You will usually have an ARCP near the end of each year of training.
You should receive an email detailing what you need to take with you and what you need to do 6 weeks before the date.
In general you should have completed a MSF and an ESSR on the RCOA eportfolio already. Your ESSR must detail all sick/compassionate/maternity/paternity leave. You should also upload a copy of your log book summary (as per the RCOA template), your consultant feedback summary, evidence of courses attended and exam certificates. You should also upload your IAC certificate in CT1 (both pages) and Initial Assessment of Competency in Obstetric Anaesthesia certificate in CT2 (both pages). Your eportfolio will lock 3 weeks before you ARCP so this needs to be done before then. Your MSF can take 8 weeks to complete so start it in plenty of time.
You need to email your enhanced form R to HEEoE 3 weeks before your ARCP.
You should take your EoE workbooks and feedback on your training with you to your ARCP. In CT 2 year you should also take your basic level training certificate signed by your college tutor so it can be signed at the ARCP by the Regional Advisor or deputy.
To allow the panel to look at the evidence in advance so the day to runs smoothly and thus allows time for discussion of other subjects, such as career guidance.
The panel varies. There may be some of the following; Regional advisor, deputy regional advisor, training programme director, college tutor from another hospital, lay member and representation from HEEoE. So there can be up to 8 members.
Your college tutor may be invited as an observer or to support you but wont sit on the panel.
It is a chance to review your progress and plan for your future training. If all the admin and paper work is completed in advance then there should be time to discuss your future career plans and get advise as needed.
Trainees in year 1 should aim for an outcome 1 if they have progressed as expected and completed everything required for the ARCP. At the end of CT2 hopefully you will get an outcome 6 and be ready to start an ST3 post.
There are many reasons why you may not get the outcomes as above (exam failure, incomplete paperwork etc). You should discuss in advance with your educational supervisor and/ or college tutor if you are worried you won't get a satisfactory outcome or are unsure what outcome to expect. The panel will explain your outcome to you and what it means.