Workforce, training and education
East of England

HEE Midlands and East

e-LiFT Project 2021


All Foundation Dentists are required to complete various project work during their training year, one of these is the project e-LiFT which is an acronym for evidence linked learning in foundation training.

From the start to the end of this training year you will be providing care and treatment to the patients allocated to you. The first stage of writing for this project, starts with a brief factual account of what you actually do working with your team in delivering the dental services for your patients. You are then encouraged to examine your account in the area of primary dental care concerned, and provide your detailed personal reflection on the matters concerned. .

Completion of this is an essential part of fulfilling very many of the competencies within the Professional, Management and Leadership Domains of your Curriculum that are required for satisfactory completion of Dental Foundation Training. The project includes a checklist to cross reference the areas you cover in your work with the competencies from the DFT curriculum. This will be recorded in your E-Portfolio.

You can download the 2021 Guidance document here:

You can download an FAQ sheet here:

and some examples here:

The Units can be downloaded from here:

The Assessment guidance and marking sheet can be downloaded here:



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