Workforce, training and education
East of England
ARCP: Annual Review of Competence Progression

All doctors in GP training must be reviewed at least once a year to ensure that they are progressing satisfactorily through their training programme. This review is carried out at the Annual Review of Competence Progression panel (ARCP panel).  ARCP panels are usually held at the local training programme. Trainees don’t usually need to attend unless there is some concern that an unsatisfactory outcome might be indicated. Trainees will be notified of the date that their ARCP panel is taking place.

If there are any concerns about the trainee's progress, then they will be invited to attend a central ARCP panel at Victoria House, Fulbourn (currently being held remotely via Teams). Your progress will be discussed as well as the options open to you. If a trainee is invited to attend an ARCP review, it will be to discuss their future progression and the options that are open to them.

The panel is organised by HEE, EoE and will consist of at least three panel members (two panel members during the covid-19 pandemic), made up from the following: The GP Dean or Deputy GP Dean, an Associate Director, a Programme Director, a Trainer, a lay member.  

The local GPST Programme Administrator will notify the trainee and the Educational Supervisor when the ARCP will be taking place. The ARCP normally takes place 6-8 weeks before the trainee’s scheduled training year end. The panel review the information recorded within the trainee’s e-portfolio. It is the responsibility of the trainee to ensure the correct information is recorded within e-portfolio. Trainees need to ensure that their Educational Supervisor (ES) has completed and submitted the Educational Supervisor Report (ESR) within 2 months of the date of the ARCP panel. The trainee needs to ensure that both they and the ES have signed off the report.  If the ESR has not been completed and submitted for the ARCP review, an outcome 5 will be given (please see below the list of outcomes).

Once an ARCP has been completed the outcome cannot be changed. The ARCP panel members can enter concerns or areas that require further development within the ARCP review form. Trainees are encouraged to read their ARCP form and take note of any comments recorded. The trainee will receive notification within their ePortfolio that there is an ARCP that requires their electronic signature to show acceptance of the outcome and the report.

The trainee will be notified by HEE, EoE via email of their ARCP review outcome.

Trainees can ask for a review, or appeal against certain unsatisfactory outcomes. Please see the Gold Guide for details of this process.

If a trainee is in their final year of training the accepted final ARCP review will activate the trainees Certificate of Completion of Training (CCT) application. A trainee must apply to both the GMC and RCGP for the award of a CCT. RCGP will provide them with details of the online registration link (via which a trainee applies to the GMC).

Listed below are the potential ARCP outcomes:

ARCP outcomes:

  • Outcome 1: Achieving progress and the development of competences at the expected rate
  • Outcome 2: Development of specific competences required – additional training time not required
  • Outcome 3: Inadequate progress by the trainee – additional training time required
  • Outcome 4: Released from training programme with or without specified competences
  • Outcome 5: Incomplete evidence presented – additional training time may be required
  • Outcome 6: Gained all the required competencies for completion of training
  • Outcome 8: Out of programme (for those currently undertaking research or experience)

In exceptional circumstances, following discussion with an Associate Dean, a trainee may also be awarded one of the following outcomes:

  • Outcome 10.1: Achieving progress, acquisition of some capabilities have been delayed by Covid, remaining training still available.
  • Outcome 10.2: Achieving progress, acquisition of some capabilities have been delayed by Covid, e.g. exams, has reached CCT date or other transition point, so additional training time is needed.

Please refer to the Gold Guide for the full list and details of the outcomes.

General Practice ARCP Dates 

Central ARCP panels will usually happen on the last Wednesday of the month, although this is subject to change

You will be allocated an ARCP date by the Assessment Administrator. 

For further information on Assessments and Revalidation please click here