Workforce, training and education
East of England

Locally Employed Doctors (LEDs)


NHS England is committed to maximising opportunities for the development of Locally Employed Doctors (LEDs) in the East of England (EoE). We recognise LEDs are a very important group who provide stability and service delivery across Trusts and Dental Practices. This is a diverse group of doctors ranging in experience from four years post qualification to, in some cases, over thirty years of medical experience. Each has their own personal and professional development needs extending beyond their delivery of clinical service. Service provision has traditionally been viewed as the main role of LEDs, and they make significant contributions to the advancement of medicine and the profession in areas of leadership, education, research and governance. 


NHS England Contacts

NHSE administrative support for Locally Employed Doctors (LEDs) is provided by the Faculty Support Team.

Please contact the SAS Doctor & LED Administrator for any local enquiries -


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