Workforce, training and education
East of England

East of England

Foundation Dental Therapist Application


The Dental Therapists Foundation Training Scheme has been set up and designed to equip recent dental therapist graduates with the necessary training and education required to continue to develop and expand the clinical and personal skills learnt as a student, and to gain the skills required to work successfully in a general dental practice environment. The scheme covers the East of England Region of Health Education England.

The Scheme is for Dental Therapists within the first two years of qualification. Emphasis is placed on continuing professional development throughout the course as well as increasing clinical skills and confidence. One of the aims of the Dental Therapist Foundation Training Scheme, is to encourage critical thinking and evidence-based practice.

The Training Practices

The approved Training Practices will be located across the HEE East of England Region. The role of the Educational Supervisors on the scheme is to provide support to the FDT. This will be in the form of: clinical support in the surgery, where necessary; one to one teaching in the form of tutorials and advice; and assistance with non-clinical issues of general practice. All the Educational Supervisors will have demonstrated a commitment to training and education as well as having been judged to offer both the guidance and the practising environment necessary to provide a good training experience.

Allocation to approved Educational Supervisors and Training practices will take place during June 2024.


Each practice will provide places for two FDTs each of whom will spend two days undertaking clinical work in the practice between Monday and Thursday according to a schedule determined at the start of year. Both FDTs are expected to attend a third day (Friday) for Scheme Study Days, eLearning or administrative tasks. You will thus be employed for 21 hours per week. This will allow you to manage patients free from financial pressures and give you the benefit of an assured income at the end of the first month in practice. You will have a contract of employment and will be entitled to 28 days annual leave, plus bank holidays, pro-rata to the number of days you work in the practice. You may not take holidays that coincide with the study days. The scheme, and your employment, starts on 1st September 2024 and finishes on the 31st August 2025.


This is an employed position, and the salary is based on the NHS Agenda for Change salary scale, Band 6.. Details of the current rates are available here, and will be set pro-rata to the number of hours you work at the practice. This does not mean you are an NHS employee, the salary is simply based on the NHS pay scale. Your employment is directly with the practice.

The Study Day Programme

The educational programme for the scheme consists of approximately 20 study days throughout the year, usually held on Fridays. Study days may take place at one of the Dental Postgraduate Centres in East of England or as on-line session via MS Teams. Sessions are normally held from 9.30am - 4.30pm with suitable breaks for lunch and refreshments. There will be a mixture of presentations and problem solving seminars, workshops and ‘Hands-on’ experiences. The courses are centrally funded, so there is no charge for attendance.

The study day course is part of your appointment and attendance is mandatory. If you miss a session (e.g. through ill health) you should attend another study day, agreed with the Programme Lead, to ensure that you have completed the educational programme. This may have to be at your own cost.

Speakers and Contributors

The presenters of each session are highly regarded in their particular field of activity. They are, however, asked only to guide sessions and it is hoped that FDTs will involve themselves fully in the discussions and share their own experiences and ideas with the rest of the group. Group learning is an extremely powerful educational method and reinforces the concepts of experiential and peer review. Some study days may be shared with the Dental Foundation Trainees, and these will provide extended opportunities for team learning and discussion.

Assessment and Recording of Progress

An online e-Portfolio will be used throughout the period of training. This has various elements, commencing with the agreed record of discussion between you and your Educational Supervisor at the start of the programme, where each records their expectations of what is to be achieved. During your induction you will complete a record of your current clinical experience, which with discussion will help guide your learning in practice. There are several sections where you can reflect upon your experiences and progress, and logs to record fully your clinical activity.

During the year you will be assessed by your Educational Supervisor and other colleagues using nationally recognised assessment tools, and these are supplemented by Multi Source Feedback and Patient Satisfaction questionnaires. These are to ensure that you receives regular structured feedback and are aware of your progress. You will also be expected to complete a clinical record keeping review, a Clinical Case Presentation (to be judged) and a clinical audit.

There are no formal examinations, but there are progress reviews at intervals during the year and at the end of the training programme. These reviews are carried out by independent Panels who will look at the evidence contained in your ePortfolio.

Completion of Foundation Training

Completion of Foundation Training will be based on attendance of the Study Day Programme, Completion of the Portfolio, Audit, Case Presentation, Trainer/ Programme Lead reports. A certificate will be issued on completion of Foundation Training.

Foundation Dental Therapist Application

Provisional Timeline - Subject to change

23rd January 2025 

Dental Foundation Therapist expression of interest open.

31st March 2025

Dental Foundation Therapist expression of interest closes.

1st April 

Dental Foundation Therapist applications open.

30th April

Closing date for all Foundation Dental Therapist applications.

Applicants are advised to submit their applications well in advance of the deadline, as late or incomplete applications cannot be accepted. 

March and April

DTFT Educational Supervisor approval interviews and scoring begins


Matching and Allocation process for Foundation Therapist applicants to Training Practices



Educational Agreements DEADLINE


Dental Therapist Foundation Training programme commences, East of England Dental Foundation Trainees start in post




Tuesday, 4 June, 2024
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