Workforce, training and education
East of England



The enhance explore offer is a complete enhance experience currently available to foundation doctors applying via Foundation Priority Programmes

It consists of core educational content, which is complemented by the delivery of further live teaching and reflection opportunities through our learning event days: 



2023/2024 learning event dates


For more information about the learning events or to book email:


Generalism Longitudinal Integrated Clerkship


One of the key innovations delivered during the second year of foundation is the Generalism Longitudinal Integrated Clerkship (GLIC) placement. 

A GLIC consists of two 6-month hospital rotations running in parallel with a variety of yearlong community placements, instead of the typical separate 4-month rotations that doctors traditionally experience. 

An example is set-out below (please note that your community aspect will depend on your specific programme and may not be GP).


The post is designed to give the trainee a direct experience in how the interface between primary, secondary and wider community services interact as well as having unique opportunities delivered at a local level via enhance experiences.

GLIC placements should not add to trainees’ workload.  Rotas are arranged locally by the employing Trust to ensure they are comparable to those of non-enhance trainees and are contractually compliant.


Enhance experiences 

Enhance experiences allow you to gain deeper understanding of a particular enhance related interest.

Whether that’s spending time in the physiotherapy department to understand how patients undergo rehabilitation or engaging with the pharmacy team or working with a local community group; the enhance team will aim to support you and make appropriate contacts to create a relevant, meaningful and engaging learning experience.   

For tips how to organise this please contact:

Why should I choose an Enhance post?

Generalism/Enhance is an exciting new postgraduate healthcare training program equipping clinicians to work across traditional disciplinary and speciality boundaries, suited to those who are passionate about innovation and delivering long-term changes.

Enhance is about enabling our future healthcare workforce to deal with increasing complexity…

… in terms of the patient (older, multimorbidity, polypharmacy etc)

 in terms of the systems (new hospitals, new ways of working across primary and secondary care, new services like hospital at home, frailty units, multidisciplinary diagnostic centres and how these fit into, and some cases, replace traditional models of care)

…in terms of the wider world and society (increasingly mobile populations, equality, diversity and inclusion and environmental sustainability).

IT IS about flexibility and adaptability of approach rather than a rigid commitment to a single narrow area of specialist knowledge.

A generalist is a valuable team member, a natural leader and is resilient when the world changes around them.

In medical training, the Enhance explore posts include additional educational programme elements starting in F1 and a longitudinal integrated clerkship (GLIC) in F2 between primary and secondary care.

How is Enhance delivered?

Enhance Explore contains both clinical and educational elements. Enhance is a modular development programme taking you through your early years of postgraduate training.  Through the Enhance programme you will be offered unique opportunities to work with subject specialists (via both enhance experiences and the GLIC placement), lead on change projects and build an exciting CV.  

The educational aspects of the Enhance programme are themed around the six modules and four cross cutting themes of Enhance:


These modules should be completed across your 2-year foundation programme. 

For each module you should expect to spend approximately 3-4 hours engaging with online material, and attend the associated learning event (please note that attendance at learning events are mandatory for those who are placed in enhance explore posts).  Completion of these core elements allow the doctor in training to develop as a skilled practitioner with knowledge and expertise in a broad range of disciplines that will stand them in good stead to work within the 21st century NHS.  Each module offers triggers for deeper learning, reflective practice and for the opportunity of activism and quality improvement experience.  There may also be opportunities to write (and potentially publish) material. 

What is the GLIC?

The Enhance Generalist longitudinal integrated clerkship (GLIC) is a new model of rotation for the F2 year where, instead of undertaking a traditional model of three separate full-time clinical placements for four months each, you would undertake two 6-month secondary placements at 0.6 WTE (60%), plus a 12-month placement running alongside in primary/community care at 0.4 WTE (40%). An example is shown below:


Please note the GLIC may be split into 2x 6-months posts where this better aligns with the secondary care specialty.  The community placements are determined locally by your employing Trust. 

What are the advantages of undertaking the GLIC placement?

Experience from Harvard Medical School shows that learners going through Longitudinal Clerkships perform to a higher standard than learners going through traditional blocks. Doing clinical attachments in blocks has created many good clinicians “The question is not whether blocks are good and fine. They are… There’s something better beyond blocks, and it’s streams.” Dr David Hirsh, Harvard Medical School.

The rationale is related to how people learn. At school, we didn’t learn four months of maths, then four months of English, then four months of history etc. Mixing up different types of problems improves learning, and learning is more durable when stretched out over longer periods.

When applied to clinical rotations people learn more adaptability and that learning “sticks” better if it is drawn out over a longer period for part of the week, rather than doing a 4-month block. Trainees become more embedded into team cultures, and having one foot in the community and one in the hospital helps keep a mindset of examining patient problems form more than one perspective to create a whole-system approach.

There is a steep learning curve to begin with and some additional organisational challenges around moving to more than one workplace, but learners going through those pathways report that they’ve preferred it by the end of those rotations because of what they’ve learned (Hirsh et al., 2014).


There is a further potential learning opportunity for trainees. When clinical areas align, they will be able to follow patient journeys through different parts of the system. For example, an F2 looking after a child in hospital may be reviewing them in a community paediatric clinic a couple of weeks later. That patient journey perspective is one that is extremely powerful for learning about person-centred practice and about systems. Thinking about people in a holistic way rather than as “the diabetic foot in bay 2”. These opportunities, they can be extremely helpful for trainees to demonstrate Foundation Professional Competencies (FPCs) on which they’ll be assessed as foundation doctors.

The GLIC is helpful to train generalists, but there is also increasing evidence that a grounding in generalism makes better specialists. Trainees learn how to make better decisions with their patient in the context of the wider healthcare team and increasingly complex environment, and that’s what gives Enhance its impact on their future careers.

Reference: Hirsh DA, Holmboe ES, ten Cate O. Time to trust: longitudinal integrated clerkships and entrustable professional activities. Acad Med. 2014 Feb;89(2):201-4. doi: 10.1097/ACM.0000000000000111. PMID: 24362396.

When do learning events take place, where and how often?

The learning events associated with the enhance explore are held over your two year training pathway, there are 7 learning events in total that you are expected to attend over the 2 year period. This equates to 1 per rotation in F1, and 2 per 6 months in F2. Learning event dates for doctors commencing posts in 2023, 2024 and 2025 are below:


Due to the widespread base locations across the East of England, these hubs will be held centrally, usually in the Cambridge area (though on occasions we may use other locations dependent on availability of venues).  To help support your planning, approximate timings are provided below, both via car and public transport.  Please note all timings are based on an arrival time of 09:45 on a random Monday morning as calculated by Google Maps.  Time are based on central departure location to central Cambridge and do not take into consideration your home location or specific venue location.  Please note that to account for your travel time we usually commence our learning events around 10:15, and aim to finish by 16:30. 


Monday, 25 September, 2023
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Monday, 25 September, 2023
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