The principle purpose of the ARCP is to assess whether you are making satisfactory progress. It is also an opportunity to review previous training, identify and correct any deficiencies, agree a plan for future training and receive feedback from you on the quality of your training posts.
The ARCP should be undertaken on at least annual basis for all postgraduate doctors in training programme, with no more than 15 months apart to facilitate the revalidation. The ARCP may be conducted more frequently if there is a need to deal with performance and progression issue, if your previous outcome was outcome 2 or 3, or to facilitate acceleration of training.
The ARCP process is applicable for:
- all postgraduate doctors in training (including foundation, core and specialty doctors, those in less than full-time (LTFT) training and in academic programmes);
- doctors in training who are out of programme;
- LAT doctors;
- postgraduate doctors who resigned from training programme;
- postgraduate doctors expecting inter Deanery transfer;
- all doctors in training on parental leave or planning long term absence.
Please see the ARCP guidance in the Gold Guide
The ARCP invitations are usually sent 6-8 weeks prior to the planned review (unless agreed otherwise with TPD/HoS and postgraduate doctor).
What is required for your ARCP?
- Complete the Form R part B and Wider Scope of Practice if you have undertaken any locum posts.
- Keep your e-portfolio up to date with curriculum requirements for your current grade - contact your Educational Supervisor or Academic (if on OOPR) Supervisor or/and Training Programme Director for advise what is required.
- arrange meeting with your Supervisor for Educational Supervisor Report/ Academic Supervisor Report / MCR ( for surgery) to be completed in advance of ARCP.
- keep to the deadlines - 2 weeks prior to your ARCP:
- Form R submission
- E-portfolio last uploading/updates
- Educational/Academic Supervisor Report
If you have difficulty to keep to the deadline – please do contact us as soon as possible.
All EoE ARCPs are arranged via virtual platform, no face-to-face reviews are taking place since March 2020. Please note that you will not required to attend your ARCP, however, a Microsoft Teams call may be arranged. This is not required for all postgraduate doctors in training and you will be notified closer to the date only if teleconference is to be arranged.