Workforce, training and education
East of England

Please note: This page is only applicable if your trainee is NOT employed with the Lead Employer. 


Equality and Diversity

Online training in Equality and Diversity is available here.

Appointment Procedure

To complete the appointment process, you should write to the trainee making a formal offer of placement, subject to satisfactory occupational health screening and Disclosure Barring Service (DBS) check. The letter must include meet the following requirements -

1.     Advise of the arrangements for obtaining occupational health screening

2.     Request acceptance of the offer and the date on which the trainee expects to take up the position.

3.     Remind registrars who require an extension to their work permit that it is their responsibility to organise this with the practice and they must provide the application form to you at least one month before their current status is due to expire.

4.     Request completion of the GP Trainee Appointment form and the GPTA1 form, if applicable (details below) with attached copies of the requested documents.

5.     Advise registrars to contact the National Area Team in order to ensure they are included on the medical performers list.

6.     Provide the contact details for the person undertaking DBS Checks.


We have an example letter linked here for your reference.

Please note that any queries (eg. visits by the trainee) must be resolved before your offer of employment is made.  Once an offer is made, it cannot be withdrawn unless there are exceptional reasons (for example, new knowledge of pending disciplinary action).  HEEoE must be informed and provided with detailed reasons in writing before you take this step.

GP Trainee Appointment Form

Whenever your practice accepts a GPST, the GPST and GP trainer should jointly complete a GP Trainee Appointment (GPTA) Form. A new form is required even if the GPST has previously undertaken a period of training at your practice and is now returning to undertake a further period of training.

Completion of this form is required in order that:

·         HEEoE can authorise the appropriate agency to reimburse payments to your practice in respect of the GPST's salary, expenses and the GP trainer's grant.

·         The payments agency will calculate the GPST's starting salary and inform the practice accordingly.

We recommend that wherever possible the form is returned to HEEoE two to three months prior to the commencement of the attachment. We would also ask you to draw to the attention of your GPST the documentation that should be submitted with the form (as detailed on the form). Failure to submit this documentation will result in a delay in reimbursement. To avoid delay please weigh the envelope before posting to;


GP School Administrator
Health Education East of England
2-4 Victoria House

Capital ParkFulbourn
CB21 5XB

Alternatively you can scan and email the form to 

If the doctor's last medical post was undertaken in a non-NHS organisation then they should also complete GPTA1 Form. If you have any queries regarding the completion of the GP Trainee Appointment form, please contact the GP School Administrator.

We always acknowledge in writing the receipt of the GP Trainee Appointment Form - acknowledgement will be sent to the GP trainer together with the educational and trainer agreements. If you have not received written confirmation within ten working days of submitting the form, please contact the GP School Administrator.  

Details of the Payments Agencies are provided at the end of this page.

GP Trainee Salary

The Registrar's salary is calculated by the Payments Agency. HEEoE is unable to give advice to GPST's or practices regarding the expected level of salary. The Payments Agency will only be able to make an assessment upon receipt of a fully completed GP Trainee Appointment form together with any required supporting documentation, in particular the most recent payslip.

The salary is determined according to previous seniority within the NHS and in some cases it is possible for overseas experience to be recognised. Further information is available in the Directions.

There is an appeals mechanism for GPSTs who disagree with the level of salary determined by the Payments Agency.  The appropriate agency will provide full details should an appeal be necessary.

National Performers List (NPL)

It is the trainee's responsibility before starting work in General Practice to make sure that they are placed on the National Medical Performer's List. To apply for entry onto the Performer's List they must visit​ and follow the instructions. Please follow the instructions embedded in the form which inform you about the other documentation to be provided. The website will give contact details for the team managing the trainee's area, please contact them for detailed instructions on where to send the application. The trainee must ensure they are on the Performer's List prior to starting their post. 

The performer’s list regulations allow a GPST, as long as he/she has first applied to join an area team's list, to perform primary medical services despite not being included in the list.  This easement lasts until either the area team gives the GPST the decision on the application, or for two months beginning with the date the training begins (whichever is earlier).  The GMS Contract Regulations 12 make equivalent provision by permitting training practices to employ GP StRs without confirming that their names appear in the performer list until the end of the first two months of the training period.  Area teams are asked, nevertheless, to give priority to the processing of primary medical performers list applications from GPSTs.

Disclosure and Barring Service – (DBS - formerly CRB checks)

Criminal record and barring check standard

The department of Health has also issued a statement saying that doctors in training should have a DBS check as a minimum once every three years - see - Disclosure and Barring Service (DBS) checks for doctors in training.

Part of the new system is the ability for an individual to subscribe to the DBS update system. This means that a doctor on a longer training programme can apply once in their training programme and the check will be portable and indeed updated for no extra cost throughout the rest of the programme.

This service is now live. Because the service has significant benefit for the employee, the legal responsibility for paying the £54 cost of the DBS check lies with the employee. There is no reimbursement for this fee.

Occupational Health Screening

There are circumstances where it might be appropriate to refer a GPST for an occupational health opinion during the course of their period of training. If such circumstances should arise, please contact the GP School for Advice.

Assessment can be undertaken by your local hospital trust occupational health department. The cost of screening can be re-claimed from the Payments Agency from which you receive payments in respect of GPSTs. Please forward invoices directly to the agency, unfortunately it is not possible to reimburse the costs directly from HEEoE. Screening should not be undertaken by a partner within the training practice. For doctors who are currently undertaking a training post in another area it would be perfectly acceptable for the screening to be undertaken at their local hospital trust.

Immigration Status and Work Permits (Tier 2)

Any non UK/EEA national seeking entry or permission to remain in the UK for the purpose of employment will require a Certificate of Sponsorship from a government approved licence holder. As a licence holder, Health Education East of England (the former Deanery) is able to apply for sponsorship certificates for eligible applicants in postgraduate specialty training posts and, if successful, HEEoE will be able to offer sponsorship for a Tier 2 Visa to cover the period of training.

Less Than Full Time Training (LTFT)

If a GPST wishes to undertake their training on a part time basis the proposed arrangements should be agreed with the practice and Programme Directors and HEEoE must be informed. As working less than full time (LTFT) will prolong the period spent in each placement there may be an overlap with another GPST who is already scheduled to come to the practice at a later date as a result. If the practice is unable to accommodate both GPSTs (or approval for more than one GPST cannot be granted by the LTFT Dean), arrangements may need to be made for the LTFT GPST to transfer to an alternative practice at the appropriate time in order to complete their training. Again, Programme Directors should be consulted regarding such matters and HEEoE must be informed.

If you are requesting assistance with calculating periods of training, completion dates and advice on other issues that may arise regarding part time training, please contact your TPD or Post Graduate Centre Administrator.

The minimum percentage of full time a doctor may work is 50% (previously 60%). Saturday mornings (if applicable) should be undertaken at the appropriate percentage of that normally undertaken by a full time GPST at the practice. Out of hours work should be undertaken pro rata in accordance with the COGPED guidelines.

The amount of time devoted to teaching and educational events should be in accordance with the following guidelines (extracted from the Criteria for the Selection and Re-approval of General Practice Trainers and Practices).


Full Time GPR

Part time GPR

Undisturbed face to face teaching (eg formal tutorial with full debriefing)

2.5 hours

2.5 hours

Other educational events eg, informal teaching/ debriefing, practice educational meetings)

2.5 hours

Proportionate to the % of full time hours worked (eg if working at 60% this would be 1.5 hours)

Planning and Preparation

2 hours

2 hours

Further information regarding less than full time training can be found here: ltft_overview

Training Grant

The Payments Agency will forward the monthly trainers grant to the practice. The monthly payment is approximately £645.92.

Study Leave Claims - Legacy Cases Only

Please note: If you are employed with St Helens and Knowsley Teaching Hospitals NHS Trust, you must claim your study leave directly from them as your employer. Please see our Lead Employer page.

As of 1 April 2016, we will no longer have two annual claiming periods in which you must submit your claim forms.

We will now accept study leave claims throughout the year.  Please note that you must submit your claim form within 4 weeks from the date of the course.  All claims must be submitted before the end of the financial year in which cost was incurred (the financial year is 1st April to 31st March). Any claims outside of these dates will not be paid.

We do not reimburse for exam fees, mock exam fees or travel expenses for these exams.  You are entitled to claim £600.00 per 12 months in a GP placement - £50.00 per 1 month.  For example, if you are in an 9 month GP placement then you will be entitled to claim £450.00.  

Over the 18 month period in General Practice, this totals to £900.00. This is your TOTAL allowance.  If you have already claimed £900 from your study leave budget, please be aware that there are no new funds available for you.  

Application Process -

To claim the money from your study leave budget you must submit the ‘Study Leave Backing Sheet’ and the ‘Study Leave Claim Form’.  

Please ensure you list all courses you have attended and the amounts on the backing sheet.

Please ensure that the correct amount has been claimed.  There should only be the total claimed amount in the box – no additional narrative or workings.  Please ensure that the total listed on the claim form is equal to that listed on the backing sheet.

Please ensure that bank details provided.   The account name must be the name of the claimant, not the name of the bank.

Please ensure all sections of a form are completed and that the 'Declaration by Claimant' section has been signed by hand.   Failure to do this will result in payment being delayed.

Study Leave Claim Form                  Study Leave Backing Sheet

Image                            Image


HEE are unable to accept any handwritten claim forms, these MUST be typed. If any handwritten claim forms are received you will not be contacted and your claim form will not be returned.

Please note that you will not be required to submit certificates or receipts but you MUST keep these for your records.  As part of the audit process, we will require a number of trainees to submit their full records to us on a randomised basis.

Please return all forms to the GP School - 

Scan and send to

OR send via post to Health Education East of England, General Practice, 2-4 Victoria House, Capital Park, Fulbourn Cambridge, CB21 5XB.

Please note: If you are employed with St Helens and Knowsley Teaching Hospitals NHS Trust, you must claim your study leave directly from them as your employer. Please see our Lead Employer page

Payments Agencies Contact Details
From 1 April 2016, Capita have taken over the trainee payments.

Should you have any queries relating to trainee payments, please direct these to the appropriate payment agency listed below.




Lincolnshire, Cambridgeshire, Norfolk and Suffolk

 Primary Care Support England
 Delivered on behalf of NHS England by Capita
 Payments Section
 3 Caxton Road
 PR2 9ZZ

 Essex, Hertforshire and Bedfordshire
 Primary Care Support England 
 Delivered on behalf od NHS England by Capita  and ACE
 Carnarvon House
 Carnarvon Road
 Clacton on Sea
 Essex, CO15 6QD

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