Review Process following an ARCP Outcome 2
If you receive an ARCP Outcome 2 at your ARCP panel, you have the right to request that this is reviewed. A request for a review must be made to the chair of the ARCP panel via within 10 working days of being notified of the decision.
Please complete the appeal request form and attach this to your request for appeal email - NHSE EoE Appeal Request Form.docx
You must provide supporting evidence as part of your request so that the ARCP review panel is able to consider this in detail.
The ARCP review panel will be convened, where practicable, within 15 working days of receipt of your request. The Chair of the original panel will endeavor to ensure that as many of the original panel members as possible are available to take part in this process. Following the review, you will receive the panel's decision in writing within 5 working days of the review taking place.
If the panel feels it is appropriate to do so, they may invite you to meet with a senior representative to explain their decision to you in more detail.
The decision of the ARCP review panel following an outcome 2 is final and there is no further right to appeal.
For further details, please see section 4.169 of the Gold Guide here.
Appeals against Outcome 3 or 4
If you receive an ARCP Outcome 3 or 4 at your ARCP panel, you have the right to appeal this decision. A request for an appeal must be made in writing to the Postgraduate Dean, via within 10 working days of being notified of the panel’s decision and your grounds for appeal must be stated. You must also provide any supporting evidence as part of this request so that this can be considered in detail by the ARCP panel.
The first stage of this process is identical to that of the Review Process following an ARCP outcome 2. Please see above for further information. If following the review, the panel's decision remains unchanged, you have the right to request a full appeal hearing. You must request this via within 10 working days of being notified of the ARCP review panel's decision.
At this point, an independent panel will be convened to form a judgement and will include:
- Panel Chair – this will be the Postgraduate Dean or his nominated representative
- College or Faculty Representative from outside of the East of England
- A Senior Consultant from the same region and same specialty as the trainee
- A Senior Consultant from the same region but a different specialty as the trainee
- A Senior Trainee (ST5 and above) from the same region but a different specialty as the trainee
- A Patient and Public Voice Partner
The following people will also be present, but are not members of the panel:
- HR Representative to advise the Chair
- Appeals Officer for administration support
Members of the original ARCP panel will not be a part of the appeals panel. A non-verbatim record of all appeals will be taken by the Appeals Officer.
In preparation for your appeal, you will be asked to provide a Statement of Case; this should include the reasons why you are appealing the ARCP decision and reference any supporting evidence you may wish to provide. A representative from Health Education England will also provide a Statement to support the original ARCP decision referencing any supporting evidence. These documents will be compiled into a Statement and Evidence folder that will be delivered to yourself and all panel members at least 5 working days before the Appeal Panel takes place.
Please note, we are not able to arrange for panel members to have access to you E-Portfolio in advance of the appeal hearing. Please take this into account when providing evidence to be included alongside your statement of case.
You will receive confirmation of the appeal panel's decision within 5 working days of the appeal itself. The chair of the appeal panel may offer to meet with you to explain the decision in more detail if the panel feel this would be appropriate. The decision of the appeals panel is final and there is no further right of appeal.