Trainee Area
The trainee section aims to provide an overview of training requirements along with some handy resources and guidance.
If you have further questions please use the contacts page or speak to your educational supervisor

(link in downloads section of linked page)
1. Start early with your e-portfolio. If you are unsure about any aspect of this- please ask your supervisors / TPD.
2. Attend OPD clinics - very relevant to your GP training. Particularly helpful have been GUM clinics/ ENT/ headache.
3. Be organised - send-off documents to the lead employer St. Helena and Knowsley early on.
4. Be organised about UUC- apply early for shifts. Let practices know in advance when you are doing your sessions. Consider UUC in both Colchester & Clacton to develop a broad range of experiences.
5. Raise concerns early with your TPDs if these cannot be resolved by your hospital department or practice.
6. Be aware of your entitlements:
Mileage claims in General Practice
Relocation costs - check GP school website
Study leave allowance
Claiming study budgets in a timely fashion
7. Be sociable - keep in regular contact with your peers. We have a buddy system in place- please use it.
8. When preparing for exams set up study groups early.