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5th January 2018
Pilot Mentor Training Course
Yesterday we ran our pilot Mentor Training Course. We were excited but also a little nervous because as Mentoring Fellows we have spent a good chunk of our time in post so far working on the resources for this course. As well as the slides and activities for the day itself, we have also been working on a comprehensive takeaway booklet for attendees, as well as a facilitator handbook so that in future scheme leaders will be confident to deliver the materials within their own scheme. Places on the course sold out on the first day it was advertised and there was a full waiting list, adding to the pressure.
Last minute preparations...
The course itself ran smoothly, largely thanks to the support of our Faculty Support Administrator Jenni Swain. We were lucky to have a really engaged and interactive group of trainees in attendance. They made excellent headway with the activities and asked insightful questions. They also seemed to be enjoying the day - a real bonus. It was especially good to hear how they are planning to put their learning into action at the end of the day. The feedback we received was very positive as you can see from some of the quotes below:
Very well structured, interactive
The "mock mentoring session" is very useful. Good group work
Many thanks for equipping me to become a future mentor
So what next? Of course there is always room for improvement, and we will be refining the programme and making some adjustments ahead of our second pilot session on 2nd February. Then our next aim is to role out the teaching by co-delivering to with scheme organisers in other programmes thoughout the region. We can share the resources we have developed (slides, handouts and facilitator handbook) and even help you deliver it to get you started. If you are interested in accessing mentoring training or would like us to co-deliver teaching to the mentors (or potential mentors) in your scheme, please get in touch via
We're looking forward to hear from you!
Follow us on Twitter at @eoementoring
Friday 10th November 2017
Mentoring not only holds many benefits for the mentee, mentors benefit too. Why not have a look at our twitter feed to find out how some of our East of England mentors and mentees benefit from mentoring and what it means to them. Why not reply with what mentoring means to you? If you fancy you can always tweet us a picture!
Here's Consultant Psychiatrist Yasir Hameed sharing what being a mentor means to him...
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#eoementoring #mentoringandme
Friday 27th October 2017
National Mentoring Day
Happy National Mentoring Day!
Across the East of England trainees are developing mentoring schemes and here at East of England we are working hard to help provide the structure and resources that are needed to smooth this path.
Given the recent appropriate focus on mental health and stress in the workplace it is so important that all trainees are given the support and opportunity they need to achieve their full potential. What better to do this than embedding a mentoring scheme within your training programme!
Mentoring is well-established in other sectors including business and education. Why not have a look at for further information and inspiration!
Below is a video by Andy Burnham, Mayor of Greater Manchester, on the wider role of mentoring..
What inspiring mentors have you had? Tweet us at @eoementoring!
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Thursday 19th October 2017
Meeting at Victoria House, Fulbourn
Really productive day working on putting together resources to help doctors and dentists across the East of England set-up and run their own mentoring schemes.
We're currently populating the website with schemes already running, both National and Regional. Check in on our Mentoring Schemes page over the next few weeks to see what's available. Perhaps there is a scheme that you know about that we've missed?
If you're interested in becoming a mentor but there doesn't seem to be a suitable scheme for you we may be able to put you in touch with one.
Maybe there's a gap in your hospital or specialty? Why not consider starting-up your own scheme? Resources will become available on the website over the next month which will provide you with the resources needed. We can even come and deliver the teaching with you for your first session.
We're in the process of confirming workshop dates for setting up mentoring schemes which will be running soon. Get in contact with us if you're interested.
Finally, there are many schemes regionally that are just getting up and running. Not all of these are on the website. If you're thinking about starting up a scheme drop us an e-mail or send us a tweet and we can let you know if there is already one in development in your area.
Watch this space!
Follow us @eoementoring to hear the latest updates.
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Wednesday 18th October 2017
Health Education England East of England Development Day
Great presentations from Dr Maria Cooke (Programme Director Coaching & Mentoring HEE), Dr Cat Macdougall (Mentoring Fellow) and Dr Elena Cattaneo (Paediatrician).
The focus was on the benefits that mentoring can bring to both trainees and consulants alike and that it should not just be focused on trainees in difficulty. Cat and Elena also shared their experience of setting up schemes.
With the resources under development in the East of England this will get even simpler. Check back regularly as the website and resources develop and become available.
Currently we are confirming dates to run workshops to help schools set up their own mentoring schemes and are ready to come and help co-deliver those first sessions to train your mentors.
Follow us @eoementoring to hear the latest updates.
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Thursday 5th October 2017
Faculty of Royal College of Obstetricians and Gynaecologists Medical Educators Summit
Dr Maria Cooke (Programme Director Coaching & Mentoring HEE), Dr Cat Macdougall and Dr Laura Blackburn (HEEoE Mentoring Fellows) presented at the RCOG Medical Educators Summit on Thursday 5th October. It was fantastic opportunity to share knowledge and experience with our O&G colleagues. We discussed the benefits of mentoring, how to go about setting up a mentoring scheme and also a more personal take on the impact mentoring can have when out of programme.
Wednesday 1st August 2017
Dr Catriona Macdougall and Dr Laura Blackburn have been appointed as Mentoring Fellows for the East of England. For the next year will work towards establishing core mentoring resources to support schemes already running, help establish mentoring and generally raise the profile of mentoring.
Cat is an ST6 in Paediatrics currently working in NICU at the Rosie Hospital in Cambridge.
"I am passionate about improving the support available to trainees across the East of England. I strongly believe that mentoring is a great way to help all trainees maximise their potential and achieve excellence. I hope that over the next year we will be able to work on a number of projects to help accelerate the delivery of high quality mentoring across HEEoE."
Laura is a Gastroenterology trainee currently working at The Norfolk and Norwich University Hospital, Norwich. See her pen portrait here.
"This is an exciting opportunity to work with others who are as passionate about mentoring as we are. The focus over the next year will be to create a shared resource across the region, raise the profile of mentoring and move towards mentoring being viewed as valuable in the personal and professional development of all doctors. To guide our trainees in not only reaching their potential, but beyond it..."