1. Start early with your e-portfolio. If you are unsure about any aspect of this- please ask your supervisors / TPD.
2. Attend OPD clinics - very relevant to your GP training. Particularly helpful have been GUM clinics/ ENT/ headache.
3. Be organised - send-off documents to the lead employer St. Helena and Knowsley early on.
4. Be organised about UUC- apply early for shifts. Let practices know in advance when you are doing your sessions. Consider UUC in both Colchester & Clacton to develop a broad range of experiences.
5. Raise concerns early with your TPDs if these cannot be resolved by your hospital department or practice.
6. Be aware of your entitlements:
Mileage claims in General Practice
Relocation costs - check GP school website
Study leave allowance
Claiming study budgets in a timely fashion
7. Be sociable - keep in regular contact with your peers. We have a buddy system in place- please use it.
8. When preparing for exams set up study groups early