Workforce, training and education
East of England

The training programme is based at the Norfolk & Norwich University Hospital (NNUH) and nearby East of England Imaging Academy. The academy was set up in 2005 and aims to train radiologists through a mixture of clinical experience, tutorials, simulators and use of archived investigations.

The scheme offers subspecialty training in Cardiothoracic, Gastrointestinal, Gynae/Urogenital, Musculoskeletal, Breast, Nuclear Medicine, Head & Neck, and Oncology. The Academy also offers ST4-ST6 subspecialty training in Interventional Radiology, to which trainees are appointed by competitive recruitment in their ST3 year. We also support trainees in finding subspecialty training placements in Paediatric Radiology and Neuroradiology, both within the region and beyond.

There are plenty of opportunities to get involved in teaching, audit and research at NNUH. In addition there is funding for an academic clinical fellowship post for trainees who are keen on research.

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Radiology Simulation Courses
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