The Half-Day Teaching Programme
The publication of the new RCGP curriculum for general practice gives VTS programme directors - for the first time - clear learning aims and objectives on which to build educational programmes.
In the early part of 2007 we therefore conducted a full review of the topics included in the half-day release programme with reference to the RCGP curriculum. This led to the current three-year rolling programme which plans out topics for the next three years. Depending on the importance we have attributed to individual topics these are revisited termly, yearly or three yearly.
Document downloads
Half Day Release 2015
Curriculum Coverage Overview
The following spreadsheet was devised as guidance for balancing curriculum coverage in the half-day programme. The aim is to ensure that central topics are covered more regularly (eg communication skills is termly) whilst more obstruse ones are covered at least twice every three years. Whilst we do not follow this slavishly (being at the mercy of speaker availability!) we base programmes on this formula when we can.
- 3 Year Rolling Half-Day Programme
Excel worksheet showing topics by frequency and subject over 3 years
Microsoft Excel document, 24 KB