hospital been close to Sandringham - who can say no to that.
Useful Contacts
- College Tutor: Dr Sharmila Nair (
- Community Paediatrics contacts: Dr Sharmila Nair ( secretary Dawn Ames (
- Post-graduate centre/HR: Jeanette Richardson( and Heath Slater (
- Paediatrics Support Manager: Dom Barrett (
(East and North Hertfordshire NHS Trust)
Travel Information
BY TRAIN - Stevenage Rail Station - 2.3 miles with direct trains from Cambridge and London King’s Cross.
BY BUS - nearest bus stop is Lister Hospital (Stop B) connecting the train station to Hospital with frequent service.
BY CAR - 5 minute easy access off A1M junction 8 and A602
CAR/BIKE PARKING FACILITIES - There is multi-storey parking for visitors, and a staff parking area at the back of the hospital (email
On site accommodation available, varying between independent houses for families to shared facility apartments.
Contact: Origin Office on 02035030540 or email -
On call rooms also available on request.
Food and Drinks
The hospital cafeteria opens from 7.30 am in the morning for breakfast and lunch at 12 pm. There is a Costa and WH Smith along the corridor of the main entrance. There are also multiple vending machines in the hospital with one in Bluebell ward.
Departmental Information
Handover times
Morning - 8.30am-9.00am
Evening- 4pm in NICU/CAU and 4.15pm in Bluebell
Night - 8:30pm-9:00pm in NICU Seminar room/ CAU
Rota structure
There are 2 registrars and 2 SHOs on nights, one each for paediatrics and neonates.
There will be a minimum one registrar each in CAU, Bluebell ward and NICU during weekdays. On a weekend, there will be one registrar covering paediatrics and one covering NICU.
There are 2 consultants on-call out of hours with the paediatric consultants on-site till 9 pm on weekdays.
- 8 cubicles with 6-12 beds
- CAU/PAU - 6 cubicles
- Day Unit (Patients for blood transfusions, jaundice clinics, blood tests and registrar review clinics)
Neonatal Unit
- Level 2 (accepts neonates 27 weeks and above)
- 5 ITU/5 HDU/20 SCBU cots
- Post natal Ward: Gloucester ward and Dacre ward
- Delivery suites: Consultant led unit and Midwife Led unit
There are many learning opportunities, including ADHD or Autism assessment clinics, developmental clinics, neurodisability clinics, genetic clinics, epilepsy clinics, school clinics, adoption panel and child death review panel.
Sub-specialities clinics (Rheumatology, Epilepsy, Oncology, Cardiology, Diabetes/Endocrine, Renal, Allergy, Haematology, Gastroenterology, Neonatal, Community clinics)
There are also renal, cardiology and neurology outreach clinics with tertiary consultants
There are registrar clinic reviews 3 times a week in Paediatrics in the afternoon and consultant led registrar clinic on clinic days, where you would be able to review follow-up patients and new patients that are referred from GP.
Teaching Schedule
Lister Hospital is proud to have one of the best structured teaching rotas. Daily teaching sessions run between 9:15am-10:00am and there are occasional lunch time teaching sessions.
- Monday: Neonatal grand round/ Journal club (am), X-ray meeting (pm)
- Tuesday: Resuscitation teaching (am)
- Wednesday: Bleep free teaching for registrars (am), Paediatric psycho-social meeting (pm)
- Thursday: Paediatric grand round/Research mornings (am), Hospital Grand Round (pm)
- Friday: Bleep free teaching for SHOs (am), external speaker (pm)
Reasons for Joining the Team
- Voted as 'The Best Base hospital 2019-2020’ for PAFTAs and favourable GMC survey ratings over the last 2 years.
- Excellent opportunities for sub-speciality training and offers SPIN training in PEM, HDU and Diabetes, and GRID training in Community and Child Mental Health.
- Great supportive team with supportive consultants on both NICU and paediatrics .
- Busy Children’s A&E with a dedicated CAU and level 2 NICU offering a varied and extensive learning opportunities and multi-disciplinary working experience.
- Many opportunities to be involved in audits, quality improvement projects and management roles.
(Bedfordshire Hospital NHS Trust )
Travel Information
BY TRAIN - Train to Luton Railway Station, the Hospital is located at 10 minute car/taxi journey, 14-18 minute bus ride from the train station.
BY BUS - Centre bus runs route number X31 between Luton Station/Town Centre and Flitwick, Toddington and Milton Keynes. It stops next to the hospital on Dunstable Road.
CAR/BIKE PARKING FACILITIES - Less than 5 minutes from M1 Junction 11. Staff car-parking is located off Calnwood Road and at the Breast Screening Car Park, off Lewsey Road. Both car parks are less than 5 minutes walk to the hospital.
Departmental Information
Shift times
NWD - 8:30 – 17:30
PAU - 8:30 -17:00 (Weekend – 8:30 – 21:30)
Long day - 8:30 -21:30
Late PAU - 14:30 22:30 only during weekdays
Twilight PAU - 16:00-midnight only during weekdays
Night - 21:30 -9:30
Clinic day - 9:00- 17:00
Rota structure
- ST4- ST8/SCF: 10 person rota WTE, with the 10th person posted in Community Paediatrics but covering out of hours and weekends in Paediatrics
- Rota pattern (subject to variation) sees registrars working 4 weekends in 10.
- “SHO” grades: 10 person rota WTE (including 5 x GP trainees, 1x foundation year 2 doctors, 4x Paediatric ST1-3 trainees)
- Rota pattern (subject to variation) sees SHOs working 3 weekends in 10.
- 2 advanced nurse practitioners support ambulatory care, HDU/ ward/Paediatric assessment unit (They are not part of the medical rota)
- Consultant cover - during the day 1 x Consultant on each ward 24, ward 25 and PAU.
- After 17:30 – on call consultant covers all areas and is resident until 22:00.
The Paediatric Department at the Luton and Dunstable Hospital provides services to a local population which includes approximately 63,000 children between the ages 0-14 years. The paediatric ward and the outpatient departments are located in separate buildings but are all on the same general hospital site. There is a Paediatric Emergency Department within the Accident and Emergency Department.
Inpatient care:
- There are 54 beds within the three Paediatric wards, all located on one floor including a 6 bed Paediatric Assessment Unit (Woodlands unit).
- Ward 24/Squirrel - Babies under 2 years
- Ward 25/Rabbit - Medical /Oncology/Surgical > 2 years/dedicated young person’s bay
- Ward 26/Hedgehog - Day care & overflow for inpatients & PAU
- Ward 26a - Paediatric Assessment Unit (PAU)
Ambulatory care:
- There is an emphasis on care at home wherever possible, with close liaison with the Community Nursing staff and Rapid Response Nursing Team to support children at home where feasible and safe.
We have a dedicated Paediatric out-patient department with 8 spacious clinic rooms and well equipped waiting/play area. The clinic activity consists of general, specialty (Respiratory, Allergy, Gastroenterology, Neurology/Epilepsy, Renal, Diabetes/Endocrinology, Cardiology, Metabolic, Infectious diseases, ENT, Neonatology,) and joint tertiary clinics. There is a dedicated phlebotomy service operating Monday- Friday for GP and outpatient blood tests.
There is a child development centre for children with special needs located at a different site but close to the hospital with various facilities to meet the needs of these children.
Teaching Schedule
- Mondays - 12:30 -13:30 X-ray meeting with Radiology/NICU/Paediatric teams, on Microsoft teams
- Tuesdays - 12:30-13:30 Hospital grand rounds
- Tuesdays - 14:30-15:30 Trainee-led, live with virtual component through zoom, Journal club alternating with case based snap teaching
- Wednesdays - 14:30 – 15:30 Consultant-led teaching, live with virtual component through zoom
- Thursdays - 15:30-17:00 Grand round
- Fridays - 14:30- 15:30 Simulation teaching
All teaching sessions are 'bleep free' with only the late team/locum doctors covering the crash bleeps. Consultants ensure trainees are released for teaching on time.
Reasons for Joining the Team
- Very supportive team of Consultants and nursing staff. The doctors and the nursing staff have a very good relationship and a variety of social events are organised throughout the year which are always good fun
- Interesting patient population with plenty of opportunity to gain experience of rare and unusual metabolic, genetic, endocrine and neurological conditions, plus good access to a wide variety of clinics both in terms of observing and participating.
- The college tutor regularly meet with trainees to gain feedback. Suggestions are listened to and where possible, changes are made.
- In the month leading up to MRCPCH clinical exams, a series of evening sessions are organised. These are given by consultants and registrars and can be attended by anyone (not just Luton trainees) who is due to sit the exam.
- Excellent focus on safe practices; the department is well supported and has a strong focus on patient safety and timely follow-up. The SBAR, “huddles” and form of handover system has and recent introduction of Druggle (safe drug prescription) helped to improve patient safety and staff awareness.
(Bedfordshire Hospital NHS Trust)
Travel Information
If you are coming from Luton station to the hospital please look at the possible different routes below:
- By Train - nearest rail station is Luton railway station located in the town city center
- By Car/Taxi - it takes around 6 minutes by car. Taxi costs £10-13
- By Bike - around 20 minutes cycling
- By Bus - Line 31, takes around 19-20 minutes by bus. Bus costs around £3-6. If you wish to take a bus from the hospital the bus stop taken is on Dunstable road. You can install the Arriva Bus app for further information.
- Walking - takes around 1 hour (3.3 miles).
- If you wish to take a bus from the hospital the bus stop taken is on Dunstable road. You can install the Arriva Bus app for further information.
There are 2 car parks for staff, on Lewsy road and another in Calnwood road, with a parking fee of £1.20 per day. Payment is using your staff ID, which can be charged using the parking machines located outside the main entrance and on the maternity side.
Managed by Optivo at Luton Hospital
Telephone: 02080360015
Video about:
Food and Drinks
The Chiltern Restaurant
- Located on the first floor of the hospital serving a selection of meals, snacks and drinks.
- Monday to Friday 07.30-18.00; breakfast: 07.30-10.30; lunch: 12.00-14.30; evening: 16.00-18.00
- Saturday and Sunday 07.30-16.00; breakfast 08.00-10.30; lunch 12.00-14.00
- Outside of the above listed meal times and during opening times you can purchase a range of teas, coffees, light meals and snacks.
- Vending machines in the Chiltern Restaurant are available providing snacks and drinks 24/7.
The Baguette Company
- The Baguette Company (including Costa Coffee) is located in the main entrance of the hospital and serves drinks, sandwiches and snacks.
- Monday to Friday 06.30 – 20.30, Saturday and Sunday 07.30 – 20.30
W H Smith
- Main hospital entrance - Monday to Friday 08.00-20.00, Saturday and Sunday: 09.00-18.00, Bank Holidays: 10.00-16.00
- Surgical block - Monday to Friday 08.00-20.00, Saturday and Sunday: 09.00-18.00, Bank Holidays: 10.00-16.00
Caffe Nuovo
- Located inside this branch and serves a range of sandwiches, snacks and hot and cold drinks.
L&D Charity Shop
- The shop is situated on the ground floor of the Maternity block serving snacks and drinks. There is also a Costa Coffee express machine available 24/7.
- Monday to Sunday 09.00-15.00
Departmental Information
Handover times
Morning handover - Monday, Wednesday and Friday 08:30. On Tuesday and Thursday there is teaching at 08:00-09:00, so handover starts at 09:00.
Weekend morning handover starts at 09:00
Evening handover - 16:30 in NICU ITU
Night handover - 20:30 in NICU ITU all week including weekends
Handovers start with a safety briefing followed by postnatal handover and SCBU handover and postnatal teams and SCBU can go and start work.
On Wednesday, which is Grand Round, all teams attend.
Rota structure
- 08:30- 16:30 - 3 teams; postnates, SCBU and ITU/HDU (1 ST1-3, 1 ST4+ and consultant)
- After 16:30 - 1 ST1-3, 1 ST4+, 1 consultant on site and 1 consultant off site
- After 20:30 - 1 ST1-3, 1 ST4+, 1 consultant on site and 1 consultant off site
- 09:00- 21:30 - 2 ST1-3 trainees in postnates, 1 ST4+trainee in SCBU, ITU/HDU 1 ST1-3 and 1ST4+ trainees. There is 1 consultant on site on the weekends.
- 20:30-09:30 - 1 ST1-3, 1 ST4+, 1 Consultant on site and 1 consultant off site.
Neonatal Unit
- Level 3 (37 beds)
- ITU 11 beds
- HDU 8 beds
- SCBU 18 beds
- Postnatal Wards 32 and 33
- Transitional care 8 beds
- Neurodevelopmental follow up clinic
- Cardiology clinics, including outreach clinic with Great Ormond Street Hospital consultant
- Genetics
- Neonatal follow up clinics
- Cleft palate clinic
- Consultant specialist clinics
- Prolonged Jaundice and blood clinic
Teaching Schedule
- Grand Round every Wednesday 08:30-09:30
- Protected department teaching every Tuesday and Thursday 08:00-09:00 includes mortality reviews, consultant teaching, specialty trainees and registrar teaching, journal clubs and audit meetings.
- Simulation training twice a month
- X-ray meetings are at 12:00 every Monday
- Fetal medicine meetings Tuesdays 11:30 hours
- Clinical governance meeting
- Mortality and morbidity meeting
Reasons for Joining the Team
- Busy level 3 unit
- Friendly and supportive multidisciplinary team
- Provides good training opportunities
- Encourages research
- Protected teaching
Travel Information
The Norfolk and Norwich University Hospital (NNUH) is conveniently situated four miles from the centre of Norwich, close to the University of East Anglia (UEA), to the south west of Norwich, and adjacent to the A47 and A11.Norwich city railway station is the closest to the hospital and is connected by the first 26 bus which takes approximately 30 minutes to reach.
There is a bus every 15 minutes from Costessey park and ride. Other bus routes are as follows:
- First 11 – Sprowston, City Centre, NNUH
- First 12 – Wroxham, City Centre, Cringleford, NNUH
- First 21 – Old Catton, City Centre, Bowthorpe, NNUH
- First 26 – Norwich Rail Station,City Centre, Earlham Road, UEA, NNUH
- Konect 3 – Watton, Carbrooke, Hingham, Barnham Broom, Barford, NNUH
- Konect 4 – Swanton Morley, Dereham, Yaxham, Mattishall, Tuddenham, Honingham, Easton, NNUH.
- Semmence 9 – Wymondham, Hethersett, Little Melton, NNUH
There is plenty of on site parking for cars and bikes are available.
On site accommodation is available but is popular and gets booked early on.
Contact Sarah Smith, Accommodation Manager, Accommodation Office, Norfolk and Norwich University Hospital, Colney Lane, Norwich, Norfolk, NR4 7UP.
Telephone: 01603287827; Email
Food and Drinks
NNUH is served by a hospital cafeteria which is open 24/7.
There are three Costa coffee shops on site, along with a WH Smith and a hospital charity shop. There are several wending machines scattered across hospital.
Departmental Information
Handover times
Morning handover - 08:30
Evening handover - 16:30
Night handover - 20:30
Rota structure
A full complement of SHO rota consists of 12 WTE doctors and is complimented by 5 WTE APNPs at the tier 1 level. Registrar rota consists of 10 WTE doctors. There will be a minimum of two registrars and three SHOs during week days and one long day registrar and SHO pair supported by a twilight registrar and SHO pair over weekend days. All nights are staffed by one tier two registrar and two tier one doctors.
- Inpatient beds - 33 which includes x 4 commissioned HDU beds. This is a changing picture as we are going through lots of changes to increase our footprint.
- CAU - has 18 bed spaces, 2 triage rooms and an enhanced care bay( 4 beds)
- Children’s Day Ward has 6 beds.
- Children’s Emergency Department has 4 treatment spaces, 2 side rooms and an emergency care bay plus a quiet room. Paediatric trainees do not staff the Children’s ED.
- Secondary level clinics - Neurology, cardiology, Gastroenterology, Respiratory, Allergy, Renal, Diabetology and general paediatric clinics.
- Tertiary level clinics – Genetics (outreach), Paediatric surgical, Paediatric Orthopaedic, Plastics and Endocrinology clinics.
Norfolk community hospitals is located at a different site and accommodates neuro-disability clinics, Neuro developmental service, Syndrome clinics, SARC clinics and safeguarding assessments.
Teaching Schedule
NNUH prides itself on providing regular teaching sessions thrice weekly in form of recent cases, journal clubs or consultant led teaching. Radiology meeting happens every Friday and there are monthly safeguarding peer review meetings and the vastly popular NPEG which invites experienced external/internal speakers to deliver valuable lectures.
Reasons for Joining the Team
- NNUH has a friendly and approachable team of consultants.
- It provides opportunity to see a variety of pathologies.
- Robust teaching programs led by trainees and supported by consultants.
- NNUH is much more than a regular DGH with round the clock tertiary level Surgical, Neonatal, Orthopaedic and Gynaecology support.
- Norwich is located close to some of the best beaches of the British east coast. It is one of the fine cities to bring up families. The city is neither too big nor too small with just the bearable amount of traffic, which is always a plus.
Travel Information
- From the A47 – leave the A47 at the junction for the B1108 following road signs for Norwich city centre and the Hospital. At the junction of the B1108 with Colney Lane, turn right and continue straight down Colney Lane through the Norwich Research Park.
- From the A11 – Leave the A11 at the first roundabout after the Thickthorn A47/A11 junction. Turn left at the Cringleford roundabout and follow the road signs for the Hospital.
- From Norwich and North Norfolk – follow road signs for the University and Hospital (B1108), continue past the UEA on the left hand side and turn left on to Colney Lane following the signs for the Norwich Research Park and the Hospital.
- From Norwich city centre – leave the city centre following signs for A11 Thetford. Once on the A11 follow the Hospital road signs to Cringleford and turn right at the Cringleford roundabout and continue to follow the road signs for the Hospital.
BY TRAIN - The nearest train station is Norwich railway station. The services which operate from here are Abellio Greater Anglia and East Midland Trains. The First 26 bus from Norwich Rail Station travels through the City Centre up Earlham Road to UEA and then arrives at NNUH. The station is approximately a 20 minute taxi ride from the Hospital.
BY BUS - The bus services are run by First Group and Konect Bus. The services include 3, 4, 9A, 11, 1, 13A, 21, 21A, 22, 22A, 26 and 26A from Bus Stand A. From Bus Stand B the buses are run by Konect Bus, the services include 3, 4, 9 and 510 - Park and Ride. There are two bus stops on site which are located in front of the Centre Block of the Hospital.
BY BIKE - There is a cycle path running around the hospital and there is extensive cycle parking in the plaza area next to the East and West Outpatient entrances and a smaller number of cycle spaces outside the Inpatient entrances to the East and West Atria. There is no charge for parking cycles.
CAR/BIKE PARKING FACILITIES - Staff car parking is available, but application must be checked and signed by the Head of Department and authorised by the Operational Manager/Director. It can be sent or brought in person by the applicant to the Travel Office. Email:; phone: 01603 287666 (x3666)
- Colney Lane accommodation is situated within the grounds of the hospital. Accommodation consists of 24 flats. Residents have their own en-suite bathroom. Each flat has six residents. Kitchen/Living areas are shared. All flats are fully furnished and equipped.
- Email:, phone: 01603 287827
- The Accommodation Office is closed outside office hours. In case of emergency contact the main Hospital Switchboard 01603 286286 and you will be put through to our out of hours service.
Food and Drinks
The main hospital restaurant is in the West Atrium, Level 1, and serves hot and cold meals and drinks from 7:00am to 1.00am, seven days a week. There is a WH Smith store located next to the entrance to West Outpatients. Coffee House is located within WH Smith and is open Monday to Friday between 7.00am and 6.30pm, on Saturday 9.00am to 4.30pm and Sunday 9.00am to 3.30pm. There is a coffee shop in the East Outpatient reception area and a Costa coffee shop in the West Outpatient reception area, both are open between 7:00am and 6.00pm. There is also a large coffee shop, the Pod, outside the entrance to East Outpatients open 7:00am to 8.00pm weekdays and Saturday 9.00am to 6.00pm. There are vending machines in waiting and reception areas supplying hot and cold drinks as well as snacks.
Departmental Information
The Neonatal unit at NNUH is a level 3 unit with up to 42 cot capacity: 9 intensive care spaces, 7 high dependency spaces, 19 special care spaces and 7 transitional care spaces. We are one of two neonatal units offering surgical treatment to newborn babies in the East of England.
Handover times
Morning handover: 0900 to 0930
Evening handover: 1700
Night handover: 2100 to 2130
Rota structure
The neonatal rota is well staffed with a mixture of trainees, ANNPs, specialty doctors, clinical fellows and 8 neonatal consultants.
The Tier 1 rota is made up of 6 Trainees and 6 Advanced Neonatal Nurse Practitioners. The Tier 2 rota is made up of 6 trainees, 1 specialty doctor, 1 clinical fellow and 3 Senior Advanced Neonatal Nurse Practitioners.
Working hours and staff numbers:
- Long days: 0900 to 2130 (2 Tier 2’s, 2 Tier 1’s)
- Nights: 2100 to 0930 (2 Tier 2’s and 1 Tier 1 )
- Transitional care: 0900 to 1700 (1 Tier 1 or Tier 2)
- Baby checks: 0900 to 1700 (1 Tier 1)
Clinics run on Tuesdays (all day) and on Friday (mornings) for registrars, under consultant supervision. These are under 2s clinic (Drs Booth and Dyke) and General Neonatal Follow-Up Clinics.
Teaching Rota:
- Mondays - Journal club (1st Monday of the month)
- Tuesdays - Weekly case presentation (Tier 1/Tier 2)
- Wednesdays - Weekly microbiology grand rounds, monthly clinical governance (1st Wednesday), monthly audit and guideline meeting (2nd Wednesday), monthly neonatal M&M (3rd Wednesday)
- Thursdays - Weekly consultant teaching, monthly NPEG (1st Thursdays)
- Fridays - Weekly radiology meeting
Reasons for Joining the Team
- Trainee Experience - The neonatal unit at NNUH is equipped to manage very unwell babies and offers a great learning opportunity for trainees to be exposed to a wide range of neonatal cases. The unit is nurse led and provides a supportive environment with an experience nursing team and a large ANNP team.
- Surgical Unit - The neonatal unit at Norfolk and Norwich University Hospital is one of two NICUs offering surgical treatment to newborn babies in the East of England.
- Clinical Research - The neonatal intensive care unit is committed to clinical research is one of the leading authorities in Research. Trust has a dedicated neonatal unit research fund to support local projects.
- Staff Support - The neonatal unit has a dedicated clinical psychologist who is available to offer support to both parents as well as staff.
College Tutor
Dr Supriya Bhoomaiah, email:
Travel Information
BY TRAIN : The nearest railway station is Peterborough Station (PE1 1QL). This is 2.5 miles from the hospital. Most then walk to Queensgate bus station (5 mins walk) to catch a bus direct to the hospital.
BY BUS : Buses from Queensgate bus station (city centre) run approximately every 10 minutes with a 15–25-minute journey time to the hospital. The “travel choice” website shows the full bus timetable. The bus stop is located at the entrance to the hospital site.
CAR/BIKE PARKING FACILITIES There is on-site parking available with options for salary sacrifice or “pay as you park”. There are secure cycle sheds available on site with a key being available for a small deposit from the travel office.
Hospital accommodation is available - rooms/houses can be discussed with medical staffing.
Emergency accommodation can be discussed with the Rota coordinator.
Food and Drinks
Hospital Restaurant- The Spice of Life is located on Level 1 and is open 7 days a week 7.30am-8pm. It provides hot meals at breakfast, lunch and dinner times and offers a salad bar Monday-Friday 9-5pm.
Costa is located in the main atrium. Opening hours: Mon-Fri 7:30am- 8pm, Sat-Sun 9am- 5pm.
Delimarche is a cafe with hot and cold bakery items, drinks, and snacks. Located in Main atrium and Women and Children’s atrium. Opening hours: Mon- Fri 07:00- 17:00.
WHSmith Mon-Fri 7:30am- 19:30, Sat 08:30-18:00, Sun 08:30-16:30
There are vending machines in both the main hospital entrance and there is a hot food vending machine in the “Women and Children’s” entrance atrium.
Departmental Information
Handover times
Morning - 08:30, Evening - 16:30, Night - 20:30 to 21:30
Rota structure
Amazon ward (Paediatric Ward)
- Long day SHO and SpR 08:30-21:30
- Float SHO and Clinic/cover SHO 08:30-17:00
- Baby check SHO- on postnatal ward doing NIPEs 08:30-15:30
- PAU short SHO and SpR (08:30-17:00)
- PAU Late SHO (12:30-21:30) and SpR (13:30- 21:30)
- SpR 08:30-16:30
- Long day SHO 08:30-21:30
- Float SHO 08:30-16:30
- Transitional Care SHO 08:30-16:30
Night cover:
- Amazon SHO and NICU SHO 20:30-09:30
- 2 SpRs to cover paediatrics and NICU 20:30- 09:30
Weekend cover:
- Long day SpR 08:30-21:30
- Late SpR 13:30-21:30
- Long day SHO Paediatrics 08:30-21:30
- Long day SHO NICU 08:30-21:30
- Transitional Care SHO 08:30-16:30
- Baby check SHO 08:30-15:30
Amazon ward has 2 HDU beds and 20 general beds which are a combination of side rooms and bays.
PAU (Paediatric assessment unit) is currently based at the entrance to Amazon ward and has 8 beds alongside a small waiting area. All GP referrals etc will be seen in PAU. Opening hours: 08:00-00:00.
Paediatric ED is staffed by emergency department doctors but patients will be seen by the paediatric SpR in ED following referral.
Neonatal Unit
- The NICU at Peterborough City Hospital is a level 2 unit which accepts admission >27 weeks. It is the only NICU in EoE region to be awarded Level 3 UNICEF accreditation and won team of the year runner up in EoE perinatal awards. There are 15 beds in total which is a combination of 2 ITU beds, 6 HDU and the remainder SCBU. There are also 3 side-rooms and 3 parent flats within the unit.
- PCH also has a transitional care unit with 15 beds which is staffed by midwives and nursery nurses who care for babies and mums together.
- The post-natal ward has 24 beds which is a combination of antenatal and postnatal beds. This is where the “baby check” doctor is based in their shift.
- There is a huge variety of clinics available in PCH. These include general clinics, baby clinics but also a number of sub specialty clinics including: Neurology, Gastroenterology, Rheumatology, Oncology, Renal, Cardiology, Diabetes and Endocrinology
- There are also a number of outreach clinics including: Cardiology outreach clinics from GOSH, Paediatric surgery from Leicester Royal Infirmary, Paediatric neurology from CUH and Renal from Nottingham amongst others.
- Registrars have their own clinic lists, which are usually General Paediatrics but are supervised on each occasion by a consultant, and therefore may include some sub-specialty patients.
- Community Paediatrics rotations are offered at the City Care Centre and are under the Cambridgeshire and Peterborough Foundation Trust.
Teaching Schedule
Peterborough has a very varied teaching programme. There is weekly Consultant led teaching sessions on both NICU and General Paediatric topics. There is also weekly trainee led teaching which covers journal club, case presentations and seminars. There are also often external speakers such as tertiary NICU consultants, Paediatric surgeons, psychologists and others too numerous to mention.
At present the vast majority of educational meetings take place on Microsoft Teams so can be accessed from anywhere which is a real plus!
- Monday 12:30-13:30- Consultant led teaching for junior grade doctors
- Tuesday 12:45-13:50 - Perinatal Morbidity and Mortality meeting
- Wednesday 12:30-13:30 - Visiting speaker/ Safeguarding peer review/ Journal club
- Thursday 10:30-11:30- Radiology meeting, 12:30-13:30- Trainee led teaching
Reasons for Joining the Team
- The entire team is very supportive, from the consultants to the domestics! Wonderful multidisciplinary team, including a wonderful team of ANNPs on NICU.
- It is a busy but well supported DGH so there is lots of learning opportunities on a daily basis.
- There is an active social scene – our events have included socially distanced picnics, bowling nights and general dinner outings.
- The teaching programme is extensive and well delivered to help tick off those portfolio boxes.
- Trainees are supported to complete audits and quality improvement projects
Travel Information
BY TRAIN - Nearest Train Station: Harlow Town
BY BUS - see
CAR/BIKE PARKING FACILITIES - Parking permit required for staff; Parndon Hall (Onsite but limited parking available); Linkway Multi Storey Car Park (5 minutes walk from hospital)
Hospital Accommodation available
- Onsite rooms; shared kitchen, ensuite bathroom
- Emergency accommodation available
- Contact: Emily Cheung (
Food and Drinks
- Hospital Cafeteria 07:30-18:00
- Marks & Spencer’s 08:00-20:00
- Costa 08:00-16:00
- Vending machines available
Departmental Information
Handover times
Morning handover time 08:30
Evening handover time 16:30
Night handover time 20:30
Rota structure
Day shift cover:
- 4 SHOs to cover the ward, A&E, NICU and the postnatal wards, plus a “float” shift SHO and an SHO allocated to clinic.
- The junior team also comprises 2 FY1s and an A&E trainee.
- 3 registrar shifts cover the ward, A&E and NICU, plus additional rota slots for clinic and float on certain days.
Evenings: 2x registrar and 3x SHO
Nights: 1x registrar and 2x SHO, plus 1x twilight shift registrar until midnight
Weekends: 2x Registrars (1 LD and 1 twilight), 2x Long Day SHOs and 2x Short Day SHOs
- 17 beds on ward
- 4 beds in PAU
- 2 HDU beds in A&E
Neonatal Unit
- Level 2
- 2 ITU beds
- 6 HDU beds
- 8 SCBU beds
- Postnatal Ward
SHO led jaundice clinic every Wednesday
Registrar General Paediatric clinics – 3 clinics per week
Sub-speciality clinics
- Allergy, Cardiology (including ECHO), Community (Florence Nightingale), Diabetes, Endocrinology, Gastroenterology, Neonatal, Neurology, Oncology, Rapid Access Clinic, Respiratory
Tertiary Outreach Clinics at PAH
- Cardiology (Royal Brompton Hospital), Genetics (Great Ormond Street Hospital, Neurology (Addenbrooke’s Hospital), Urology (Royal London Hospital)
Teaching Schedule
- Monday 13:00-14:00 – Departmental teaching (rotates between Safeguarding peer review, Radiology meeting and Consultant teaching along the curriculum)
- Wednesday 08:15-09:00 – simulation (3 weeks Paediatrics, on week Neonatal)
- Thursday 13:00-14:00 - Journal club
- Friday 08:30-09:00 – Antenatal meeting with maternity discussing high risk cases
- Friday 13:00 – Neonatal teaching
- Grand round weekly MDT handover (Paediatrics): Monday 08:30-09:00
- Grand Rounds (Neonates): Friday 09:00-11:00
- Once monthly Paediatric M&M and audit meeting
Reasons for Joining the Team
- Team Spirit – Working within the paediatric speciality can often feel as though we spend more time at work than at home. This thought is made far more bearable knowing that our team functions as a dynamic family unit. Whether it is in an acute emergency situation or doing a jigsaw puzzle in the office, there is a strong culture within our department to constantly support one another.
- Consultant Support – All of our consultants are very present, approachable, encouraging and enthusiastic. They are always striving to keep team spirits up and paying close attention to the needs of their juniors. From an informal text “where shall we meet for coffee” to “please come now” at 3 am on a weekend night shift – you can be sure that they’ll only be a phone call away!
- Regular simulation - At PAH, part of the teaching timetable includes weekly structure paediatric simulation scenarios led by consultants and resuscitation officers. Junior doctors, paediatric nurses and other ED staff are all involved, followed by a feedback session. Needless to say, this not only drives confidence within our paediatric team, but also enhances our communication, leadership and decision making skills – keeping our team ready to deliver excellent patient care for whoever may come through our doors.
- Our Blissful NICU – Over the recent years, our NICU has transformed into a unit that can only be described as a pleasure to work in. The efforts have been recognised by the Bliss National Neonatal Excellence Awards who awarded our unit as Runners Up this year, 2019. There is an open minded, forward thinking culture here in our Level 2 unit – junior doctors and other NICU staff are constantly encouraged to voice new suggestions to better the unit, which you can be sure will promptly be heard and actioned.
(Mid and South Essex NHS Foundation Trust)
Travel Information
BY TRAIN - The nearest station to Southend Hospital is Prittlewell on the National Express Eastern line from London Liverpool Street to Southend Victoria. Prittlewell station is approximately 20 minutes' walk from the hospital and can be reached on foot or by taxi.
BY BUS - Catching a bus from Southend Victoria station to Southend Hospital
- 21(First bus), 9 minutes approximately, Stops right outside hospital on Prittlewell Chase
- 29 (Arriva bus), 6 minutes approximately, Stops on Fairfax Drive, 8 minutes’ walk to hospital
- Follow the A13 from either London or Southend direction until the traffic lights at Chalkwell Park.Turn onto Southbourne Grove (A1158) signposted 'Hospital'. Turn right at the second set of traffic lights onto Prittlewell Chase. Continue along Prittlewell Chase, the hospital is located on the left-hand side of the dual carriageway.
- Follow the A127, direction Southend until the traffic lights at the Bell Public House. Turn right at the traffic lights into Hobleythick Lane. Turn right at the next set of traffic lights onto Prittlewell Chase. The hospital is located on the right-hand side of the dual carriageway.
- Facility for hospital accommodation- rooms/houses
- The accommodation complex is located within walking distance of Southend Hospital at Balmoral Road, Westcliff-On- Sea, SS0 7DB
- Whom to contact -
- There is NO emergency accommodation available
Food and Drinks
- Hospital cafeteria (currently open only for staff around the clock except 17:00 to 18:30)
- Costa/WH smith available at both the main entrance and the maternity entrance
Departmental Information
Handover times
Morning handover time 09:00 (09:30 on Fridays)
Evening handover timings 16:30 (16:00 on Fridays)
Night handover timings 21:00
Rota structure
- Minimum 3 registrars during the day, 2 long day regs, 2 regs overnight, 2 regs covering the weekend long days
- Minimum 2 SHO covering during the day paediatrics and 3 SHO covering NICU, evening SHO shift 16:00 to 23:00., 2 SHO overnight, 2 SHO over the weekends
- 10 side rooms and a 6 bed bay
- PAU 6 beds socially distanced
- Paediatric A/E is present however paediatric trainees don’t rotate over there.
Neonatal Unit
- Level 2
- Post-natal Ward
- Asthma/allergy, cardiac, diabetes, gastroenterology, general surgery, genetic, bed-wetting, constipation, growth, rheumatology, seizure, dietetic and post special care baby unit clinics.
- There are also respiratory, gastro and cardiology outreach clinics with tertiary consultants.
- Community - Lighthouse Child development centre (neurodisability / syndrome clinic/school clinics / adoption / OT / Physiotherapy / audiology / speech therapy / ASD / autism / Behavioural clinic)
Teaching schedule
- Consultant led teaching
- Grandround case presentations
- X-ray meeting Bimonthly
- Journal club
- Paediatric and neonatal simulation sessions
*Awaiting information*
NHS trust Bury St Edmunds
Travel Information
BY TRAIN - Nearest rail station: railway station on Station hill; 2 miles from the hospital – there is a bus service from the station which runs to the hospital (No 84 and 86); 35 min walk
BY BUS - The main bus station is in St Andrew's Street North, a few minutes walk from the town centre. Mulleys Bus Company runs the M11/M22 bus service from here to the hospital and return; currently this runs at hourly intervals at 10 minutes past the hour arriving at the hospital at 27 minutes past. For timetable enquiries, please call Mulleys: 01359 230234. Stephensons Bus Company runs the Bury St Edmunds Town Breeze Service from here to the hospital and return; currently this runs at half hourly intervals, at 15 and 45 minutes past the hour arriving at the hospital at 25 and 55 minutes past.
CAR PARKING FACILITIES - Parking on the West Suffolk Hospital site is limited and no guarantee is given to any user of the site that parking can be provided. However, the Trust recognises that staff or students working twilight, late and night shifts, and those with on-call duties, will need access.
For further details do not hesitate to contact: Mr David Kite, OCS/Legion Parking;, 01284 701886 or 0782583040
‘Too tired to drive rooms’: there are two available every day and they can only be used for up to 4 hours at a time.
The keys can be collected from the Accommodation Office during the hours between 08.30 – 16.30 – Monday to Friday and out of hours the keys can be collected from the Housekeeping Office.
Accommodation is also available to rent. For further information, please contact
Food and Drinks
Hospital cafeteria – “Time Out” Restaurant, famous around the region for its fantastic food! Open 07:30 – 20:00.
WHSmith also available on ground floor.
Departmental Information
Handover times
Morning handover time - 09:00
Evening handover time - 16:30
Night handover time - 21:00
Rota structure (subject to change):
- Minimum of 2 SpR and 3 SHO for day
- 1 SpR and 1 SHO for evening and night
- 1 SpR and 1 SHO for weekend
- 12 beds (2 HDU)
- CAU: 7 beds
Neonatal Unit
- Level 1
- 12 cots: 1 ITU/ 3 HDU/ 8 SCBU (including transitional care)
- List of subspecialty clinics: Allergy and Immunology, Oncology, Cardiology, Diabetes – supported by 3 specialist nurses, Endocrinology, , Neurology and Epilepsy – supported by specialist nurse, Nephrology
- General Paediatrics, Neonatal care
- Outreach clinics with tertiary consultants: Cardiology, Endocrinology, Neurology, Nephrology
- Community: Neurodisability, LAC, ASD/ ADHD, Genetic Clinic
- Usual clinics for registrars: General paediatrics, Rapid access clinic
Teaching Schedule
- Monday - Radiology meeting 1200
- Tuesday - Safeguarding meeting 1300, Consultant led teaching 1400
- Thursday - Consultant led teaching 1400
- Paediatric Simulation once a month
- NPEG once a month, on the first Thursday of the month
- Bi-monthly peer review safeguarding meetings
Reasons for Joining the Team
- The department nominates a lead trainee who is supported to attend the monthly departmental meeting and develop their leadership skills
- Monthly trainee forum with the college tutors to encourage regular feedback
- Trainees are supported to complete audits and quality improvement projects
- Very supportive and friendly environment
- Variety of sub-specialty clinics. Excellent opportunity to develop your individual interest