Workforce, training and education
East of England


Leadership & Management Training for Postgraduate Medical and Dental Trainees 


Being able to lead and work in a team are both essential attributes for all doctors, this is reflected in both the HEE mandate and the GMC’s generic professional capabilities (GPCs). These capabilities are now a core part of all postgraduate doctors' curriculum requirements. 

The Leadership Ladder is Health Education East of England’s foundational leadership training offering for all cross-speciality doctors throughout their training. The resource contains online, interactive modules covering three fundamental aspects of leadership, though there will be overlap between the three: leadership theory, myself as a leader, and leadership in practice. 

It aims to help you flexibly "build your ladder" to meet your curriculum needs, with support for reflection and practice, but also your individual needs and aspirations. 

Modules have been developed by doctors in training as well as established leaders and organisations to help fulfill these aims, with full quality assurance. 


For more information, or if you are interested in working with us to develop or deliver training, contact us

Thank you to all the trainees and educators who contributed to the 2022 Leadership Survey. We will be updating you with our findings, discussion, and action points shortly.



How does the Leadership Ladder work? What is the vision?



The HEE EoE strategy for training postgraduate medical and dental trainees in L&M aims to give trainees the opportunity to:

  • Improve their understanding of the current theoretical base underpinning L&M.
  • Develop their personal skills in L&M and teamwork.
  • Develop attitudes and behaviours to allow them to work effectively in this area.

in order to:

  • Equip all trainees with the core knowledge/theory, skills and attitudes all doctors need to work in the NHS.
  • Allow trainees to demonstrate and record the relevant capabilities in their portfolios in order to meet their curricular requirements.
  • Provide additional opportunities for those wishing to pursue a career in medical leadership.
  • Identify talented individuals and encourage them to meet their potential as future leaders.
  • Help all trainees assume a leadership role when appropriate and needed.



The leadership ladder is freely available to all doctors and dentists of all specialities and grades in training programmes across the East of England. For non-training doctors or those outside the East of England, see the below tab on "How do I access the modules?"

Modules are designed to be flexibly chosen to "mix-and-match" based on your individual learning or development needs. each module facilitates reflection for your portfolio as well as gives action points for putting learning into practice. Feedback is requested and certificates for completion are provided after completion of each module. Please give feedback as this is invaluable for the development of the resource.  

The programme is currently being developed in real-time by HEE fellows and collaborators from doctors in training and external organisations, with modules being rolled out as soon as they are ready for use. Updates will be published on the website here, as and when new modules become available. A three-stage quality assurance from a technical and education perspective is carried out to ensure information is accurate and educationally relevant. 

Whilst currently module-based, the leadership team are strategising to expand the offering to include more hybrid and face-to-face teaching and experiential learning. We are always open to ideas and feedback on how to improve. If you would like to do so, please contact


How do I access the modules?

The Leadership Ladder can be accessed via the digital learning platform Bridge. Remember to log in via your Bridge speciality-specific website via the banner above or download the Bridge mobile app. Modules you have been enrolled into will show up in the 'My Learning' section of your Bridge account, as shown below. 

Non-training doctors (e.g. speciality and specialist grade doctors or locally employed doctors) can also gain access to the resource on request. If you are a non-training doctor or international medical graduate who is finding it difficult to gain access to Bridge, then please get in contact with the blended learning team here.

We are looking to co-host new modules on HEE's Learning Hub Platform for access for national doctors in training and will update this webpage accordingly. 


PDF guidance can be accessed HERE

How can/do I use the modules? Is there a structure?

Content coming soon. 

What do the three strands of the Leadership Ladder cover?

Leadership in Theory

Myself as a Leader

Leadership in Practice

Aims to provide you with a solid grounding in the theory underpinning clinical leadership. This strand will cover core concepts such as the importance of leadership within healthcare, and the relative impacts that different leadership styles can have upon colleagues. It also progresses to examine some of the more challenging areas, such as those encompassing change management and organisational behaviour. This strand will draw insight from a wide range of sources to ensure that these modules provide you with a comprehensive, well-rounded understanding of the field of leadership theory as it stands today.


Digs a little deeper into you as a person, and you as a junior doctor leader. The modules encourage taking a closer look at the experiences that you’ve had to date, and what new insights about yourself you can gain from them. The topics covered in this strand vary greatly and include reflecting on your workplace relationships and the teams that you’ve worked in, exploring your personal values and how they shape you as a leader and thinking in more detail about what clinical leadership means to you. These modules aim to make you examine your own leadership practices, with a view to improving your effectiveness as a junior doctor leader as your training progresses.


Focuses on the more practical aspects of junior doctor leadership. Each module will cover a different “leadership activity.” Some of these activities may be a compulsory part of your training, and you may already be undertaking some of these activities frequently in your day-to-day work. These activities range from chairing meetings and leading ward rounds, through to mentoring colleagues and delivering service improvement.

These modules aim not only to give you the confidence to tackle these leadership activities, but also to make it easier for you to demonstrate that you achieving your required leadership competencies.

Modules Available:

  • A 4-module Quality Improvement Educational Program 

  • A Junior Doctor Guide to the NHS

  • Theories of Leadership 

  • Developing teams and psychological safety

  • Host vs Hero Leadership 

  • What is leadership, and why is it important?

Modules Available:

  • Your Role within a Team 

  • Strengths-based Leadership 

  • Understanding state and its impact on you as a leader - module 1

  • Understanding State and its impact on you as a Leader - module 2


Modules available:

  • Using National Clinical Audit Data in QI

  • Attending and Chairing Meetings

  • Leading a Handover

  • Leading a Ward Round

  • Being a Trainee Representative 



I'd like to be involved in producing a leadership module for the platform, how can I help?

We are keen to hear from potential collaborators who may be interested in working with us to produce a module, either within one of the suggested titles, or we can discuss a new module in an area of your own choice. To get in touch, please contact

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